- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.492
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68839236 - Preacher357
- 69217436 - not-logged-in-cd728ff00d9643ea7f46
- WINNER - 69314718 - JanetCormack
- 69369096 - Sabine_Tuck
- 70058724 - not-logged-in-17b25a3ffe72c3c87e91
- 70194181 - Merlotmateus

68839236 - Preacher357
Westerner: pocket Phoelus -a last ray, as through tweed.
WIndows substitute for sun
But who moves there is only too clear;
No radience pricks the eye.
Differs in darkness I wait late.
You will notice the fact the poet occupies a high place
(significant in children's games & drawings) - equated with
time and the sun. As light goes the office windows slow
up but the inhabitants are : no choice of their taking
Plochus' place in the sun-window. It is a megalomanic
anti-social poem.
I have been reading Empron's poems ( as opposed to
his prose recently) & admire it very much. He always
seems (as a reviewer put it) to say less than he could -
which makes a better impression than (like modern roman-
tics) hoping to say more than you know.
Would you look up SNIDE in C's Dictionary
of American slang for me, please.
I love and adore you & anticipate happily your
letter saying when you will come,
Love you
69217436 - not-logged-in-cd728ff00d9643ea7f46
Western: rzcher Phoetus a last ray, as though weed. windows substitute for sun Bur who moves there is only too clear; No radieve pricks the eye. Diffuse in darkness I wait late. You will realize the your poet occupion a high place significant in dieresis games and drawing equated with time and the sun. An eight goes the office windows slow up but are inaficiant are Garal no chance of this caking podus place in the sun window. II have been reading Europeans poews Can apposed to his proze recently and admire it very much. He always seems as a reviene put it to say lerr dar he could which makes a better impression for life modern roman ais hoping to say more than you know. Would you look up SNIDE in C's Dictionary of American slang for me, please. I love and enere you a anticipate happily your lelts saying when you will come. Love you LawrenceWINNER - 69314718 - JanetCormack
Westerner: Pocket Phoebus -a last ray, as through tweed.
Windows substitute for sun
But who moves there is only too clear;
No radiance pricks the eye.
Diffuse in darkness I wait late.
You will notice the fact the poet occupies a high place (significant in children's games & drawings) - equated with time and the sun. As light goes the office windows show up but the inhabitants are banal: no chance of their taking Phoebus' place in the sun-window. It is a meglomaniac anti-social poem.
I have been reading Empson's poems (as opposed to his prose recently) & admire it very much. He always seems (as a reviewer put it) to say less than he could - which makes a better impression than (like modern romantics) hoping to say more than you know.
Would you look up SNIDE in C's Dictionary of American Slang for me, please.
I love and adore you & anticipate happily your letter saying when you will come.
I love you
69369096 - Sabine_Tuck
Westerner: pocket Phaebus -a last say, as through tweed.
Windows substitute for sun
But who moves there is only too clear;
No radiance pricks the eye.
Diffuse in darkness I wait late.
You will notice the fact the poet occupies a high place (significant in children's games and drawings) - equated with time and the sun. As light goes the office windows show up but the inhabitants are banal: no chance of their taking Phaebus' place in the sun-window. It is a megalomaniac - anti-social poem.
I have been reading Empson's poems (as opposed to his prose recently) and admire it very much. He always seems (as a reviewer put it) to say less than he could - which makes a better impression than (like modern romantics) hoping to say more than you know.
Would you look up SNIDE in C's Dictionary of American slang for me, please.
I love and adore you and anticipate happily your letter saying when you will come.
love you
70058724 - not-logged-in-17b25a3ffe72c3c87e91
70194181 - Merlotmateus
Westerner: pocket Phoebus -a last ray, as though tweed.
Windows substitute for sun
But who moves there is only too clear;
No radiance pricks the eye
Diffuse in darkness I wait late.
You will notice the fact the poet occupies a high place (significant in childrens games & drawings) - equated with time and the sun. As light goes the office windows show up but the inhabitants are banal: no chance of this taking Phoebus' place in the sun-window. It is a megalomaniac anti-social poem.
I have been reading Empson's poems (as opposed to his prose recently) & admire it very much. He always seems (as a reviewer put it) to say less than he could - which makes a better impression than (like modern romantics) hoping to say more than you know.
Would you look up SNIDE in C's Dictionary of American slang for me, please.
I love and adore you & anticipate happily your letter saying when you will come.
Love you