- Max. dissimilarity: 0.403
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.219
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68722860 - Preacher357
- 70426023 - JanetCormack
- 70526178 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 71114191 - RommelC
- 71283945 - k.h.pot
- 71438123 - ChaoticK

68722860 - Preacher357
Lion is rather rushed. I am ready Monday & Tues-day lectures: Monday is xxthc. Masterpieces. I am doing large
works by Rousseau, Picarro, Derchan, Leges, Oagull. Then
on Tuesday Madigliani & ittnillo about whom I know very
little, at the moment. Yesterday I lectured at the NG on
se Greco & Zurara (110 or so people): it was nice to give
a public lecture there again.
Paul Harding has a beard, a small one all round hi face, which he is on
the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a
Newgate Fringe. I think that will suit him. We saw a
technicolour musical - If You Feel Like Singin' with
Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no Singin' In The Rain..
Well I must get on with my lecture notes befor Par-
more comes.
I love & adore you xxxxxx
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers!
PPS Mandy has been operated on bu tis not expected
our of hospital for a fortnight or so. She
is alright, I understand, bu the operation was
bigger than was expected.
70426023 - JanetCormack
Lion is rather rushed. I am getting ready Monday & Tuesday lectures: Monday is XXthC. Masterpieces. I am doing large works by Rousseau, Picasso, Derain, Leger, Chagall. Then on Tuesday Modigilani & Utrillo about whom, I know very little, at the moment. Yesterday I lectured at the NG on El Greco & Zurbara (10 or so people): it was nice to give a public lecture there again.Paul Harding has a beard, a small one all round his face, which he is on the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a Newgate Fringe. I think that it will suit him. We saw a technicolour musical - If You Feel Like Singin' with Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no Singin' In The Rain.
Well I must get on with my lecture notes before Pasmore comes
I love & adore you
Lawrence XXXXXX
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers L
PPS Mandy has been operated on but is not expected out of hospital for a fortnight or so. She is alright, I understand, but the operation was bigger than expected. L
70526178 - k8mielke
lion is rather rusled. I am getting ready Monday & Tuesday lecture: Monday in XXthc Masterpieces. I am doing large works by Rousseau, Picasso, Derain, Leger, Chagall. Then on Tuesday Modigliani & Utrillo about whom I know very little, at the moment. Yesterday I lectured at UNG on El Greco & Turbara (110 or so people): it was nice to give a public lecture there again.Paul Harding has a beard, a small one, all round his face which he is on the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a Newgate Fringe. I think that will suit him. We saw a Technicolored musical - If You Feel like Singing' with Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no Singing' in the Rain. Well I must get on with my bedtime notes before postman comes.
I adore you Lawrence XXXXXX
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers! L
WINNER - 71114191 - RommelC
lion is rather rushed. I am getting ready Monday and Tuesday lectures: Monday is 20th Century Masterpieces. I am doing large works by Rousseau, Picasso, Derain, Leger, Chagall. Then on Tuesday Modigliani and Utrillo about whom i know very little, at the moment. Yesterday I lectured at the National Gallery on "El Greco & Zurbaran" (110 or so people) : it was nice to give a public lecture there again.Paul Harding has a beard, a small one all around his face, which he is on the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a "Newgate Fringe". I think that will suit him. We saw a technicolour musical- "If You Feel Like Singin' " with Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no "Singin' In The Rain".
Well I must get on with my lecture notes before Pasmore comes.
I love and adore you
Lawrence xxxxxx
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers! L
PPS Mandy has been operated on but is not expected out of hospital for a fortnight or so. She is alright, I understand, but the operation was biggerthan was expected. L
71283945 - k.h.pot
lion is rather rusted. I am getting ready Monday & Tues-day lectures: Monday is XXth C. Masterpieces. I am doing large
works by Rousseau, Picasso, Deran, Leger, Chagall. Then
on Tuesday Modigliani & Atrillo about whom I know very
little, at the moment. Yesterday I lecture at the N G on
5c Greco & Zurbara (110 or so people): it was nice to give
a public lecture there again.
Paul Harding has a beard, a small one all round his face, which he is on
the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a
Newgate Fringe. I think that will suit him. We saw a
technicolour musical - If You Feel like Singin' with
Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no Singin' In The Rain.
Well I must get on with my lecture notes before Pos-
more comes.
I love & adore you
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers!
PPS Mandy has been operated on but is not expected
out of hospital for a fortnight or so. She
is alright, I understand, but the operation was
bigger than was expected.
71438123 - ChaoticK
lion is rather rushed. I am getting ready Monday & Tues-day lectures; Monday is XXth C. Masterpieces. I am doing large works by Rousseau, Pcasso, Derain, Leges, Chagall. Then on Tuesday Modigliani & Utillo about whom I know very little, at the moment. Yesterday I lectured at A N G on El greco & Zurbara (110 or so people); it was nice to give a public lecture there again.Paul Harding has a beard, a small one all round his face, which he is on the verge of cutting into what can only be described as a Newgate Fringe. I think that will suit him. We saw a technicolour musical - If You Feel Like Singin' with Gene Kelly. It was pleasant but no Singin' In The Rain.
Well I must get on with my lecture notes before Pos-more comes.
I love & adore you
Lawrence xxxxx
P.S. The dandylion is blooming - 2 fine flowers!
PPS Mandy has been operated on but is not expected out of hospital for a fortnight or so. She is alright, I understand, but the operation was bigger than expected.