- Max. dissimilarity: 0.097
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.064
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69140320 - tmeconverse
- 69689102 - jesseytucker
- 70490310 - KathN
- WINNER - 71008708 - RommelC
- 71552517 - Preacher357
- 71569002 - Zooniverse2017

69140320 - tmeconverse
3felt wonderfully healthy and
glowing, and it was so beautiful
in the garden that I enjoyed it.
I am thinking of writing a
poem about a Rose and a
Popinjay! but as I haven't
time perhaps you would -
in a French fairy tale I used
to know it was the Popinjay
who led the heroine astray
tempting her to look for a rose,
then she had, as a punishment
to loose her friends Bonne Biche
(a doe) and Beau Mireau (?)
(a cat) and ride on a
tortoise, from which she must
not dismount for days and
months - to go quite a short
distance - then she comes to
her father's palace - from which
she was inveigled by magic
and jealousy. (wicked step-mother)
and finds her friends transformed
into a handsome
69689102 - jesseytucker
3 felt wonderfully healthy andglowing, and it was so beautiful
in the garden that I enjoyed it.
I am thinking of writing a
poem about a rose and a
popinjay! but as I haven't
time perhaps you would--
in a French fairy tale I used
to know it was the popinjay
who led the heroine astray
tempting her to look for a rose,
then she had as punishment
to lose her friends bonne biche
(a doe) and Beau Mineau (?)
(a cat) and ride on a
tortoise, from which she must
not dismount for days and
months--to go quite a short
distance--then she comes to
her father's palace--from which
she was envergled by magic
and jealousy (wicked step-mother)
and finds her friends transformed
into a handsome
70490310 - KathN
3 felt wonderfully healthy andglowing, and it was so beautiful
in the garden that I enjoyed it.
I am thinking of writing a
poem about a Rose and a
Popinjay! and as I haven't
time perhaps you would -
in a French fairy tale I used
to know it was the Popinjay
who led the heroine astray
tempting her to look for a rose,
then she had as a punishment
to loose her friends Bonne Biche
(a doe) and Beau Mineau(?)
(a cat) and ride on a
tortoise, from which she must
not dismount for days and
months - to go quite a short
distance - then she comes to
her father's palace - from which
she was enveigled by magic
and jealousy (wicked step-mother)
and finds her friends transformed
into a handsome
WINNER - 71008708 - RommelC
3felt wonderfully healthy and glowing, and it was so beautiful in the garden that I enjoyed it. I am thinking of writing a Poem about a Rose and a Popinjay! but as I haven't time perhaps you would- in a French fairy tale I used to know it was the Popinjay who the led the heroine astray tempting her to look for a rose, then she had as a punishment to lose her friends Bonne Biche (a doe) and Beau Mineau (?) (a cat) and ride on a tortoise, from which she must not dismount for days and months- to go quite a short distance- then she comes to her father's palace- from which she was enveigled by magic and jealousy. (wicked step-mother) and finds her friends transformed into a handsome
71552517 - Preacher357
3 felt woderfully heathy andglowing, and it was so beautiful
in the garden that I enjoyed it.
I am thinking of writing a
poem about a Rose and a
Popinjay! but as I haven't
time perhaps you would -
in a French fairy tale I used
to know it was the Popinjay
who led the heroine astray
tempting her to look for a rose,
then she had as a punishment
to loose her friends Bonne Biche
(a doe) and Beau Minean(?)
(a cat) and ride on a
tortoise, from which she must
not dismount for days and
months - to go quite a short
distance - then she comes to
her father's palace - from which
she was by magic
and jealousy. (Wicked step-mother)
and finds her friends transformed
into a handsome
71569002 - Zooniverse2017
3 felt wonderfully healthy andglowing, and it was so beautiful
in the garden that I enjoyed it.
I am thinking of writing a
poem about a Rose and a
Popinjay! But as I haven't
time perhaps you would -
in a French fairytale I used
to know it was the Popinjay
who led the heroine astray
tempting her to look for a rose,
then she had as a punishment
to lose her friends Bonne Biche
(a doe) and Beau Mineau (?)
(a cat) and ride on a
tortoise, from which she must
not dismount for days and
months - to go quite a short
distance - then she comes to
her father's palace - from which
she was en-aisled by magic
and jealousy. (Wicked step-mother)
and finds her friends transformed
into a handsome