- Max. dissimilarity: 0.216
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.158
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68830272 - jesseytucker
- 69599735 - databanana
- WINNER - 71174933 - the3esses
- 71609493 - Preacher357
- 71650001 - altheist
- 71716571 - JanetCormack

68830272 - jesseytucker
Pett 2-11-52My dearest Lawrence
I am so happy to have your letter.
I regret to say I am still in bed with
a god-awful cold. It was on my
chest yesterday but luckily with a
lalere and leprechaun wive it is
much better. I shall try very hard
to get well as I do want to come
up to town. Tiny thinks I ought
not but I will see. I feel rather
imprisoned here, and Tiiny, consciously
or "unes"ly worries on all my fears.
Will you really write to Cardiff, do
you still steal, your "bad" social
attitude, they gave me quite an
lecture on it which I got back
and Tiny is become quite "un American"
again! They really think of course
that I should give you both up
and settle down here with my work
but I feel that my situation
69599735 - databanana
My dearest Lawrence
I am so happy to have your letter I regret to say I am still in bed with a god-awful cold. Dr was on my chest yesterday but luckily with in - Laless and ipecacuanha wine it is much better. I shall try very hard to get well as I do want to come up to town - Tiny thinks I oughts not but I will see - I feel rather imprissoned here, and Tiny, consciously or "urres"ly works on all my fears - Will you really write to Cardiff, do you still steal - your "bad" social attitude - they gave me quite a leture on it when I got back - and Tiny is become quite "un-American" again! They really think of course that I should give you both up and settle down here with my work but I feel that my situation
WINNER - 71174933 - the3esses
My dearest Lawrence
I am so happy to have your letter. I regret to say I am still in bed with a god-awful cold. It was on my chest yesterday but luckily with Lalers and ipecacuhann wine it is much better. I shall try very hard to get well as I do want to come up to town. Tiny thinks I ought not but I will see. I feel rather imprisoned here, and Tiny, consciously or "uncs."ly works on all my fears - will you really write to Cardiff, do you still steal - your "bad" social attitude - they gave me quite a lecture on it when I got back - and Tiny is become quite "un-American" again! They really think of course that I should give you both up and settle down here with my work but I feel that my situation
71609493 - Preacher357
2-ii-52 Pett My dearest LawrenceI am so happy to have your letter.
I regret to say I am still in bed with
a god-awful cold. It was on my
chest yesterday, but luckily with
and wine it is
much better. I shall try very hard
to get well as I do want to come
up to town - Tiny thinks I ought
not, but I will see - I feel rather
imprisoned here, and Tiny, consciously
or "umes"ly works on all my fears-
Will you really write to cardift, do
you still steal - your "bad" social
attitude - they game me quite a
lecture on it when I got back -
and Tiny is become quite "un-American"
again! They really think of course
that I should give you both up
and settle down here with my work,
but I feel that my situation
71650001 - altheist
My dearest Lawrence
I am so happy to have your letter I regret to say I am still in bed with a god-awful cold. It was on my chest yesterday but luckily with lalers and ipecacuana wive it is much better. I shall try very hard to get well as I do want to come up to town - Tiny thinks I ought not but I will see - I feel rather imprisoned here, and Tiny, consciously or "umes"ly works on sell my fears - Will you really write to Cardiff, you do still steal - you "bad" social attitude - they gave me quite a lecture on it when I got back - and Tiny is become quite "Un-American" again! They really think of course that I should give you both up and settle down here with my work but I feel that my situation
71716571 - JanetCormack
Pett 2.11.52My dearest Lawrence
I am so happy to have your letter. I regret to say I am still in bed with a god-awful cold. It was on my chest yesterday but luckily with inhalers and ipecacuanha wine it is much better. I shall try very hard to get well as I do want to come up to town - Tiny thinks I ought not but I will see - I feel rather imprisoned here, and Tiny, consciously or "uncons'"ly works on all my fears - will you really write to Cardiff, do you still steal - your "bad" social attitude - they gave me quite a lecture on it when I got back - and Tiny is become quite "un-American" again! They really think of course that I should you give you both up and settle down here with my work but I feel that my situation