- Max. dissimilarity: 0.217
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.158
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68854541 - JanetCormack
- 69064664 - Preacher357
- 69555638 - not-logged-in-892757b01d8cfb59475e
- 71032149 - the3esses
- 72492998 - jesseytucker
- 72604821 - vungocanh

WINNER - 68854541 - JanetCormack
Kensington Art Gallery IIextremes of wet and dry the Kensington Art Gallery offers a range of landscapes in varied, sensitive styles. Particularly interesting is Ray Howard-Jones' Northern Ridge, Skomer which appears to combine both an emotional response and an analytical eye.
Among the figure paintings there are excellent pieces by Ruskin Spear, Michael Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others. Once again the Gallery's catholic policy is justified by the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my review.
The Red Dress is in the hall with a Pasmore near by. Brassica Seedlings is in the lower room devoted as Chase says - to important pictures. They look very well.
I am rushing to the shops as I cannot say more now but I wanted you to see the review.
More soon, my love, my love
I adore you
69064664 - Preacher357
Kensington Art Gallery IIextreme of wet and dry the Kensingon Gallery offers a
range of landscapes in varied, sensitive styles. Particu=
larly interestings in Ray Howard Jones' Northern Ridge, Skomer
which appears to combine both an emotional response and an
analytical eye.
Among the figure paintings there are excellent pieces
by Ruskin Spear, Michael Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others.
Once again the Gallery's Catholic policy is justified by
the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my review.
TG Red Dress is in the hall, with a Pasmore near
by. Brassiia Seedlings is in the lower room derated -
or Chase says - to important pictures. They look very well.
I am rushing to the shops so I cannot say more
now, but I wanted you to see the review.
More soon, my love, my love
I adore you
69555638 - not-logged-in-892757b01d8cfb59475e
Kensington Art Gallery IIextremes of wet and dry the Kensington Gallery offers a range of landscapes in varied, sensitive styles. Particularly interesting is Ray Howard Jones' Northern Ridge, Skomer which appears to combine both an emotional response and analytical eye.
Among the figure paintings there are excellent pieces by Ruskin Spear, Michael Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others. Once again the Gallery's catholic policy is justified by the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my review. T6 Red Ores is in the hall, with a Posmore won by Brassein Seedlings is in the lowe room decorated as close says - to important pictures. They look very well, I am rushing to the shops so I cannot say more now but I wanted you to see the review.
More soon, my love, my love,
adore you Lawrence
71032149 - the3esses
Kensington Art Gallery IIextremes of wet and dry the Kensington Gallery offers a range of landscapes in varied, sensitive styles. Particularly interesting is Ray Howard-Jones' Northern Ridge, Skomer which appears to combine both an emotional response and an analytical eye.
Among the figure paintings there are excellent pieces by Ruskin Spear, Michael Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others.
Once again the Gallery's catholic policy is justified by the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my review.
T6 Red Dress is in the hall, with a Pasmore near by. Brassica Seedlings is in the lower room elevated - as Chase says - to important pictures. They look very well.
I am rushing to the shops so I cannot more now but I wanted you to see the review.
72492998 - jesseytucker
Kensignton Art Gallery IIextremes of wet and dry the Kensignton Gallery offers a
range of landscape in varied, sensitive styles. Particu-
larly interesting is Ray Howard-Jones' Northern Ridge, Skmoer
which appears to combine both an emotional response and an
analytical eye.
Among the figure paintings there are excellent pieces
by Ruskin Speak, Michael, Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others.
Once again the Gallery's Catholic policy is justified by
the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my review.
The Red Dress is in the hall, with a Pasmore near
by. Brassica Seedlings is in the lower room deratel
as dose days--to important pictures. They look very well,
I am rushing to the shops so I cannot say more
now but I wanted you to see the review.
More soon, my love, my love
I adore you
72604821 - vungocanh
Kensington Art Gallery IIExtremes of wet and dry the Kensington Gallery offers a range of landscapes of varied, sensitive styles. Particularly interesting is Ray Howard-Jones' Northern Ridge, Skomer which appears to combine both an emotional response and an analytic eye.
AMong the figure paintings, there are excellent pieces by Ruskin Spear, Micheal Ayrton, Sylvia Sleigh, and others. Once again the Gallery's catholic policy is justified by the quality of the diverse artists shown.
Lawrence Alloway
Dearest Sylvia
Here is a copy of my varied
T6 Red Dress is in the hall, with a Povermore won by Brassiva Seedling s in the lower room as Chase toys - to important pictures. They look very well. I am rushing to the shops so I cannot say more now but I wanted you to see the
More soon, my love, my love
Adore you