- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.686
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69704813 - h_e_day
- 70840375 - altheist
- 71649992 - Zooniverse2017
- 71700111 - Preacher357
- 71799114 - wrightj2h
- 73332499 - darryluk
- 74014989 - ethomson
- 74028446 - mar15ted
- WINNER - 74042983 - darryluk
- 74140671 - darryluk
- 74220134 - _BOB_
- 74412673 - cramirezmoreno
- 74661297 - TabithaKnight
- 74693092 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
- 74715585 - JoaoOliveira
- 74807719 - not-logged-in-2d753cb63c6d937c3fc3

69704813 - h_e_day
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wiltshire day out makes me very envious. I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I have had to deal with rather a quantity of S E A words: about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic films. I saw Quartet at a classic for 1s, and I am reading Encore - with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic films: the horizontal structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
70840375 - altheist
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wilshire day-out makes me very envious. I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the land you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho' it has made me buris than I expected. Tho I have had to deal with rather a quantity of S.E.A. work: about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, homenas, especially on articles on episodic films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for Island and I am reading Encore - with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguished lectures 3 kinds of episodic film: the horizontal structure (Dead Of Night), the vertical form (Wechen At The Waldorf,
71649992 - Zooniverse2017
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wietskine day out of makes me very envious.
I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind
you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations
with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a
good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I
have had to deal with rather a quantity of SEA works: about 35 letters
since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on film, however, especially an article of episodic
films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for 1s, and I am reading Encore
- with the film scripts & the original stories published together.
I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic films: the horizontal,
structural (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
71700111 - Preacher357
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lovely.Your account of your Wiltshire day - out makes me very envious.
I am so happy that you associate me with English gardents of the kind
you describe so well in your letter. I have similar assocviations
with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a
good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I
have had to deal with rather a quantity of S E A work: about 35 letters
since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic
films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for 1s, and I am reading Encore
with the film scripts & the original stories published together.
I distinguished between 3 kinds of episodic film: the horizontive
structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
71799114 - wrightj2h
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wiltshire day out makes me very envious. I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho it has made me busier than I expected. Also I have had to deal with rather a quantity of S.E.A. work; about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic film, and I am reading Encore - with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic film: the horizontine structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf),
73332499 - darryluk
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wiltshire day-out makes me very envious. I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I have had to deal with rather a quantity of S E A work: about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for 1s., and I am reading Encore in with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguished between 3 kinds of episodic films: the horizontal structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
74014989 - ethomson
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lovely.Your account of your Wiltshire day out makes me very envious.
I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind
you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations
with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a
good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I
have had to deal with rather a quantity of S E A work: about 35 letters
since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic
films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for 1s., and I am reading Encore
- with the film scripts & the original stories published together.
I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic film: the horizontal
structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
74028446 - mar15ted
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely. Your account of your Wiltshire day out makes me very envious. I am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling. I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho it has made me busier than I expected. Also I have had to deal with rather a quantity of SEA work: about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do. I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic films. I saw Quartet, at a classic for 1s. and I am reading Encore with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic films, the horizontal structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,WINNER - 74042983 - darryluk
up to the jewel. But it certainly is lonely.Your account of your Wiltshire day out makes me very envious. i am so happy that you associate me with English gardens of the kind you describe so well in your letter. I have similar associations with you my darling.
I have had an extra lecture or two this week which has been a good thing tho' it has made me busier than I expected. Also I have had to deal with rather a quantity of S E A work: about 35 letters since Wednesday have I written. I still have a few more to do.
I am writing on films, however, especially an article on episodic films. I saw Quartet, at a Classic for 1s., and I am reading Encore - with the film scripts & the original stories published together. I distinguish between 3 kinds of episodic film: the horizontal structure (Dead of Night), the vertical form (Weekend at the Waldorf,
74140671 - darryluk
74220134 - _BOB_
74412673 - cramirezmoreno
74661297 - TabithaKnight
74693092 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
un ti jewel, paul's cacainy i74715585 - JoaoOliveira
74807719 - not-logged-in-2d753cb63c6d937c3fc3