- Max. dissimilarity: 0.086
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.058
- Image votes: 1.0
- 68956225 - Preacher357
- 69112960 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 69458699 - JanetCormack
- 69749297 - NevBear
- 69912631 - the3esses
- 70196087 - saffyre13

68956225 - Preacher357
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increasesmy pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nice
sense of enclosure and openess, happily mingled: you wriggle
through one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and
houses appears. The river is almost lost in ricketty medieval
houses and then opens into a great bay with Victorian warehouses,
and so on.
The castle is interesting - partly for a marvellous pano-
rama from the top of the observation tower - and partly, to this
decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within
the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1826) by Sir
Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battle-
ments, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavil-
ions. In front of the houses a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alsa.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you. I lovy you
Dandy climbing the
observation Tower
in the castle.
69112960 - jesseytucker
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increasesmy pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nice
sense of enclosure and openness, happily mingled: you wriggle
trough one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and
houses appears. The river is almost lost in rickety medieval
houses and then opens into a great by with Victorian warehouses,
and so on.
The castle is interesting--partly for a marvellous pano-
rama from the top of the observation tower--and partly, to this
decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within
the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1826) by Sir
Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battle-
ments, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavil-
lions. In front of the house a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alas.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you.
I love you
P.S. Dandy climbing the
observation towers
in the castle.
WINNER - 69458699 - JanetCormack
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increases my pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nice sense of enclosure and openess, happily mingled: you wriggle through one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and houses appears. The river is almost lost in ricketty medieval houses and then opens into a great bay with Victorian warehouses, and so on.The castle is interesting - partly for a marvellouse panorama from the top of the observation tower - and partly, to this decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1826) by Sir Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battlements, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavilions. In front of the houses a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alas.
Oh Sylvia, I adore you, I love you
P.S. Dandy climbing the observation tower in the Castle
69749297 - NevBear
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increases my pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nicesense of enclosure and openess, happily mingled: you wriggle through one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and houses appears. The river is almost lost in rickety medieval houses and then opens into a great bay with Victorian warehouses, and so on.
The castle is interesting - partly for a marvellous pano-
rama from the top of the observation tower - and partly, to this decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1826) by Sir Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battle-
ments, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavil-
ions. Isn front of the houses a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alas.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you. Love you Lawrence
Dandy climbing the observation towers in the castle.
69912631 - the3esses
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increases my pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nice sense of enclosure and openess, happily mingled: you wriggle through one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and houses appears. The river is almost lost in ricketty medieval houses and then opens into a great bay with Victorian warehouses, and so on.The castle is interesting - partly for a marvellous panorama from the top of the observation tower - and partly, to this decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1826) by Sir Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battlements, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavilions. In front of the houses a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alas.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you.
love you
70196087 - saffyre13
Several Gothic gates congest traffic but this only increasesmy pleasure in them. On the whole the town plan has a nice
sense of enclosure and openness, happily mingled: you wriggle
through one of the gates and an entirely new set of roads and
houses appears. The river is almost lost in rickety medieval
houses and then opens into a great bay with Victorian warehouses,
and so on.
The castle is interesting - partly for a marvelous pano-
rama from the top of the observation tower - and partly, to this
decadent lion, for the Assize Court which is contained within
the thick spacious walls. It is Regency Tudor (1926) by Sir
Robert Smirke: absolute symmetry with Gothic windows, battle-
ments, and flanking slender paired towers like classical pavil-
ions. In front of the houses a light Tudor loggia.
Lion must write some business letters now, alas.
Oh, Sylvia, I adore you. love you Lawrence
P.S. Dandy climbing the observation tower in the Castle