- Max. dissimilarity: 0.134
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.081
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 70220021 - Janet616
- 70564635 - mlesullivan
- 70785691 - hoskinml
- 71297892 - k.h.pot
- 71520433 - the3esses
- 71588570 - pogostickies

WINNER - 70220021 - Janet616
MondayDearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day or two I will get some nice cheese to bring with me: nor will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee (it is 9:40) before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then, after lunch, I have to go to the V and A and collect the slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then this evening, at home, I shall write out some of my notes.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the TS to get my Degas lecture ready. it is really a poor exhibition (containing 3 or 4 good works only): what is not already familiar is not worth knowing. There are only too many pictures that have been going round the dealers for what can only be described as years. (There were queues to get in, however.)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate' is how I wrote the line originally: but the second 'of' is padding and omitting it gives fate extra weight. One stresses it in reading to balance the line. At least - that is the idea.....
Your painting news is excellent. Congratulations on completing 'Cliff End.' I am glad that it will help you to finish R&A, also.
Hurrah for Tiny! How did she 'come by' the material she has given you? It sounds charming
70564635 - mlesullivan
Monday [22-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day or two I will get some nice cheese to bring to with me : nor will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee ( it is 9:40) before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then, after lunch I have to go to the V and A and collect slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then this evening at home I shall write out some of my gen notes.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the TS to get my Degas lecture ready. It is really a poor exhibition (containing 3 or 4 good works only) : what is not already familiar is not worth knowing. There are only too many lectures that have been going round the dealers for what can only be described as years. (There were queues to get in, however)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate' is how I wrote the line originally : but the second 'of' is noddingand omitting it gives fate extra weight. One stresses it is ready to balance the line. At least - that is the idea .....
Your painting news is excellent. Congratulations on completing 'Cliff End' I am glad that it will help you to finish R & A, also.
Hurrah for Tiny! How did she 'come by' the she has given you? It sounds dreamy.
70785691 - hoskinml
Monday [22-9-52]Dearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day or two I will get some nice cheese to bring with me : nor will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee (it is 9.40) before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then, after lunch, I have to go to the V and A and collect the slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then this evening, at home, I shall write out some of my sen rates.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the T G to get my Degas lecture ready. It is really a poor exhibition (containing 3 or 4 good works only) : what is not already familiar is not worth knowing. There are only too many pic-tures that have been going round the dealers for what can only be described as years. (There were queues to get in, however.)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate' is how I wrote the line originally : but the second 'of' is padding and omitting it gives fate extra weight. One stresses it in reading to balance the line. At lease - that is the idea . . . . .
Your painting news is excellent. Congratulations on completing 'Cliff End'. I am glad that it will help you to finish F & A, also.
Hurrah for Tiny! how did she 'come by' the mat-erial she has given you? It sounds charming.
71297892 - k.h.pot
Dearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day
or two I will get some nice cheese to bring with me: or
will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee (it is 9.40)
before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then,
after lunch, I have to go to the V and A and collect the
slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then
this evening, at home, I shall write out some of
my sex notes.
yesterday afternoon I went to the TS to get my Degas
lecture ready. It is really a poor exhibition (containing
3 or 4 good works only): what is not already familiar
is not worth knowing. There are only too many pic-
tures that have been going round the dealers for what
can only be described as years. (There were queues
to get in, however.)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate'
is how I wrote the line originally: but the word 'of'
is nodding and omitting it gives fate extra weight.
One stresses it in ready to balance the line. At
least - that is the idea.....
Your painting news is excellent. Contratulations
on completing 'Cliff End'. I am glad that it will help
you to finish R&A, also.
Hurrah for Tiny! How did she 'come by' the mat-
erial she has given you? It sounds charming.
71520433 - the3esses
Dearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day or two I will get some nice cheese to bring with me: nor will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee (it is 9.40) before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then, after lunch, I have to go to the V and A and collect the slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then this evening, at home, I shall write out some of my sex notes.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the TG to get my Degas lecture ready. It is really a poor exhibition (containing 3 or 4 good works only): what is not already familiar is not worth knowing. There are only too any pictures that have been going round the dealers for what can only be described as years. (There were queues to get in, however.)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate' is how I wrote the line originally: but the second 'of' gives padding and omitting it gives fate extra weight. One stresses it in reading to balance the line. At least - that is the idea .....
Your painting news is excellent. Congratulations on completing 'Cliff End'. I am glad that it will help you to finish R&A also.
Hurrah for Tiny! How did she 'come by' the material she has given you? It sounds charming.
71588570 - pogostickies
Dearest Sylvia
This morning I bought margarine for Tiny and in a day
or two I will get some nice cheese to bring with me: nor
will I forget to bring an emergency card for meat.
I am in town - having a cup of coffee (it is 9.40)
before going to SEA office for a morning's work. Then,
after lunch, I have to go the V and A and collect the
slides for about 6 (yes it is exactly 6) lectures. Then
this evening, at home, I shall write out some of
my six notes.
Yesterday afternoon I went to the TG to get my Degas
lecture ready. It is really a poor exhibition (containing
3 or 4 good works only): what is not already familiar
is not worth knowing. There are only too many pic-
tures that have been going round the dealers for what
can only be described as years. (There were queues
to get in, however.)
The correction you suggest in the poem 'and of fate'
is how I wrote the line originally: but the sound 'of'
is padding and omitting it gives fate extra weight.
One stresses it in reading to balance the line. At
least - that is the idea .....
Your painting news is excellent. Congratulations
on completing 'Cliff End'. I am glad that it will help
you to finish R A, also.
Hurray for Tiny! How did she 'some by' the mat-
erial she has given you? It sounds charming.