- Max. dissimilarity: 0.092
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.059
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69011125 - Frosty1
- 69597746 - JanetCormack
- 69965580 - swong-davies20
- WINNER - 70652767 - Zooniverse2017
- 71334569 - k.h.pot
- 71498123 - Eboo

69011125 - Frosty1
Pattern Book and Chaplin in the train for I felt painfully miserable. I feel that I can't go on caring any-more it is too painful - but one has to bear these things because there is nothing else to do. To kill oneself seems undignified and is such a nuisance for everyone that it seems a spiteful thing to do.I wish Tyler's style was a little tauter and more lucid - the book is very easy to read and fairly well reasoned, but I think not very well expressed. He says some interesting and provocative things but one can draw one's own conclusions as well.
I don't think I've any other news - I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't think I can stay here long alone. Perhaps it is because I am not well - but I do seem to get a dreadful melancholy here in spite of my liking it so much - I think I must keep to my own rooms more I think then I should be happier. Tiny is so brusque and uncomfortably bury all the time.
69597746 - JanetCormack
Pattern Book and Chaplin in the train for I felt painfully miserable. I feel that I can't go on caring any-more it is too painful - but one has to bear these things because there is nothing else to do. To kill oneself seems undignified and is such a nuisance for everyone that it seems a spiteful thing to do.I wish Tyler's style was a little tauter and more lucid - the book is very easy to read and fairly well reasoned, but think not very well expressed. He says some interesting and provocative things but one can draw one's own conclusions as well.
I don't think I've any other news - I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't think I can stay here long alone. Perhaps it is because I am not well - but I do seem to get a dreadful melancholy here in spite of my liking it so much - I think I must keep to my own rooms more I think then I should be happier. Tiny is so brusque and uncomfortably busy all the time.
69965580 - swong-davies20
Pattern Book and Chaplin is the train for I felt painfully miserable. I feel that I can't go on caring any - more it is too painful - but one has to bear these things because there is nothing else to do. To kill oneself seems undignified and is such a nuisance for everyone that it seems a spiteful thing to do.I wish Lyle's style was a little tauter and more lucid - this book is very easy to read and fairly well reasoned, but I think not very well expressed. He says some interesting and provocative things but one can draw one's own conclusions as well.
I don't think I've any other news - I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't think I can stay here long alone perhaps it is because I am not well - but I do seem to get a dreadful melancholy here inspite of my liking it so much - I think I must keep to my own room more I think then I should be happier. Luis is so brusque and uncomfortably busy all the time.
WINNER - 70652767 - Zooniverse2017
Pattern Book and Chaplin in thetrain for I felt painfully miserable.
I feel that I can't go on caring
anymore if it is too painful - but
one has to bear these things because
there is nothing else to do. To kill
oneself seems undignified and is
such a nuisance for everyone that it
seems a spiteful thing to do.
I wish Tyler's style was a little
tauter and more lucid - the book
is very easy to read and fairly well
reasoned, but I think not very well
expressed. He says some interesting
and provocative things but one
can draw one's own conclusions
as well.
I don't think I have any other news -
I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't
think I can stay here long alone.
Perhaps it is because I am not
well - but I do seem to get a
dreadful melancholy here in spite
of my liking it so much - I think
I must keep to my own room more
I think then I should be happier.
Tiny is so brusque and uncomfortably
busy all the time.
71334569 - k.h.pot
Pattern Book and Chaplin is thetrain for I felt painfully miserable.
I fell that I can't go on caring
any more it is too painful - but
one has to bear these things because
there is nothing else to do. To kill
oneself seems undignified and is
such a nuisance for everyone that it
seems a spiteful thing to do.
I wish Tyler's style was a little
tauter and more lucid - this book
is very easy to read and fairly well
reasoned, but I think not very well
expressed. He says some interesting
and provocative things but one
can draw one's own conclusions as
I don't think I've any other news -
I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't
think I can stay here long alone
Perhaps it is because I am not
well - but I do seem to get a
dreadful melancholy here in spite
of my liking it so much - I think
I must keep to my own room more
I think then I should be happier
Tiny is so brusque and uncomfortably
busy all the time.
71498123 - Eboo
Pattison Book and Chaplin is thetrain for I felt painfully miserable.
I feel that I can't go on caring
any-more if it is too painful - but
one has to bear these things because
there is nothing else to do. To kill
oneself seems undignified and is
such a nuisance for everyone that it
seems a spiteful thing to do.
I wish Tyler's style was a little
tauter and more lucid - the book
is very easy to read and fairly well
reasoned, but I think not very well
expressed. He says some interesting
and provocative things but one
can draw one's own conclusions as
I don't think I've any other news.
I'm sorry to be so dreary - I don't
think I can stay here long alone
Perhaps it is because I am not
well - but I do seem to get a
dreadful melancholy here in spite
of my liking it so much - I think
I must keep to my own rooms more
I think then I should be happier.
Tiny is so brusque and uncomfortably
busy all the time.