- Max. dissimilarity: 0.203
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.162
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68755714 - _secunda
- 69158023 - Preacher357
- 69737604 - jesseytucker
- 69961382 - southsidesunny
- WINNER - 70839603 - darryluk
- 70942735 - JanetCormack

68755714 - _secunda
2I'm glad you liked my poem--though you never mentioned it.
I very much admire the one of mirrors--"Let nothing happen to you" it is delightfully ingenious.
You must tell me about lunch Clare's lecture, and anything horrid about C. J. Did he miss the Jardellis?
I'm sorry that the Library is closed what a nuisance.
Although you say you love me and nine me so much your lack of ambition for either of us is quite appealing. You do nothing about your poems--or that article about the American Impressionist--and just make peace lectures. It's not enough--remember what Psyche did for her love. I don't think you organize your days properly, but are always wasting
69158023 - Preacher357
2 I'm glad you liked my poem -though you never mentioned it.
I very much advise the
one of mirror - "Let nothing
happen to you", it is delightfully
You must tell me about
lunch and Clare's lecture - and
anyting horrid about C.J.,
did he miss the Jardelli ?
I'm sorry that the Library
is closed, what a nuisence.
Although you say you love
me and miss me so much,
your lack of ambition for
either of us is quite appall-
ing. You do nothing about
your poems - or that article
about the American Impressio-
nist - and just make pence
lecturing. Its not enough -
remember what Psyce did
for her love. I don't think
you arganize your days properly,
but are always wasting
69737604 - jesseytucker
2 I'm glad you liked my poem--though you never mentioned it.
I very much admire the
one of musson-"Let nothing
happen to you" it is delightfully
You must tell me about
luch Clare's lecture, and
anything horrid about C.V.
did he miss the Jardellis?
I'm sorry that the library
is closed what a nuisance.
Although you say you love
me and miss me so much
your lack of ambition for
either of us is quite appall-
ing. You do nothing about
your poems, or that article
about the American Impressio-
nist, and just make pence
lecturing. Its not enough--
remember what Psyche did
for her love. I don't think
your organize your days properly
but are always wasting
69961382 - southsidesunny
2 I'm glad you liked my poem --though you never mentioned it.
I very much admire the
one of mirror -- "Let nothing
happen to you" it is delightfully
You must tell me about
Uncle Clare's lecture - and
anything horrid about C.J.
did he miss the Jardellis?
I'm sorry that the Library
is closed What a nuisance .
Although you say you love
me and miss me so much
your lack of ambition for
either of us is quite appall-
ing -- you do nothing that about
your poems -- or that article
about the American Impressio-
nist -- and just make pence
lecturing what Psyche did
for her love. I don't think
you organize your days properly
but are always wasting
WINNER - 70839603 - darryluk
2I'm glad yo liked my poem - though you never mentioned it. I very much admire the one of mirrors - "Let nothing happen to you" it is delightfully ingenious.
You must tell me about Uncle Clare's lecture - and anything horrid about C.J. did he miss the Jardellis?
I'm sorry that the horary is closed what a nuisance.
Although you say you love me and miss me so much your lack of ambition for either of us is quite appalling. You do nothing about your poems - or that article about the American Impressionist, and just make pence lecturing. Its not enough, remember what Psyche did for her love. I don't think you organise your days properly but are always wasting
70942735 - JanetCormack
2 I'm glad you liked my poem - though you never mentioned it. I very much admire the one of mirrors - "Let nothing happen to you" it is delightfully ingenious.You must tell me about Uncle Clare's lecture - and anything horrid about C.J. did he miss the Jardellis?
I'm sorry that the Library is closed what a nuisance.
Although you say you love me and miss me so much your lack of ambition for either of us is quite appalling - you do nothing abput your poems - or that article about the American Impressionists - and you just make pence lecturing. It is not enough - remember what Psyche did for her love - I don't think you organise your days properly but you are always wasting