- Max. dissimilarity: 0.17
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.103
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68822871 - not-logged-in-c9d69da2adb142b0a78a
- WINNER - 69456062 - JanetCormack
- 71004898 - Preacher357
- 72320250 - saffyre13
- 72370988 - ethomson
- 72482610 - racjohn
- 72559303 - gaart2

68822871 - not-logged-in-c9d69da2adb142b0a78a
Lincoln2 x 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Rain increased as the train went north. As the last light failed precisely we reached Lincoln. I crossed a boat bridge-high in the wet dark-making
out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the Hotel
where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so ex-
tended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from
the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the hotel
may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excel-
lent (grilled steak & mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school now for a special performance of the art films is being put on for me at
9.00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange
as I look out from under my umbrella-like a portable struc-
ture, protecting the enquirer.
3 x 1952
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for
all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Images Mediavale, is very good-a technicales microcosm of med. life and belief drawn from IL. mss in the
Biblioth`eque Nationale. Color is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar attempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as
you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant. La Poulette Grire is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art: at least it sets out to be-transformations of hen and egg in all kinds of bodground-theme and variations.
Well it is nearly 8.00: I must write out a few notes and then
go down to breakfast.I will continue with this whenever I get
an opportunity, my love.
It is 11.00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding
day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10.00, closing my
WINNER - 69456062 - JanetCormack
Lincoln2 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Rain increased as the train went North. As the last light failed precisely we reached Lincoln. I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet dark - making out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the Grand Hotel where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so extended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the Hotel may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excellent (grilled steak & mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school now for a special performance of the art films is being put on for me at 9.00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange as I look out from under my umbrella - like a portable aedicular structure, protecting the enquirer.
3 X 1952
I slept so badly last night I might as well have gone to a party for all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Images Mediavale, is very good - a technicolour microcosm of med. life and belief drawn from Ill Mss in the Bibliotheque Nationale . Colour is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar attempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant. La Poulette Grise is itself a work of art and, not a film about art: at least it sets out to be - transformations of hen and egg in all kinds of background - theme and variations.
Well it is nearly 8.00: I must write out a few notes and then go down to breakfast. I will continue this whenever I get an opportunity, my love.
It is 11.00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10.00, closing my
71004898 - Preacher357
Lincoln 2 x 1952 Dearest SylviaRain increased as the train went North. As the last light failed preisely
we readed Lincoln. I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet, dark, - making
out a romantic railway station, and, beyond a car park, the Grand Hotel
where I am staying. It is a Georgian - looking building, but so ex-
tended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter at
dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from
the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the Hotel
may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excel-
lent (grilled steak & mushrooms.) I believe I shall be comfortable here
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school
now for a special performance of the art films that is being put on for me at
9:00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange
as I look out from under my unbrella - like a portable redicular struc-
ture, protecting the enquirer.
3 x 1952
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for
all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Images Mediavale, is very good - a
technicolor microcasmm of med. likfe and belief drawn from in the
Billie theque Nationals. Color is excellent. Van Gough is a nulgar at-
tempt to convey his state of mind through bits of his pictures. Matirse, as
you know, is excellent. Batticelli is simple and not unpleasant.
La Poulette Grice is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art:
at least it sets out to be - transformations of ham and egg in all
kinds of background - theme and variations.
Well it is nearly 8:00. I must write out a few notes and then
go down to breakfast. I will continue with this whenever I get
an opportunity, my love.
It is 11:00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding
day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10:00, closing my
72320250 - saffyre13
Dearest Sylvia,
Rain increased as the train went North. As the last light failed precisely
we readed Lincoln. I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet dark - making
out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the Grand Hotel
where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so ex-
tended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at
dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from
the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the Hotel
may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excel-
lent (grilled steak & mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school
now for a special performance of the art films is being put on for me at
9:00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange
as I look out from under my umbrella - like a portable aedicular struc-
ture, protecting the enquirer.
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for
all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, I wager Mediavak, is very good - a
technicales microcosm of med. life and belief drawn from IL. MSS in the
Bibliotheque Nationale. Color is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar at-
tempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as
you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant.
La Poulette Grise is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art:
at least it sets out to be - transformation of hen and egg in all
kinds of background theme and variation.
Well it is nearly 8:00: I must write out a few notes and then
go down to breakfast. I will continue with this whenever I get
an opportunity, my love.
It is 1:00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding
day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10:00, closing my
72370988 - ethomson
Lincoln2 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Rain increased as the train went North. As the last light failed precisely
we reached Lincoln. I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet dark - making
out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the Grant Hotel
where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so ex-
tended and added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at
dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from
the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the Hotel
may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excel-
lent (grilled steak & mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school
now for a special performance of the art film is being put on for me at
9.00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange
as I look out from under my umbrella - like a portable aedicula struc-
ture, protecting the enquirer.
3 X 1952
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for
all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Images Medievales, is very good - a
technicolor microcosm of med. life and belief drawn from IL. MSS in the
Bibliotheque Nationale. Color is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar at-
tempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as
you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant.
La Poulette Grise is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art:
at least it sets out to be - transformations of hen and egg in all
kinds of background - theme and variations.
Well it is nearly 8.00: I must write out a few notes and then
go down to breakfast. I will continue with this whenever I get
an opportunity, my love.
It is 11.00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding
day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10.00, closing my
72482610 - racjohn
Lincoln2 x 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Rain increased as the train went North. As the last light failed precisely
we reached Lincoln. I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet dark - making
out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the Grand Hotel
where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so ex-
tended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at
dinner, asked if it was still raining: so remote is the dining room from
the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the Hotel
may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excel-
lent (grilled steak & mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school
now for a special performance of the art film is being put on for me at
9.00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange
as I look out from under my umbrella - like a portable aedicular struc-
ture, protecting the esquires.
3 x 1952
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for
all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Images Mediavale, is very good - a
Technicales microcosm of med. life and belief drawn from 1l MSS in the
Bibliotheque Nationale. Colour is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar at-
tempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as
you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant.
La Poulette Grise is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art:
at least it sets out to be - transformations of hen and egg in all
birds of background - theme and variations.
Well, it is nearly 8.00: I must write out a few notes and then
go down to breakfast. I will continue with this whenever I get
an opportunity, my love.
It is 11.00 at night and an exhauting but not unrewarding
day is over. I have been resting on the bed since 10.00, closing my
72559303 - gaart2
Lincoln,2 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Rain increased as the train went north. As the last light failed ...... we ................ I crossed a foot bridge - high in the wet dark - walking out a romantic railway station and, beyond a car park, the ...... hotel where I am staying. It is a Georgian-looking building but so extended & added to all sense of order has disappeared. The waiter, at dinner, asked if it was still raining - so remote is the dining room from the open air he could not tell. However intricate and diffuse the hotel may be, the bed is soft, the water is hot, and dinner was excellent (grilled steak and mushrooms). I believe I shall be comfortable here.
I shall continue with this letter later on. I must find the school not for a special performance of all the art films is being put on for me at 9.00. My first sight of this city it will be wet, dark, totally strange as I look out from under my umbrella - like a portable ....... structure, protecting the enquirer.
3 X 1952
I slept so badly last night that I might as well have gone to a party for all the rest I got.
I saw the films last night: one, Imogen Mediarole, is very good - a technicolor microcosm of mad life and belief drawn from ....... in the Bibliotheque Nationale. Color is excellent. Van Gogh is a vulgar attempt to convey his state of mind thru bits of his pictures. Matisse, as you know, is excellent. Botticelli is simple and not unpleasant. La Poulette Grise is itself a work-of-art, not a film about art: at least it sets out to be - transformation of hen and egg in all kinds of background - theme and variations.
Well is is nearly 8.00 I must write out a few notes and then go down to breakfast. I will continue with this whenever I get an opportunity, my love.
It is 11.00 at night and an exhausting but not unrewarding day is over, I have been resting on the bed since 10.00, closing my