- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.437
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68794194 - not-logged-in-0b0ee2ae94b3d84ace10
- WINNER - 68911542 - jesseytucker
- 69043496 - tinkapuppy
- 69316864 - JanetCormack
- 69462276 - the3esses
- 70025783 - pogostickies

68794194 - not-logged-in-0b0ee2ae94b3d84ace10
WINNER - 68911542 - jesseytucker
His cold is a little better but goingout lecturing irritates his throat at
last night he was kept awake a
good deal of the night coughing.
We shall very much look forward
to your lecture on films! I hope you
have a pleasant interview with Iris--yes
do let me know the upshot. I'm also
glad that you have not forgotten Tiny's
article! I shall look forward to that
very much.
The question mark after Mr. Smith's state-
ment makes it a bit equivoqal doesn't
it? I hope I shall come to a lecture
soon. I expect you are travelling home
or to Wimbledon now--it is 10:30.
I do hope you are not too warm--
for you said that you had 3 lectures
today. My Lion is a lion, about town!
I wonder if you have read "street car" yet?
The Gilbert and Sullivan book sounds interes-
ting. I am reading George's China book
again now. It has been praised by C.
Connoly--savage emphases the last
syllable but one.
I so much look forward to
reading your new poem.
69043496 - tinkapuppy
His cold is a little better but goingout lecturing irritates his throat and
last night he was kept awake a
good deal of the night coughing.
We shall very much look forward
to your lecture on films! I hope you
have a pleasant interview with Iris - yes
do let me know the upshot. I'm also
glad that you have not forgotten Tiny's
article! I shall look forward to that
very much.
The question mark after Mrs. Smith's stat-
ement makes it a bit equivocal doesn't
it? I hope I shall come to a lecture
soon - I expect you are travelling home
on to Wimbledon now - it is 10:30.
I do hope you are not too worn -
for you said that you had 3 lectures
today. My loon is a lion about town!
I wonder if you have read "Streetcar" yet?
The Gilbert & Sullivan book sounds interes-
ting. I am reading George's Chir... Book
again now. It has been praised by C.
Connoly - savage emphases the last
sit... but one.
I so much look forward to
reading you new poem.
69316864 - JanetCormack
His cold is a little better but going out lecturing irritates his throat and last night he was kept awake a good deal of the night coughing.We shall very much look forward to your lecture on films! I hope you have a pleasant interview with Iris - yes do let me know the upshot. I'm also glad that you have not forgotten Tiny's article! I shall look forward to that very much.
The question mark after Mrs. Smith's statement makes it a bit equivocal doesn't it? I hope I shall come to a lecture soon - I expect you are travelling home or to Wimbledon now - it is 10.30. I do hope that you are not too worn - for you said that you had 3 lectures today. M Lion is a lion about town! I wonder is you have read Street-car yet? The Gilbert & Sullivan book sounds interesting. I am reading George's China Book again now. It have been praised by C. Connolly - Savage emphasises the last syllable but one.
I so much look forward to reading your new poem.
69462276 - the3esses
His cold is a little better and going out lecturingirritates his throat and last night he was kept awake a good deal of the night coughing.We shall very much look forward to your lecture on films! I hope you have a pleasent interview with Iris - yes do let we know the upshot. I'm also glad that you have not forgotten Timy's artiele! I shall look forward to that very much.
The question mark after Mrs Smith's statement makes it a bit equivoqal doesn't it? I hope I shall come to a lecture soon. I expect you are travelling home or to Wimbledon now - it is 10.30.
I do hope you are not too worn - for you said that you had 3 lectures today. My Loon is a lion about town!
I wonder if you have read "Street car" yet? The Bilbert & Sullivan books sounds interesting. I am reading George's ChinaBook again now. It has been praised by C. Connoly - savage emphases the last silable but one.
I so much look forward to reading your new poem.
70025783 - pogostickies
His throat is a little better but goingout ... irritates his throat and
last night he was kept awake a
good deal of the night coughing.
We shall very much look forward
to your lecture on films! I hope you
do let me know the upshot. I'm also
glad that you have not forgotten Tiny's
article! I shall look forward to that
very much.
The question mark after Mrs. Smith's state-
ment makes it a bit equivocal doesn't
it? I hope I shall come to a lecture
soon - I expect you are travelling home
or to Wimbledon now - it is 10.30.
I do hope you are not too warm -
for you said that you had 3 lectures
to-day. My ... is a lion, about town!
I wonder if you have read 'Street-car' yet?
The Gilbert and Sullivan book sounds interes-
ting. I am reading George's Chizi Book
again now. It has been praised by C.
Connoly - savage emphases the last
silable but one.
I so much look forward to
reading your new poem.