- Max. dissimilarity: 0.248
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.15
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69761977 - jesseytucker
- 70036964 - the3esses
- 70495653 - maid71
- WINNER - 71622169 - Zooniverse2017
- 71724993 - Nutwood
- 71744503 - racjohn

69761977 - jesseytucker
Blackheath24 IX 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, I will bring the New Yorker (I shall
have to make my notes on them at Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the
Brunswick Treasures--they are no longer on
view. They were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your still life, and the
other pictures, I am impatient for this plea-
I cannot be more exact about train than
I was in my last letter. Ask C what time
he is coming back. If it is not later than
10.45, I will be with him: If it is later
I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. There are
2 clear alternating.
How nice that you are tempted to come to
town but really you should not. It is extra-
vagent and I shall see you on the next day: it
would be tiring, and the lecture will not be
original--just a straight forward statement
of the simple psycho analytical news. I
am using Bosch and Bronzive again and paraphrasing
70036964 - the3esses
Blackheath24 IX 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, I will bring the New Yorkers (I shall have to make y notes on them at Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the Brunswick Treasures - they are no longer on view. They were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your still life - and the other pictures - I am impatient for this plea - sure.
I cannot be more exact about train than I was in my last letter. Ask C what time he is coming back. If it is later that 10.45 - I will be with him = if it is later I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. There are 2 clear alternatives.
How nice that you are tempted to come to town but really you should not. It is extravagant and I shall see you on the next day = it would be tiring - and the lecture will not be original - just a straight-forward statement of the simple myclo-analytical views! an using Bersch and Brongiro again & paraphrasing
70495653 - maid71
Blackheath24 IX 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, I will bring the New Yorker (I shall have to make my notes on them at Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the Brunswick Treasures - they are no longer on view. They were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your still life - and the other pictures - I am impatient for this pleasure.
I cannot be more exact about trains than I was in my last letter. Ask C what time he is coming back. If it is not later than 10.45 - I will be with him: if it is later I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. These are 2 clear alternatives.
How nice that you are tempted to come to town but really you should not. It is extravagant and I shall see you on the next day: it would be tiring - and the lecture will not be original - just a straightforward statement of the simple psycho-analytical views. I am using Bosch and Branzino and paraphrasing
WINNER - 71622169 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath24 IX 52
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, I will bring the New Yorker (I shall
have to make my notes on them at Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the
Brunswick Treasures - they are no longer on
view. They were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your Still life - and the
other pictures - I am impatient for this plea-
I cannot be more exact about train than
I was in my last letter. Ask C what time
he is coming back. If it is not later than
10.45 - I will be with him: if it is later
I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. There are
2 clear alternatives.
How nice that you are tempted to come to
town but really you should not. It is extra-
vagant and I shall see you on the next day: it
would be tiring - and the lecture will not be
original - just a straight-forward statement
of the simple psycho-analytical news. I
am viewing Bosch & Bronzivo again & paraphrasing
71724993 - Nutwood
Blackheath24 1X .52
Dearest Sylvia
Yes, I will bring the New Yorker (I shall
have to make my notes on them at Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the
Brunswick Treasures - they are no longer on
view. They were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your Still life - and the
other pictures - I am impatient for this plea-
I cannot be more exact about yatins than
I was in my last letter. Ask C what time
he is coming back. If it is not later than
10.45 - I will be with him - if it is later
I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. There are
2 clear alternatives.
How nice that you are tempted to come to
town but really you showed rat. It is extra
urgent and I shall see you on the next day - it
would be tiring - and the lecture would not be
original - just a straightforward satement
of the simple psycho-analytical views. I
am usingBoses & Bronzino
again & purchasing
71744503 - racjohn
Blackheath24 1x52
Dearest Sylvia,
Yes, I will bring the New Yorkers (I shall have to make my notes on them as Pett).
I am sorry to say you have missed the Brunswick Treasures - they are no longer on view. thew were enchanting, as you say.
Soon I shall see your still life - and the other pictures - I am impatient for this pleasure.
I cannot be more exact about trains than I was in my last letter.
Ask C what time he is coming back. If it is not later than 10.45 - I will be with him: if it is later I shall come on the 10.25 by myself. There are 2 clear alternatives.
How nice that you are tempted to come to town but really you should not. It is extravagant and I shall see you on the next day: it would be tiring - and the lecture will not be original - just a straight-forward statement of the simple psycho-analytical views. I am using Besch & Brongiro again & paraphrasing