- Max. dissimilarity: 0.115
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.068
- Image votes: 0.33
- 68722045 - JanetCormack
- 68872908 - Badenkate
- WINNER - 68941013 - tmeconverse
- 68984483 - Bombalurina
- 70189021 - jesseytucker
- 70653701 - Zooniverse2017

68722045 - JanetCormack
2. I long to paint really assured and unself conscious allegorical pictures and I hope that by copying people who took such things for granted as the best and latest thing to paint that I shall infuse into my work something of their spirit.Tiny sends her love and was delighted with your letter - showed it all round and though it sweet of Hetty. I am delighted to hear that you are getting poems ready to send to Sir O. ought you to badger Parsons gently, by the way?
I do like the two verses you sent me, they are delightfully ingenious - but I am jealous of the "free" girls who are obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your successfu;l C18th lecture - I think that is a personal triumph - you are widening people's fields of appreciation I though that you would. I hope you know ALL about Sickert now!
68872908 - Badenkate
2. I long to paint really assured and unconscious allegorical pictures and I hope that by copying people who took such things for granted as the best and latest thing to paint that I shall infuse into my work something of their spirit.Tiny sends her love and was delighted with your letter - showed it all round and thought it sweet of Hetty. I am delighted to hear that you are getting poems ready to send to Sir O. Ought you to badger Parsons gently, by the way?
I do like the two verses you sent me, they are delightfully ingenious - but I am jealous of the "free" girls who are obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your successful C18th lecture - I think that is a personal triumph - you are widen-ing peoples' fields of appreciation I thought that you would. I hope you know All about Sickert now!
WINNER - 68941013 - tmeconverse
2.I long to paint really assured and
unselfconscious allegorical pictures and I
hope that by copying people who took
such things for granted as the best and
latest thing to paint that I shall
infuse into my work something of their
Tiny sends her love and was delighted
with your letter - showed it all round
and thought it sweet of Hetty. I am
delighted to hear that you are getting
poems ready to send to Sir O. Ought
you to badger Parsons gently, by the
I do like the two verses you sent
me, they are delightfully ingenious - but
I am jealous of the "free" girls who are
obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your
successful 18th lecture. I think that
is a personal triumph - you are widen
-ing peoples' fields of appreciation. I
thought that you would. I hope
you know ALL about Sickert now!
68984483 - Bombalurina
I long to paint really assured andunselfconscious allegoneal pictures and I
hope that by copying people who took
such things for granted as the best and
latest thing to paint that I shall
infuse into my work something of their
Tiny sends her love and was delighted
with your letter- showed it all round
and thought it was sweet of Hetty. I am
delighted to hear that you are getting
poems ready to send to Sir O. ought
you to badger Pousons gently, by the
I do like the two verses you sent
me, they are delightfully ingenious- but
I am jealous of the "free" girls who are
obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your
successful 18th lecture- I think that
in a personal triumph- you are widen
-ing peoples' fields of appreciation I
that that you would. I hope
you know all about sickest now!
70189021 - jesseytucker
2. I long to paint really answered andin self conscious allegorical pictures and I
hope that by copying people who took
such things for granted as the best and
latest things to paint that I shall
infuse into my work something of their
Tiny sends her love and was delighted
with your letter--showed it all round
and though tit sweet of Hetty. I am
delighted to hear that you are getting
poems ready to send to Sir O. ought
you to badger Parsons gently, by the way?
I do like the two verses you sent
me, they are delightfully ingenious--but
I am jealous of the "free" girls who are
obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your
successful 18th lecture. I think that
in a personal triumph, you are widen-
ing people's fields of appreciation. I
thought that you would. I hope
you know ALL about Sickert now!
70653701 - Zooniverse2017
2. I long to paint really answered andunselfconscious allegorical pictures and I
hope that by copying people who took
such things for granted as the best and
latest thing to paint that I shall
infuse into my work something of their
Tiny sends her love and was delighted
with your letter - showed it all round
and thought it sweet of Hetty. I am
delighted to hear that you are getting
poems ready to send to Sir O. ought
you to badger Parsons gently, by the
I do like the two verses you sent
me, they are delightfully ingenious - but
I am jealous of the "free" girls who are
obviously Americans!
I am very happy to hear of your
successful 18th lecture - I think that
is a personal triumph - you are wider-
ing peoples' fields of appreciation I
thought that you would. I hope
you know all about Sickert now!