- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.399
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68806144 - jesseytucker
- 68828225 - Preacher357
- 69197461 - Sabine_Tuck
- WINNER - 69341327 - JanetCormack
- 69910355 - pogostickies
- 70270363 - hwhite17

68806144 - jesseytucker
107 Blackheath Park London S E325 xi 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your day and night until the
greenwoods was not awful. I expect
you will tell me about it.
I do miss you. Do not be fearful
about our ages my darling. It has not
battered us so far and we have already
out stayed C's expectations. Despite my
trouble in getting settled financially we
have been marvellously lucky and there
is no reason for anxiety now. I love
you--do not forget how dearly I
love you.
Last night I saw a 1938 Katharine
Hepburn film. You would have liked
it and I kept thinking of you through the
performance. It's called Bringing Up
Baby--Baby is the sweetest leopard
you ever saw, until a taste for music--in
particular "I can't give you anything but
68828225 - Preacher357
107 Blackheath Park London SE325 xi 1952 Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your day & night with the
Greenwoods was not awful. I expect
you will tell me about it.
I do miss you. Do not be fearful
about our ages my darling. It has not
bothered us so far and we have already
outstayed C's expectations. Despite my
trouble in getting settled financially we
have been marvellously lucky & there
is no reason for anxierty now. I love
you - do not forget how darling I
love you.
Last night I saw a 1938 Katharine
Hepburn film. You would have liked
it and I kept thinking of you through the
performance. Its called Bringing Up
Baby - Baby is the sweetest leapard
you ever saw, with a tarte for music - in
particular I can't give you anyting but
69197461 - Sabine_Tuck
107 Blackheath Park London SE325 xi 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I hope your day and night with the Greenwoods was not awful. I expect you will tell me about it.
I do miss you. Do not be fearful about our ages my darling. It has not bothered us so far and we have already outstayed C's expectations. Despite my trouble in getting settled financially we have been marvellously lucky and thereis no reason for anxiety now. I love you - do not forget how dearly I love you.
Last night I saw a 1938 Katharine Hepburn film. You would have liked it and I kep thinking of you through the performance. Its call Bringing Up Baby - Baby is the sweetest leopard you ever saw, with a taste for music - in particular 'I can't give you anything but
WINNER - 69341327 - JanetCormack
107 Blackheath Park London SE325 XI 1952
Dearest Sylvia
I hope that your day & night with the Greenwoods was not awful. I expect you will tell me about it.
I do miss you. Do not be fearful about our ages my darling. It has not bothered us so far and we have already outstayed C's expectations. Despite my trouble getting settled financially we have been marvellously lucky & there is no reason for anxiety now. I love you - do not forget how dearly I love you.
Last night I saw a 1938 Katharine Hepburn film. You would have liked it and I kept thinking of you through the performance. Its called Bringing Up Baby - Baby is the sweetest leopard you ever saw, with a taste for music - in particular 'I can't give you anything but
69910355 - pogostickies
107 Blackheath Park London SE325 XI 1952
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope that your day night with the
Greenwoods was not awful. I expect
you will tell me about it.
I do miss you. Do not be fearful
about our ages my darling. It has not
bothered us so far and we have already
outstayed C's expectations. Despite my
trouble in getting settled financially we
have been marvelously lucky there
is no reason for anxiety now. I love
you - do not forget how dearly I
love you.
Last night I saw a 1938 Katherine
Hepburn film. You would have liked
it and I kept thinking of you through the
performance. Its called Bringing Up
Baby - Baby is the sweetest leopard
you ever saw, with a taste for music - in
particular 'I can't give you anything, but
70270363 - hwhite17