- Max. dissimilarity: 0.133
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.065
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68804426 - jsprake
- 68929566 - Preacher357
- 69015889 - tmeconverse
- 69264917 - highc51239
- 69268905 - southsidesunny
- WINNER - 69419925 - jesseytucker

68804426 - jsprake
corrections. I think it is an interestingone - but I shall coutre-jour
things for a bit as they are such hard
work! I hope to start on the
still-life with Sunderland jugs to-morrow. That will take some time I think
as Clifford is nearly always working in the library.
I will write again - I must do
as much painting as I can before
going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of
my Lion
I love you
68929566 - Preacher357
corrections. I think it is an interestingone - but I shall 'rest' coutre-jour
things for a bit as they are such hard
work! I hope to start on the
still-life with Suderland jusgs to-mor-
row. That will take some time I think
as Clifford is nearly always working
in the library.
I will write again - I must do
as much painting as I can before
going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of
my Lion -
I love you
69015889 - tmeconverse
corrections. I think it is an interestingone - but I shall 'rest' contre-jour
things for a bit as they are such hard
work! I hope to start on the
still-life with Sunderland jugs tomor-
row. That will take some time I think
as Clifford is nearly always working
in the library.
I will write again. I must do
as much painting as I can before
going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of
my Lion.
I love you
69264917 - highc51239
corrections. I think it is an interesting one - but I shall 'reor' coutre-jour things for a bit as they are such hard loorle! I hope to start on this still-life with Sunderland jugs tomorrow. That will take some time I think as Clifford is nearly always working in the library.I will write again- I must do as much painting as I can before going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of my Lion --
I love you
69268905 - southsidesunny
corrections. I think it is an interestingone - but I shall 'rest' contre-jour
things for a bit as they are such hard
work! I hope to start on the
still-life with Sunderland jugs to-mor-
row. That will take some time I think
as Clifford is nearly always working
in the library.
I will write again -- I must do
as much painting as I can before
going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of
my Lion --
I love you
WINNER - 69419925 - jesseytucker
corrections. I think it is an interestingone--but I shall 'rest' coutre-jour
things for a bit as they are such hard
work! I hope to start on the
still life with Sunderland jugs tomor-
row. That will take some time I think
as Clifford is nearly always working
in the library.
I will write again. I must do
as much painting as I can before
going to the post.
I am longing to do a portrait of my Lion.
I love you.