- Max. dissimilarity: 0.149
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.112
- Image votes: 1.0
- WINNER - 68805837 - hoskinml
- 68896682 - ALBECA
- 69266935 - RommelC
- 69618383 - JanetCormack
- 70825388 - Bharathi_G
- 71417109 - Zooniverse2017

WINNER - 68805837 - hoskinml
Blackheath [20-10-52]Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to paint - and the still life with eggs, and chestnuts sound marvellous. What a sensual conception - the range of rounded yet differently textured forms - staggering - It is one of my favorite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring - smaller than perhaps is our ideal but admirable all the same: it was given to him by his mother about 36 years ago. It is gold with a bloodstone (dark green, red-flecked) = about this size.
I have been improving my Sound Barrier article in the way that you suggested and am now on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interested warmly, in your lecture : I am sure it will be absolutely brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I have found a nice book in the library, by the way, a recent study of The Dance = French Literature = Gautier, Mallarme, Valery, Cocteau on the dance. I shall use it in my Degas lecture at Hastings. Also it is use-ful for my Cocteau film chapter - clarifying some things.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about it my love & I hope that you enjoy yourself - perhaps you will . . .
The National Film Theatre is having a programme of Rene Clair films in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
Ridny has given me a lot of useful advice on typography so the Nov. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance -
This evening, after V&A, I am having tea with Herbert Reiser who has taken photos for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your exhibition.
Dearest Sylvia I adore you
I adore you
68896682 - ALBECA
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to paint - and the still life with eggs and chestnuts sound marvelous. What a sensual conception - the range of rounded yet differently textured forms - staggering - it is one of my favorite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring - smaller than perhaps is our ideal but admirable all the same: it was gien to him by his mother about 36 years ago. It is gold with a bloodstone (dark green, red-flecked): about this size.
I have been improving my sound Barrier article in the way that you suggested and am now on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interested, warmly, in your lecture: I am sure it will be absolutely brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I have found a nice book in the library, by the way, a recent study of The Dance in French Literature: Fautier, Mallarme, Valery, Cocteau on the dance. I shall use it in my Degas lecture at Hastings. Also it is the fuel for my Codean chapter - clarifying some things.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about in my love & I hope that you enjoy yourself - perhaps you will . . .
The National Film Theatre is having a programme of Rene Clair films in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
Ridy has given me a lot of useful advice on typograph so the Nov. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance.
This evening, after V&A, I am having tea with Herbert Reiser who has taken photos for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your exhibition.
Dearest Sylvia I adore you
I adore you
69266935 - RommelC
Blackheath 20-10-52n,Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to paint- and the still life with eggs and chestnuts sound marvellous. What a sensual conception- the range of rounded yet differently textured forms- staggering. It is one of my favourite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring- small than perhaps is our ideal but admirable all the same: it was given to him by his mother about 36 years ago. It is gold with a bloodstone (dark green, fleded): [illustration] about this size.
I have been improving my 'Sound Barrier' article in the way that you suggested and am now on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interestd warmy, in your lecture: I am sure it will be absolutely brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I have found a nice book in the library, by the way, a recent study of 'The Dance in French Literature: Gautier, Mallaime, Valery, Cocteau on the dance. I shall use it in my Degas lecture at Hastings. Also it is useful for my Cocteau film chapter- clarifying some things.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about itmy love and I hope that you enjoy yourself- perhaps you will...
The National Film Theatre is having a programme of Rene films in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
has given me a lot of useful advice on typography so the Nov. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance.
This evening, after V&A, I am having tea with Merhert Reiss who has taken photos.for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your exhibition.
Dearest Sylvia I adore you.
69618383 - JanetCormack
Blackheath [20.10.52]Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to paint - and the still life with eggs and chestnuts sounds marvellous. What a sensual conception - the range of rounded yet differently textured forms - staggering. It is one of my favourite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring - smaller than perhaps is our ideal but admirable all the same: it was given to him by his mother about 36 years ago. It is gold with a bloodstone (dark green, not flecked): about this size.
I have been improving my Sound Barrier article in the way that you suggested and am on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interested warmly, in your lecture: I am sure it will be absolutely brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I have found a nice book in the library, by the way, a recent study on The Dance in French Literature: Gautier, Mallarme, Valery, Cocteau on the dance. I shall use it in my Degas lecture at Hastings. Also it is useful for my Cocteau film chapter - clarifying some things.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about it my love & I hope that you enjoy yourself - perhaps you will ....
The National FIlm Theatre is have a programme of Rene Clair films in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
Richy has given me a lot of useful advice on typography so the Nov. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance.
This evening, after V & A. I am having tea with Herbert Reises who has taken photos. for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your exhibition.
Dearest Sylvia I adore you
I adore you
70825388 - Bharathi_G
[20-10-52] Blackheath MondayDearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to paint - and the still life with eggs, and chestnuts sound marvellous. What a sensual conception - the range of rounded yet differently textured forms - staggering - It is one of my favourite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring - smaller than perhaps is our ideal but admirable all the same: it was given to him by his mother about 36 years ago. It is good with a bloodstone (dark green, not flecked) : about your size.
I have been improving my Sound Barrier article in the way that you suggested and am now on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interested warmly, in your lecture : I am sure it will be absolutely brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I have found a nice book in the library, by the way, a recent study of The Dance in French literature: JautierMelbourne ValemyCocteauon the dance. I shall use it in my D egas lecture at Hastings. Also it is useful for my Cocteau film chapter - clarifying some things.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about it my love as I hope that you enjoy yourself - perhaps you will...
The National Film Theatre is having a programme of Rene Clair film in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
Ridley has given me a lot of useful advice on typography so the Nov. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance.
This evening, after V&A, I am having tea with
Herbert Reisen who has taken photos for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your exhibition.
Dearest Sylvia I adore you adore you
71417109 - Zooniverse2017
Blackheath [20-10-52]Monday
Dearest Sylvia
Your letter, describing your lack of sleep, fits me too. How I wish
we were together the whole time, my love, my muse. What never fails
to comfort me, however, is the news that you are painting, or planning to
paint - and the Still life with eggs and chestnuts sound marvelous.
What a sensual conception - the range of rounded yet differently textured
forms - staggering. It is one of my favorite pictures already!
My father has given me a ring - smaller than perhaps is our ideal but
admirable all the same: it was given to him by his mother about 36 years
ago. It is gold with bloodstone (dark green, red-flecked): about this size.
I have been improving my Sound Barrier article in the way that
you suggested and am now on my way to the V and A (or nearly).
I am so glad that you are interested warmly, in your lecture: I am sure it
will be absolutes brilliant. I have learned much from you already. I
have found a nice book in the library, by the way, and recent study on The
Dance in French literature: Gautier, Mallarme, Valery, Cocteau on the
dance. I shall use it in my Degas lecture at Hastings. Also it is use-
ful for my Cocteau film chapter - clarifying something.
I gather you will go this evening to the lecture of Modern Art. I
do hope it is not absurd. Tell me all about it my love as & I hope
that you enjoy yourself - perhaps you will...
The National Film Theatre is having a programme of Rene Clair film
in November (I can't wait). Thank you so much for the cuttings.
Riding has given me a lot of useful advice on typographs so
the NOV. ATHENE should not be too dusty in appearance.
This evening, after V & A, I am having tea with Merhart Reines
who has taken photos for ATHENE. I shall tell him about your
Dearest Sylvia I adore you
I adore you