- Max. dissimilarity: 0.244
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.121
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 68828730 - jesseytucker
- 69792704 - Arabicstar
- 70026617 - slartybartfast100
- 70196430 - Merlotmateus
- 70966961 - Judyteen
- 71288293 - JanetCormack

WINNER - 68828730 - jesseytucker
2 but my cold seems to make me slow.I had hoped to go to the WI
pantomime--"Dick Whitington", for which
I have a ticket, but I don't know
if I will be able. This afternoon I
shall paint. I had hoped to go to
Hastings this morning to pay in my
cheque and buy some grapes for the
still-life. I expect I shall go tomorrow.
I was streaming this morning--I feel
a little better now.
I am very pleased with the "1890's"
and have read over half. I really must
read "Dorien Grey" again--and I think
I should read "A Rebours"! I think
that all the so-called modern move-
ments were born in the 90's!
Therefore I'm frightfully modern with a
difference! I have looked again at
Beardsley and I do still think
him very good; he was, and probably
is a great influence on me! I
love patterns and complexities too!
I hope your Banstead Class went well
69792704 - Arabicstar
2 but my cold seems to make me slow. I had planned to go to the W.I. pantomime- "Dick Whitington", but I don;'t know if I will be able. This afternoon I shall paint. I had hoped to go to Hastings this morning to pay in my cheque and buy some grapes for the still-life- I expect I shall go to Moscow. I was this morning- I feel a little better now.I am very pleased with the "1890s" and I have read over half- I really must read "Dosier Grey" again- and I think I should read "A Robious"! I think that all the so-called modern were born in the "90's! Therefore I am frightfully modern with a difference! I have looked again at Beasdsley and I do still think him really good; he was and probably is a great influence on me! I love patterns and complexities too! I hope your Panstead Claos went well
70026617 - slartybartfast100
2 but my cold seems to make me slow. I had hoped to go to the W.I. pantomime - "Dick Whitington", for which I have a ticket - but I don't know if I will be able. This afternoon I shall paint. I had hoped to go to Hastings this morning to pay in my cheque and buy some grapes for the still-life - I expect I shall go to-morrow. I was streaming this morning - I feel a little better now.I am very pleased with the "1890's" and have read over half - I really must read "Dorien Grey" again - and I think I should read "A "! I think that all the so-called modern move-ments were born in the "90's! Therefore I am frightfully modern with a difference! I have looked again at Beardsley and I do still think him really good; he was, and probably is a great influence on me! I love patterns and complexities too!
I hoe your [Panstead] Class went well
70196430 - Merlotmateus
2but my cold seems to make me slow.
I had hoped to go to the W.I. pantomime - "Dick Whittington" for which I have a ticket - but I don't know if I will be able. This afternoon I shall paint. I had hoped to go to Hastings this morning to pay in my cheque and buy some grapes for the still-life. I expect I shall go to-morrow. I was streaming this morning - I feel a little better now.
I am very pleased with the "1890's" and have read over half - I really must read "Dorien Grey" again - and I think I should read "A Rebours"! I think that all the so-called modern movements were born in the "90's"!
Therefore I'm frightfully modern with a difference! I have looked again at Beardsley and I do still think him very good; he was and probably is a great influence on me! I love patterns and complexities too!
I hope your Banstead Class went well
70966961 - Judyteen
2. but my cold seems to make me slow. I had hoped to go to the W.I. pantomime -"Dicks Whitington", for which I have a ticket- but I don't know if I will be able. This afternoon I shall paint. I had hoped to go to Hastings this morning to pay in my cheque and buy some grapes for the still-life. I expect I shall go to-morrow. I was steaming this morning- I feel a little better now.I am very pleased with the "1890's" and have read over half. I really must read "Dorian Gray" again- and I think I should read A ....! I think that all the so-called modern movements were born in the "90's! Therefore I'm frightfully modern with a difference! I have looked again at Beardsley and I do still think him very good; he was, and probably is, a great influence on me! I love patterns and complexities too!
I hope your Banstead class went well
71288293 - JanetCormack
2 but my cold seems to make me slow. I had hoped to go to the W.I. pantomime - "Dick Whittington," for which I have a ticket - but I don't know if I will be able. This afternoon I shall paint. I had hoped to go to Hastings this morning to pay in my cheque and buy some grapes for the still-life. I expect I shall go tomorrow. I was streaming this morning - I feel a little better now.I am very pleased with the "1890s" and have read over half - I really must read "Dorian Grey" again - and I think I should read "A Retours"! I think that all the so-called modern movements were born in the "90's"! Therefore I'm frightfully modern with a difference! have looked again at Beardsley and I do still think him very good; he was, and probably is, a great influence on me! I love pattterns and complexities too!
I hope your Banstead Class went well