- Max. dissimilarity: 0.157
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.101
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69685019 - Crazycatz935
- WINNER - 69879663 - JanetCormack
- 71068420 - SailorVal
- 71165232 - the3esses
- 71277917 - wrightj2h
- 71610211 - Preacher357

69685019 - Crazycatz935
Blackheath6 August
Dearest Sylvia
I adore your sketch of The Fang. It is wonderful. How I want to see
it. To quote from the song in Singin' In the Rain: Nature must have
fashioned it for you - it is completely a see-scene.
It is marvelous news that you can visit me. You suggest
coming on the 15th or 16th. Little day suits me very well. I must
warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So leaving
that in mind you should arrange to go on to Bath from Blackheath
when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can.
I hope that is clear and quick about the dates, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your painting; glad, too, that it
was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging rewards about The Guard
drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the
moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready- on
Realism & Surrealism. Word, by the way, was quite well-
received: about 25 people.
Had a very nice time at Passover. A pleasant supper:
then Wendy disappeared at P., Hill, and I talked about ART.
mainly about Picasso & Mondrian and the choice between
concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had
some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris.
He tells me, by the way, the Picasso in the T.G. etc., is in
1912 - which is incredibly early. Pasmore is coming to
tea, here, on Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is terribly difficult to explain impartially to popular audience.
I will write again very soon.
Love you,
WINNER - 69879663 - JanetCormack
Blackheath6 August
Dearest Sylvia
I adore your sketch of The Forge. It is wonderful. How I want to see it. To quote from the sone in Singin' In The Rain: Nature must have fashioned it for you - it is completely a see-scene.
It is marvellous news that you can visit me.You suggest coming on the 15th or 16th. Either day suits me very well. I must warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So bearing that in mind you should arrange to go on to Bath from Blackheath when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can. I hope that it is clear and quick about the dates, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your paintings; glad, too, that M was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging remarks about The Guard drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready - on Dadaism and Surrealism. Ward, by the way, was quite well received: about 25 people.
Have a very nice time at Pasmores. A pleasant supper: then Wendy disappeared & P., Hill and I talked about ART. Mainly about Picasso and Mondrian and the choice between concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris. He tells me, by the way, the Pichabia in the T.G. exh., is ca 1912 - which is incredibly early. Pasmore is comint to tea, here, on Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is terribly difficult to explain impartially to a popular audience.
I will write again very soon
I love you
71068420 - SailorVal
Blackheath6 August
Dearest Sylvia
I adore your sketch of The Forg. It is wonderful. How I want to see
it. To quote from the song in Singin' In The Rain: Nature must have
fashioned it for you - it is completely a see-scene.
It is marvellous news that you can visit me, You suggest
coming on the 15th or 16th. Either day suits me very well. I must
warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So bearing
that in mind you should arrange to go on to Bath from Blackheath
when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can.
I hope that is clear and quick about the date, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your paintings; glad, too, that it
was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging remarks about The Guard
drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the
moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready - on
Dadaism & Surrealism. Ward, by the way, was quite well received: about 25 people.
Had a very nice time at Pasmores. A pleasant supper:
then Wendy disappeared & P., Hill and I talked about ART.
Mainly about Picasso & Mondrian and the choice between
concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had
some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris.
He tells me, by the way, the Picabia in the T.G. etc., is ca
1912 - which is incredibly early. Pasmore is coming to
tea, here, n Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is
terribly difficult to explain impartially to a popular audience.
I will write again very soon
love you
71165232 - the3esses
Blackheath6 August
Dearest Sylvia
I adore your sketch of The Forge. It is wonderful. How I want to see it. To quote from the song in Singin' In The Rain: Nature must have fashioned it for you - it is completely a see-scene.
It is marvellous news that you can visit me. You suggest coming on the 15th or 16th. Either day suits me very well. I must warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So bearing that in mind you should arrange to go on to Bath from Blackheath when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can. I hope that is clear and quick about the dates, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your painting; glad, too, that M was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging remarks about T6 Guard drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready - on Dadaism & Surrealism. Ward, by the way, was quite well received: about 25 people.
Had a very nice time at Pasmores. A pleasant supper; then Wendy disappeared & P., Hill, and I talked about ART, mainly about Picasso & Mondrian and the choice between concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris.
He tells me, by the way, the Picahia in the T.G. de., is ca 1912 - which is incredibly early. Pasmore is coming to tea, now, on Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is terribly difficult to explain impartially to a popular audience.
I will write again very soon.
Love you
71277917 - wrightj2h
Blackheath6 August
Dearest Sylvia
I adore your sketch of The Forge. It is wonderful. How I want to see it. To quote from the song in Singin' In The Rain : Nature must have fashioned it for you - it is completely a see-scene.
It is marvellous news that you can visit me. You suggest coming on the 15th or 16th. Either day suits me very well. I must warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So bearing that in mind you should arrange to go on to Ball from Blackheath when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can. I hope that is clear and quick about the dates, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your paintings; glad, too, that he was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging remarks about The Guard drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready - on Dadaism & Surrealism. Waid, by the way, was quite well-received; about 25 people.
Had a very nice time at Passmores. A pleasant supper; then Wendy disappeared to P. Hill, and I talked about ART. Mainly about Picasso & Mondrian and the choice between concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris. He tells me, by the way, the Picalia in the T.G. etc is circa 1912 - which is incredibly early.
Passmore is coming to tea, here, on Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is terribly difficult to explain impartially to a popular audience.
I will write again soon
I love you
71610211 - Preacher357
6 August Blackheath Dearest SylviaI adore your sketch of the Forge. It is wonderful. How I want to see
it. To quote from the song in Singin' In The Rain: Nature must have
fashioned it for you - it is completly a see-scene.
It is marvellous news that you can visit me. You suggest
coming on the 15th or 16th. Either day suits me very well. I must
warn you, I cannot be sure of having much money. So bearing
that in mind, you should arrange to go on to Bath from Blackheath
when you think best. But do stay with me for as long as you can.
I hope that is clear and quick about the dates, as you requested.
I am glad George liked your paintings; glad, too, that it
was pleasant and says he will be helpful. Good!
Thank you for your encouraging remarks about The Guard
drawing. I will try and work it up soon. I have not time at the
moment. I am busy getting tomorrow's lecture ready - on
Dadaism & Surrealism. Ward, by the way, was quite well -
received: about 25 people.
Had a very nice time at Pasmores. A pleasant supper:
then Wendy disappeared & P., Hill, and I talked about ART.
Mainly about Picasso & Mondrian and the choice between
concrete art and abstracting pictures from nature. Hill had
some interesting opinions & recent news of art in Paris.
He tell me, by the way, the Picahin in the T.G. ech., is in
1912 - which is incredibly early. Pasmore is coming to
tea, here, on Sunday 10th.
Darling, I must do some more work on Duchamp. He is
terribly difficult to explain impartially to a popular audience.
I will write you again very soon
I love you