- Max. dissimilarity: 0.192
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.115
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68669407 - JanetCormack
- 68804307 - hoskinml
- WINNER - 69264513 - RommelC
- 69766324 - jesseytucker
- 71469946 - nahnah
- 71496720 - Zooniverse2017

68669407 - JanetCormack
3perhaps you could also make an appointment with them - could it be like this: -
10.30 Christies
11.0. Leicester
11.30 Leger
12.0 or 2.30 -3 Chase
Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Bergman as convenient - I will let them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul but of course he had not seen you - don't press him we'll see how things develop!
68804307 - hoskinml
3perhaps you could also make an appointment with them -
could it be like this: -
10.30 Christies
11.0. Leicester
11.30 Leger.
12.0 or 2.30-30 Chase.
Mrs. Clark and Mrs Bergmen as convenient - I will let them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul but of course he had not seen you - don't press him We'll see how things develope!
WINNER - 69264513 - RommelC
3 SYLVIA SLEIGHperhaps you could also make an appointment with them. Could it be like this:
10.30 Christies
11.0 Leicester
11.30 Leger
2.30- 3.0 Chase
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bergman as convenient- I will let them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul- but of course he had not seen you- don't press him we'll see how things develop!
69766324 - jesseytucker
perhaps you could also make
an appointment with them--
could it be like this:--
10.30 Christies
11.0 Lerecster
11.30 deger.
2.30-30 Chase
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bernman
as convenient. I will let
them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul--
but of course he had not
seen you--don't press him
we'll see how things develop!
71469946 - nahnah
SYLVIA SLEIGHperhaps you could also make an appointment with them - could it be like this: -
10.30 Christies
11.0 decester
11.30 deger
2.30-30 Chase
Mrs Clark and Mrs Bergman as convenient - I will let them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul - but of course he had not seen you - don't press him we'll see how things develop!
71496720 - Zooniverse2017
3perhaps you could also make
an appointment with them -
could it be like this: -
10.30 Christies
11.00 Leicester
11.30 Deger
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Bergman
as convenient - I will let
them know!
What a day!
I have just heard from Paul -
but of course he had not
seen you - don't press him
we'll see how things develop!