- Max. dissimilarity: 0.152
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.082
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69843026 - highc51239
- WINNER - 71154834 - JanetCormack
- 71614389 - hoskinml
- 71651164 - jesseytucker
- 71702924 - Preacher357
- 72527502 - Zooniverse2017

69843026 - highc51239
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amused an 25-30 audience by describing John Nask's Cornfield as a vision of England as seen to a 30's weekender on SHELL. (The paint has an additional suburban quality - like rough-cast, or VanGogh- tamed.)This afternoon I have a committee meeting with the handwriting people. As I have to go to town I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an American girl after the lecture (a niece of Duncan Phillips of the Washington gal. of that name) who admired London much more that Paris, wished she could stay here, & praised English music, theatre, & life way above America. I thought I should pass this on: patriotic lion to patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on Tuesday next). I must shave, & do some shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest & wait impatiently for your return.
I adore you
WINNER - 71154834 - JanetCormack
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amused the 25-30 audience by describing John Nash's Cornfield as a vision of England as seen to a 30s week-ender on SHELL. (The paint has an additional suburban quality - like rough-cast, or Van Gogh - tamed.)This afternoon I have a committee meeting with the handwriting people. As I have to go to town I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an American girl after the lecture (a niece of Duncan Phillips of the Washington Gal. of that name) who admired London much more than Paris, wished she could stay here, & praised English music, theatre, & life way above America. I thought I should pass this on: patriotic lion tp patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on Tuesday next). I must shave, & do some shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest & wait impatiently for your return.
I adore you
71614389 - hoskinml
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amused the 25-30 audience by describing John Nash's Cornfield as a vision of England as seen to a 30s week-ender on SHELL. (The paint has an oddit-ional suburban quality - like rough-cast, or Van Gogh- tamed.)This afternoon I have a committee meeting with the handwriting people. As I have to go to town I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an American girl after the lecture (a niece of Duncan Phillips of the Washington Gal. of that name) who admired London much more than Paris, wished she could stay here, & praised English music, theatre, & life way above America. I thought I should pass this on : patriotic lion to patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on Tuesday next). I must shave, & do some shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest & wait impatiently for your return.
I adore you
71651164 - jesseytucker
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amusedthe 25-30 audence by describing John Nash's Corn
Field as a vision of England as seen to a 30s
week-ender on SHELL. (The paint has an addit-
ional suburban quality--like rough-cast, or
Van Gogh-tamed.)
This afternoon I have a committee meeting
with the handwriting people. As I have to go to
town I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an American girl after the lecture
(a voice of Duncan Phillips of the Washington Gal
f tent name) who admired London much more than
Paris, inislad she could stay here, and praised
English music, theatre, and life way above America.
I thought I should pass this on: patriotic lion
to patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on
Tuesday next). I must shave, and do some
shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest and wait impatiently
for your return.
I adore you.
71702924 - Preacher357
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amusedthe 25-30 audience by describing John Nash's corn-
field as a vision of England as seen to a 30s
week-ender on SHELL. (The paint has an addit-
ional suburban quality - like rough-cast, or
Van Gogh-tamed.)
This afternoon I have a committee meeting
with handwriting people. As I have to go to
town, I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an American girl after the lecture
(a neice of Duncan Phillips of the Washington gal.
of that name) who admired London much more than
Paris, wished she could stay here, & praised
English music, theatre, & life way above America.
I thought I should pass this on: patriotic lion
to patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on
Tuesday next). I must shave, & do some
shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest & wait impatiently
for your return.
I adore you
72527502 - Zooniverse2017
Yesterday's lecture went rather well. I amusedthe 25-30 audience by describing John Nash's Corn
field) as a vision of England as seen to a 30s
weekender on SHELL. (The paint has been an addit-
ional suburban quality - like rough-cast, or
Van Gogh - tamed.)
This afternoon I have a committee meeting
with the handwriting people. As I have to go to
town I am meeting Father for lunch.
I talked to an Americal girl after the lecture
(a niece of Duncan Phillips of the Washington Gal.
of that name) who admired London much more than
Paris, wished she could stay here & praised
English music, theatre, & life way above America.
I thought I should pass this on: patriotic lion
to patriotic cat.
I took your shoes in yesterday (ready on
Tuesday next). I must show, & do some
shopping, before going to town.
I love you dearest & wait impatiently
for your return.
I adore you