- Max. dissimilarity: 0.967
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.384
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 69155737 - Janet616
- 69412187 - jesseytucker
- 70300711 - eoleary
- 70656895 - not-logged-in-adacdb5e89498b5e9915
- 70689263 - Preacher357
- 71243066 - Eboo

WINNER - 69155737 - Janet616
Blackheath 4 X11 1952Dearest Sylvia
I think you will be able to see all the exhibitions you mention for they are all on until X'mas and after (Ernst, Bowes Museum, V&A). If you are going to Georgie's party on 20th you shall come to London before that. As things are at present I have only two lectures that week. TG on Thursday 18th, & TG on Sat. 20th. From Sunday 14th onwards I have only those two lectures. I will pay you back the money I owe you any time now and you will remember your last visit here was not expensive. (Your feeling was right - I am broke.)
So glad you liked the play: I agree with you, the early pieces are very pleasant indeed. Fewer laborious & 2nd-rate ideas. IC was the one about the Dentist you saw - wasn't it?
Your dressing-table subject is going nicely by your accounts and it is good news that your portrait of Miss Campbell is successful, too. Incidentally I will ring up Close this afternoon about your 2 oils. Do not be shy about your name in my Kensington review - tho' I understand your feeling very well. Do read it again.
I had coffee with CJ yesterday & he gave me a half price season ticket for the Dutch exb. ( which I plan
69412187 - jesseytucker
Blackheath 4 XII 1952Dearest Sylvia
I think you will be able to see all the exhibitions you
mention for they are all on until x'mas and after (Ernst,
Bowes Museum, V&A). If you are going to Georgie's
party on 20th you shall come to London before that.
As things are at present I have only two lectures that
week. TG on Thursday 18th, & TG on Sat. 20th.
From Sunday 14th onwards I have only those two
lectures. I will pay you back the money I owe you
any time now and you will remember your last
visit here was not expensive. (Your feeling
was right--I am broke.)
So glad you liked the play: I agree with you, the early
piece are very pleasant indeed. Fewer laborious &
2nd-rate idea. It was the one about the Dentist
you saw--wasn't it?
Your dressing table subject is going nicely by your
accounts and it is good news that your portrait of
Miss Campbell is successful, too. Incidentally I
will ring up close this afternoon about your 2 oils.
Do not be she about your name in my Kensington
review--tho' I understand your feeling very well. Do
read it again.
I had coffee with CJ yesterday & he gave me a
half price season ticket for the dates etc. (whihc I plan
70300711 - eoleary
Black 4 x11 1952Dearest Sylvia
I think you will be able to see all the exhibitions you
mention for they all are on until X'mas and after (Ernst,
Bowers Museum, V&A). If you are going to George's
party on the 20th you shall come to London before that.
As things are at present I have only two lectures that
week. TG on Thursday 18th, & TG on Sat. 20th.
From Sunday 14th onwards I have only those two lectures.
I will pay you back the money I owe you
any time now and you will remember your last
visit here was not expensive. (Your feeling was right - I am broke.)
So glad you liked the play: I agree with you, the early pieces are very pleasant indeed. Fewer laborious & 2nd rate ideas. It was the one about the Dentist you saw - wasn't it?
Your dressing-table subject is going nicely by your
accounts and it is good news that your portrait of
Miss Campbell is successful, too. Incidentally, I
will ring up Close this afternoon about your 2 oils.
Do not be shy about your name in my Kensington
review - tho' I understand your feeling very well. Do
read it again.
I had a coffee with CJ yesterday & he gave me a
half price season ticket for the Dutch exh. (which I plan
70656895 - not-logged-in-adacdb5e89498b5e9915
i think you will be able to see all the aclulitail you70689263 - Preacher357
4 XII 1952 Blackheath Dearest SylviaI think you will be able to see all the exhibition you
mention for they are all on until X-mas and after (Ernst,
Bowes Museum, V & A). If you are going to Georgie's
party on 20th, you shall come to London before that.
As things are at present, I have only two lectures that
week. TG on Thursday 18th, & TG on Sat. 20th.
From Sunday 14th onwards, I have only those two
lectures. I will pay you back the money I owe you
anytime now and you will remember your last
visit hear was not expensive. (Your feeling
was right - I am broke.)
So glad you liked the play: I agree with you, the early
pieces are very pleasant indeed. Fewer laborious &
2nd - rate ideas. It was the one about the Dentist
you saw - wasn't it?
Your dressing-table subject is going nicely by your
accounts and it is good news that your portrait of
Miss Campbell is successful, too. Incidentally I
will ring up Chase this afternoon about your 2 oils.
Do not be shy about your name in my Kensington
review - tho' I understand your feeling very well. Do
read it again.
I had coffee with CJ yesterday & he gave me a
half price season ticket for the Dutch exh. (which I plan
71243066 - Eboo
Blackheath 4 XII 1952Dearest Sylvia
I think you will be able to see all the exhibitions you
mention for they are all on until X'mas and after (Ernst,
Bowes Museum, V A). If you are going to Georgie's
party on 20th you shall come to London before that.
As things are at present I have only two lectures that
week. TG on Thursday 18th, TG on Sat. 20th.
From Sunday 14th onwards I have only those two
lectures. I will pay you back the money I owe you
any time now and you will remember your last
visit here was not expensive. (Your feeling
was right - I am broke).
So glad you liked the play: I agree with you, the early
pieces are very pleasant indeed. Fewer laborious 2nd-rate ideas. IC was the one about the Dentist
you saw - wasn't it?
Your dressing-table subject is going nicely by your accounts and it is good news that your portrait of Mrs Campbell is successful, too. Incidentally I
will ring up Close this afternoon about your 2 oils.
Do not be shy about your name in my Kensington
review - as I understand your feeling very well. Do
read it again.
I had coffee with CJ yesterday she gave me a
half price season ticket for the Dutch exh. (which I plan