- Max. dissimilarity: 0.118
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.089
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68791121 - Chris5420
- 70126600 - Sabine_Tuck
- 70953921 - JanetCormack
- 71363344 - k.h.pot
- 71410852 - Zooniverse2017
- 71692465 - Preacher357

WINNER - 68791121 - Chris5420
12 xi 1952Dearest Sylvia
How did your lecture go? I thought of you as I chatted on about
Turner. Details & brush strokes reminded me of china marks: a
man's bald head looked like a pot. My thoughts turned constantly to you
I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for you with lunch
beforehand & the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it.
Nothing is more difficult than WI lectures. I have not given
a satisfactory one yet I must admit. They are proverbially
'sticky' as audiences go.
The ICA evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness.
Herbert Read was in the audience & told me confidentially
afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution. He
also said he agreed with what I said about BH's recent
work tho' he had not written so in his book for diplomatic -
social reasons. I was awfully pleased by this as you can
imagine. i based myself on BH's statements about her
own work. Nobody else did. I seem to have born a
major part in the discussion as I alone supported BH with
some warmth. It kept coming back to me. ( Nice food, wine,
and drinks supplied by the ICA.)
Anthony Hill was there. Also I met William Scott.
I am on my way to the V & A for Banstead slides. 2 lec-
tures tomorrow + tea with Parmore. I lecture each on
Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday-
adore you
70126600 - Sabine_Tuck
12 xi 1952Dearest Sylvia
How did your lecture go? I thought of you as I chattered on about Turner. Details of brush strokes reminded me of china marks: a man's bald head looked like a rat. My thoughts turned constantly to you. I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for you with lunch beforehand and the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it. Nothing is more difficult than WI lectures. I have not given a satisfactory one yet I must admit. They are proverbially 'sticky' as audiences go.
The ICA evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness. Herbert Read was in the audience and told me confidentially afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution He also said he agreed with what I said about BH's recent work though he had not written so in his book for diplomatic-social reasons. I was awfully pleased by this as you can imagine. I based myself on BH's statements about her own work. Nobody else did. I seem to have been a major part in the discussion as I alone supported BH with some warmth. It kep coming back to me. (Nice food, wine, and drinks supplied by the ICA.)
Anthony Hill was there. Also I met William Scott.
I am on my way to the V & A for Banstead slides. I lec-
ture tomorrow & tea with Pasmore. I lecture each on
Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday.
adore you
70953921 - JanetCormack
12 XI 1952Dearest Sylvia
How did your lecture go? I thought of you as I chattered on about Turner. Details & brush strokes reminded me of china marks: a man's bald head looked like a pot. My thoughts turned constantly to you I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for you with lunch beforehand & the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it. Nothing is more difficult than WI lectures. I have not given a satisfactory one yet I must admit. They are proverbially 'sticky' as audiences go.
The ICA evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness. Herbert Read was in the audience and told me confidentially afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution. He also said he agreed with what I said about B H's recent work tho' he had not written so in his book for diplomatic - social reasons. I was awfully pleased by this as you can imagine. I based myself on BH's statements about her own work. Nobody else did. I seem to have borne a major part in the discussion as I alone supported B H with some warmth. It kept coming back to me. (Nice food, wine, and drinks supplied by the ICA.)
Anthony Hill was there. Also I met with William Scott.
I am on way to the V & A for Banstead slides. 2 lectures tomorrow & tea with Pasmore. 1lecture each on Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday.
I adore you
71363344 - k.h.pot
12 XI 1952Dearest Sylvia
How did your lecture go? I thought of you as I clattered on about
Turner. Details & brush strokes reminded me of china monks: a
man's bald bead looked like a pot. My thoughts turned constantly to you
I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for the with lunch
beforehand & the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it.
Nothing is more difficult that WI lectures. I have not given
a satisfactory one yet I must admit. they are proverbially
'sticky' as audiences go.
The ICA evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness.
Herbert Read was in the audience & told me confidentially
afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution. He
also said he agreed with what I said about BH's recent
work tho' he had not written so in his book for diplomatic-
social reasons. I was awfully pleased by this as you can
imagine. I based myself on BH's statements about her
own work. Nobody else did. I seem to have born a
major part in the discussion as I alone supported BH with
some warmth. It kept coming back to me. (Nice foo, wine,
and drinks supplied by the ICA.)
Anthony Hill was there. Also I met William Scott.
I am on my way to the V&A for Banstead slides. 2 lec-
tures tomorrow & tea with Pasmore. I lecture each on
Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday.
I adore you
71410852 - Zooniverse2017
12 XI 1952Dearest Sylvia,
How did your lecture go? I thought of you as I chattered on about
Turner. Details of brush strokes reminded me of China works: a
man's bald bead looked like a pot. My thoughts turned constantly to you
I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for you with lunch
beforehand the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it.
Nothing is more difficult than WI lectures. I have not given
a satisfactory one yet I must admit. They are proverbially
'sticky' as audiences go.
The ICA evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness. Herbert Read was in the audience & told me confidentially
afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution. He
also said he agreed with what I said about BH's recent
work tho' he had not written so in his book for diplomatic-
social reasons. I was awfully pleased in this as you can
imagine. I based myself on BH's statements about her
own work. Nobody else did. I seem to have born a
major part in the discussion as I alone supported BH with
some warmth. It kept coming back to me. (Nice food, wine,
and drinks supplied at the ICA.)
Anthony Mill was there. Also I met William Scott.
I am on my way to the V & A for Barnstead slides. 2 lec-
tures tomorrow + tea with Parmore. I lecture each on
Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday.
I adore you
71692465 - Preacher357
12 XI 1952 Dearest SylviaHow did your lecture go? I thought of you as I chattered on about
Turner. Details & brush strokes reminded me of china works: a
mans bald head looked like a pot. My thoughts turned constantly to you
I'm afraid that it must have been a tiring day for you with lunch
beforehand & the long journey. I do hope you slept well after it.
Nothing is more difficult than W I lectrues. I have not given
a satisfactory one yet I must admit. They are proverbially
"sticky" as audiences go.
The I C A evening was as dull to be in as it is to witness.
Herbert Read was in the audience & told me confidentally
afterwards that mine was the only serious contribution. He
also said he agreet with what I said about B H's recent
work tho' he had not writtn so in his book for diplomats -
social reasons. I was awfully pleased by this as you can
imagine. I based myself on BH's statements about her
own work. Nobody else did. I see to have born a
major part - the discussion as I alone supported BH with
some warmth. It kept coming back to me. (Nice food, wine,
and drinks supplied by the ICA).
Anthony Hill was there. Also I met William Scott.
I am on my way to the V & A for Banstead slides. 2 lec-
tures tomorrow & tea with Pasmore. I lecture each on
Friday & Saturday.
I love you so much. It is nearing Saturday -
I adore you