- Max. dissimilarity: 0.081
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.053
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68657069 - Preacher357
- 68961348 - jesseytucker
- 69415541 - not-logged-in-33c8b91b07a0a46911d3
- 69580407 - altheist
- 69841166 - Crazycatz935
- WINNER - 70177292 - glt

68657069 - Preacher357
TRAJAN'S COLUMN FOURclothe the writings of... Horace and Cicero in gothic characters
wourl have been inappropriate'. However, this is an age in which
Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemsley,
a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent.
Mr West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to 'the poet
Petrarch' and Mr Fairbank writes William Morris, 'poet and artist-
craftsman'. Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar
to stand by themselves.
The Renaiasance standard of firm grace and lucidity ex-
pressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer
put down his pen. This is not the case today. Though one's
good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recog-
nise, in view of the importance placed on it
by these writers, the humanistic root of the revival. But with-
out the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the
adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic:
it does not come to terms with that essential monster, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers may need to consider, sooner
or later. Whereas italic in a graceful dependent of the revival
of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is
non - or anti-classicla. Whether the duality is unimportant or
disturbing, and if the letter, what should be done about it, is
an open question.
Lawrence Alloway.
68961348 - jesseytucker
TRAJAN'S COLUMN FOURclothe the writings of...Horace and Cicero in gothic characters
would have been inappropriate'. However, this is an age in which
Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemsley,
a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent.
Mr. West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to 'the poet
Petrarch' and Mr. Fairban writes William Morris, 'poeet and artist-
craftsman' Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar
to stand by themselves.
The Renaissance standard of firm grace and lucidity ex-
pressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer
put down his pen. This is not the case today. Though one's
good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recog-
nize in view of the importance placed on it
by these writers, the humanistic root of the revival. But with-
out the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the
adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic:
it does not come to terms with out essential work, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers may need to consider, sooner
or later. Whereas italic is a graceful dependent of the revival
of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is
non- or anti-classical. Whether the duality is unimportant or
disturbing, and if the latter, what should be done about it, is
an open question.
Lawrence Alloway.
69415541 - not-logged-in-33c8b91b07a0a46911d3
Trajan's Column fourclothe the writings of... Horace and Cicero in Gothic characters would have been inappropriate'. However, this is an age in which Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemely, a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent. Mr West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to 'the poet Petrarch' and Mr Fairbank writes William Morris, 'poet and artist-craftsman'. Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar to stand by themselves.
The Renaissance standard of firm grace and lucidity expressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer put down his pen. This is not the case today. Though one's good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recognise, in view of the importance placed on it by these writers, the humanistic roots of the revival. But without the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic: it does not come to terms with the essential words, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers need to consider, sooner or later. Whereas italic is a graceful dependent of of the revival of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is non- or anti-classical. Whether the duality is unimportant or disturbing, and if the letter, what should be done about it, is an open question.
Lawrence Alloway
69580407 - altheist
Trajan's Column Fourclothe the writings of... Horace and Cicero in Gothic characters would have been inappropriate'. However, this is an age in which Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemsley, a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent. Mr. West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to "the poet Petrarch" and Mr. Fairbank writes William Morris, "poet and artist-craftsman". Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar to stand by themselves.
The Renaissance standard of firm grace and lucidity expressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer put down his pen. This not the case today. Though one's good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recognise, in view of the importance placed on it by these writers, the humanistic root of the revival. But without the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic: it does not come to terms with that essential works, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers may need to consider, sooner or later. Whereas italic is a graceful dependent of the revival of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is non- or anti-classical. Whether the duality is unimportant or disturbing, and if the latter, what should be done about it, is an open question.
Lowrance Alloway.
69841166 - Crazycatz935
TRAJAN'S COLUMN FOURclothe the writings of... Horace and Cicero in gothic characters
would have been inappropriate. However, this is an age in which
Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemsley,
a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent.
Mr. West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to 'the poet
Petrarch' and Mr. Fairbank writes William Morris, 'poet and artist-
craftsman'. Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar
to stand by themselves.
The Renaissance standard of firm grace and lucidity ex-
pressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer
put down his pen. This is not the cause today. Though one's
good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recog-
nise, in view of the importance placed on it
by these writers, the humanistic root of the revival. But with-
out the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the
adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic:
it does not come to terms with that essential worries, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers may need to consider, sooner
or later. Whereas italic is a graceful dependent of the revival
of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is
non- or anti-classical. Whether the duality is unimportant or
disturbing, and if the letter, what should be done about it, is
an open question.
Lawrence Alloway.
WINNER - 70177292 - glt
TRAJAN'S COLUMN FOURclothe the writings of...Horace and Cicero in gothic characters would have been inappropriate'. However, this is an age in which Horace is, to the majority, a character created by Harry Hemsley, a comedian, and to many Cicero is the code name of a secret agent. Mr West feels it necessary, for example, to refer to 'the poet Petrarch' and Mr Fairbank writes William Morris, 'poet and artist-craftsman'. Apparently these names are insufficiently familiar to stand by themselves.
The Renaissance standard of firm grace and lucidity expressed a total attitude to life, which continued when the writer put down his pen. This is not the case today. Though one's good will is with the handwriting reformers, one needs to recognise, in view of the importance placed on it by these writers, the humanistic root of the revival. But without the society and ideals of the Renaissance what does the adoption of its handwriting amount to? The revival is nostalgic: it does not come to terms with that essential monster, the machine.
It is a problem which art teachers may need to consider, sooner or later. Whereas italic is a graceful dependent of the revival of classical culture most modern art teaching in the schools is non- or anti-classical. Whether the duality is unimportant or disturbing, and if the latter, what should be done about it, is an open question.
Lawrence Alloway.