- Max. dissimilarity: 0.161
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.098
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68799112 - SailorVal
- 70920663 - JanetCormack
- 71566245 - Zooniverse2017
- 71686052 - Preacher357
- 72158229 - saffyre13
- 72586119 - dvmoonbird

WINNER - 68799112 - SailorVal
remodelling of places one knows. A walk along a streetis chancy and unfamiliar. Cars are useless & edge along
slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light
have a weird tangibility. The upset conditions produce
an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who who grin at
you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am
not going any farther than the post tomorrow it does not
worry me now I am home but I hope it clears by Mon-
day. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the
In early January there will be a Matisse exhibition
at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on,
in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly
including sculpture, I believe). Later in January there will prob-
ably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed
yet but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exh-
ibition from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture
hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to
lecture on it tho' at present I know nothing about Mex-
ican art.
The Dutch exh. is wretchedly hung but contains fas-
cinating groups of paintings of Rembrandt, Hals, van
Goyen, Cuyp, Terbrugghen, Steen. No Branwen unfor-
tunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and
saw Griffith's True Heart Susie. In a way I was enchanted
but in another way furious. You might be interested in
the fragment of an article I enclose about it.
70920663 - JanetCormack
remodelling of places one knows. A walk along a street is chancy and unfamiliar. Cars are useless & edge along slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light have a weird tangibility. The upset conditions produce an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who grin at you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am not going any farther than the post tomorrow it does now worry me now I am home but I hope it clears up by Monday. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the lecture.)In early January there will be a Matisse exhibition at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on, in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly including sculpture, I believe). Later in January there will probably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed yet but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exhibition from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to lecture on it tho' at present I know nothing about Mexican art.
The Dutch exh. is wretchedly hung but contains fascinating groups of paintings by Rembrandt, Hals, van Goyen, Cuyp, Terbruggen, Steen. No Brouwer unfortunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and saw Griffith's True Heart Susie. In a way I was enchanged but in another way furious. You might be interested in the fragment of an article I enclose about it.
71566245 - Zooniverse2017
remodeling of places one knows. A walk along a streetis clancy and unfamiliar. Cars are useless & edge along
slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light
have a weird tangibility. The upset conditions produce
an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who grin at
you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am
not going any father than the post tomorrow it does not
worry me now I am home but I hope it clears by Mon-
day. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the
In early January there will be a Matisse exhibition
at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on,
in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly
including sculptures, I believe). Later in January there will prob-
ably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed
yet but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exh-
ibition from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture
hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to
lecture on it tho' at present I know nothing about Mex-
ican art.
The Dutch exh. is wretchedly hung but contains fas-
cinating groups of painting & Newhart, Hals, van Goyen, Cuyn, Terbuggen, Steen. No Brommen unfortunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and
saw Gfittih's True Heart Suzie. In a way I was enchanted
but in another way furious. You might be interested in
the fragment of an article I eclose about it.
71686052 - Preacher357
remodelling of places one knows. A walk along a streetis and unfamiliar. Cars are useless to edge along
slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light
have a wierd . The upset conditions produce
an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who grin at
you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am
not going any further than the post tomorrow, it does not
worry me now I am home but I hope it clears by Mon-
day. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the
In early January there will be a Matiseo exhibition
at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on,
in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly
including sculpture, I believe). Later in January there will prob-
ably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed
yet, but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exh-
ibiton from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture
hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to
lecture on it tho' at present I know nothing about Mex-
ican art.
The Dutch exh. in wretchedly hung but contains fas-
cinating groups of paintings & Rembrandt, Hals, van
Gayen, Cuyp, Terbruggen, Steen. No Brouwer unfor-
tunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and
saw Griffith's True Heart Susie. In a way I was enchanted
but in another way furious - You might be interested in
the fragment of an article I enclose about it.
72158229 - saffyre13
remodeling of places one knows. A walk along a streetis dancy and unfamiliar. Cars are useless and edge along
slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light
have a weird tangibility. The upset conditions produce
an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who grin at
you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am
not going any further than the post tomorrow it does not
worry me now I am home but I hope it clears by Mon-
day. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the
In early January there will be a Matisse exhibition
at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on,
in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly
including sculpture, I believe). Later in January there will prob-
ably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed yet but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exh-
ibition from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture
hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to
lecture on it tho' at present I know nothing about Mex-
ican art.
The Dutch exh. in wretchedly hury but contains fas-
cinating groups of paintings & Rembrandt, Hals, van
Goyen, Cuyp, Ter Bruggen, Steen. No Brouwer nfor-
tunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and
saw Griffith's True Heart Susie. In a way I was enchanted
but in another way furious. You might be interested in
the fragment of an article I enclose about it.
72586119 - dvmoonbird
remodelling of places one knows. A walk along a street is chancy and unfamiliar. Cars are useless & edge along slower than pedestrians. In the evening beams of light have a wierd tangibility. The upset conditions produce an air-raid kind of intimacy with people who grin at you, roll their eyes heavenward, and so on. As I am not going any farther than the post tomorrow it does not worry me now I am home but I hope it clears by Monday. (The TG almost deserted: a dozen came to the lecture.)In early January there will be a Matisse exhibition at the TG so that will mean a fresh subject to lecture on, in addition to the pleasure of seeing his work (possibly including sculpture, I believe). Later in January there will probably be another exhibition in the Tate. This is not fixed yet but is very probable. It is the large Mexican exhibition from Paris. It will take up the entire sculpture hall and 4 or 5 galleries as well. I have agreed to lecture on it tho' at present I now nothing about Mexican art.
The Dutch exh. is wretchedly hung but contains fascinating groups of paintings & Rembrandt, Hals, Van Goyen, Cuyn, Terbruggen, Steen. No Bronmer unfortunately. I think you will enjoy it.
I went to the National Film Theatre last night and saw Griffith's True Heart Service. In a way I was enchanted but in another way furious. You might be interested in the fragment of an article I enclose about it.