- Max. dissimilarity: 0.214
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.136
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68671043 - altheist
- 70130321 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 70885284 - southsidesunny
- 70925649 - JanetCormack
- 71015482 - RommelC
- 71281543 - the3esses

68671043 - altheist
Vard A Museum22 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for the interesting film cuttings which I read at breakfast and for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it at once and I might be able to "canvas" - is that the word? the curators (a good friend of Medalaine's). It sounds rather suitable for me.
I am surrounded by D.Wint and Hilton literature - including various mid-19 century journals (Art Union, Art Journal) which are full of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. William Million II was once a top history painter - one of the truly great of the 30's - 40's apparently!
I am sorry the woods are going away but it is only for 1 night isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lectures (ers) was handsome. Why take it down though? Exercise?
The rablewan with whom I am to have lunch I wish is the
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Jacobean Plays called T6 Gg. Dramatic Lyric. You can expect probably, as a result of this, a spate of songs to produce Wontoners/ Sererodes, and complaints from your lion - in the (quote) not too distant future (unquote) -
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am sleeping more normally also tho' I never sleep so soundly apart from you.
I love you,
70130321 - Preacher357
V and A Museum 22 x 1952 Seat 52 Dearest SylviaThank you for the interesting film cuttings which I read at breakfast and
for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it and once and I might be
able to 'canvas' - is that the word? - The curator (a good friend of Made-
leine's). It sounds rather suitable for me.
I am surrounded by D. Wint and Milton literature - including var-
iouis mid - 19c journals (Art Union, Art Journal) which are full
of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I
can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. Will-
iam Milton II was once a top history painter - one of the truly great of
the 30's - 40's apparently!
I am sorry the Woods are going away, but it is only for 1 night
isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lecturer (ers) was handsome. Why take it down
though? Exercise?
The nobleman with whom I am to have lunch at , is the Lord Lieut-
enant of the County. I think I shall wear my silver tie, at least.
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Iocahean plays
called The Gn. Dramatic Lyric. You can expect probably, as a re-
sult of this, a spate of songs to induce Wantoners, sererodes, and
complaints from your lion - in the (quote) not too distant future (unquote).
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am
sleeping more normally also tho' I never sleep so soundly apart
from you.
I loe you
WINNER - 70885284 - southsidesunny
V and A Museum22 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for the interesting film cuttings which I read at breakfast and
for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it at once and I might be
able to 'canvas' -- is that the word? -- the curator (a good friend of Made-
leine's). It sounds rather suitable for me -
I am surrounded by De Wint and Milton literature--including var-
ious mid-19c journals (Art Union, Art Journal) which are full
of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I
can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. Will-
iam Milton II was once a top history painter -- one of the truly great of
the 30s-40s apparently!
I am sorry the Woods are going away but it is only for 1 night
isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lecturer(ess) was handsome. Why take it down
though? Exercise?
The nobleman with whom I am to have lunch at inisol, is the lord lieut-
enant of the county - I think I shall wear my silver tie, at least.
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Jacobean plays
called The En. Dramatic Lyric. You can expect probably, as a re-
sult of this, a spate if songs to induce wantoness, serenades, and
complaints from your lion -- in the (quote) not too distant future (unquote) -
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am
sleeping more normally also tho I never sleep so soundly apart
from you-
love you
70925649 - JanetCormack
V and A Museum22 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for the interesting film cutting which I read at breakfast and for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it at once and I might be able to 'canva' - is that the word - the Curator (a good friend of Madeleine's). It sounds rather suitable for me.
I am surrounded by De Wint and Hilton literature - including various mid-19c journals (Art Union, Art Journal) which are full of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. William Hilton II was once a top history painter - one of the truly great of the 30s-40s apparently!
I am sorry the Woods are going away but it is only for 1 night isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lecturer(ess) was handsome. Why take it down though? Exercise?
The nobleman with whom I am to have lunch at Lincoln is the Lord Lieutenant of the County. I think I shall wear my silver tie, at least.
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Jacobean plays called The Eng. Dramatic Lyric. You can expect probably, as a result of this, a spate of songs to Induce Wantoness, Serenades, and Complaints from your lion - in the (quote) not to distant future (unquote).
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am sleeping more normally also tho' I never sleep so soundly apart from you.
I love you
71015482 - RommelC
V and A Museum22 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
Thank you for the interesting film cuttings which I read at breakfast and for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it at once and I might be able to 'canvas'- is that the word? - the Curator (a good friend of Madeleine's). It sounds rather suitable for me.
I am surrounded by De Witt and Milton literature- including various mid-19 century journals ("Art Union", "Art Journal") which are full of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. William Milton II was once a top history painter- one of the truly great of the 30s-40s apparently!
I am sorry the Woods are going away but it is only for one night, isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lecturer (ers) was handsome. Why take it down though? Exercise?
The nobleman with whom I am to have lunch at Lincoln is the Lord Lieutenant of the Country. I think I shall wear my silver tie, at least.
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Jacobean plays called "The Dramatic Lyric". You can expect probably, as a result of this, a spate of Songs to Induce Wantoness, Serenades, and Complaints from your lion- in the (quote) not too distant future (unquote).
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am sleeping more normally also though I never sleep so soundly apart from you.
I love you
71281543 - the3esses
V and A Museum22 X 1952
Dearest Sylvia
Thank you for the interesting film cuttings which I read at breakfast and for the Kenwood advertisement. I shall see to it at once and I might be able to 'canvas' - is that the word? - the Curator (a good friend of Madeleine's). It sounds rather suitable for me.
I am surrounded by by De Wint and Milton literature - including various mid - 19c journals (Art Union, Art Journal) which are full of interesting original material. I am glad to have found them for I can use them in connection with other artists, other problems. William Milton II was once a top history painter - one of the truly great after 30s - 40s apparently!
I am sorry the woods are going away but it is only for 1 night isn't it? I did not realise it was so soon.
Glad to hear the lectures (ers) was handsome. Why take it down though? Exercise?
The nobleman with whom I am to have lunch at Lincoln is the Lord Lieutenant of the County. I think I shall wear my silver tie, at least.
Lion is reading a good study (Yale) of Songs in Jacobean plays called The Exq. Drawater lyric. You can expect probably, as a result of this, a spate of Songs to induce Wantoners, Serevodes, and Complaints from your lion - in the (quote) not too distant future (urquate).
I am happy you are sleeping well now, my dearest. I am sleeping more normally also tho' I never sleep so soundly apart from you.
Love you