- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.343
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68805379 - jesseytucker
- 68813919 - Preacher357
- 70227048 - hoskinml
- 70289858 - Paula-S
- 70914752 - Chris5420
- 71092503 - kittykitkat35
- WINNER - 71148445 - JanetCormack

68805379 - jesseytucker
5. No I supposed you will not write--never mind. I shall quite understand.
We've had all this before an I'm a
fol not to take it all more lightly--
it's a foolish business to be one's loes
super ego--and quite useless so I
shall stop--but remember "underneath
the willo--as Auden said
to Brittain and you used to quote
so glibly.
Your new poem sounds delightful--
what about the film book?
I love you my dearest, but begin
to wish I loved you too, for as
you brought my work to life and gave
me the heart and confidence to paint
so now I fear it will be the only thing
left to me, and if it will be enough--
for today I fear you are my death, as
my hopes in love and happiness languish,
my adored poet, can you not yet
be the savior of my world?
I love you
P.S. Brian Bosertsa was on the short list but wintechapel Mr. told?
68813919 - Preacher357
5. Now I suppose you will not write -never mind - I shall quite understand
we've had all this before and I'm a
fool not to take it all more lightly -
its a foolish business to be one's lovers
super ego - and quite useless so I
shall stop - but remember "Underneath
the Willow" - as Auden said
to Brittain and you used to quote
so glibly.
Your new poem sounds delightful -
what about the film book?
I love you my dearest, but begin
to wish I loved you less, for as
you brought my work to life and give
me the heart and confidence to paint
so now I fear it will be the only thing
let to me, and if it will be enough -
For to-day I fear you are my death as
my hopes in love and happiness languish
my adored poet, can you not yet
be the Saviour of my world?
I love you
P.S. Brian Robertson was on the short list for Whitechapel M told S.
70227048 - hoskinml
5. Now I suppose you will not write - never mind - I shall quite understand we've had all this before and I'm a fool not to take it all more lightly - It's a foolish business to be one's lover's super ego - and quite useless so I shall stop - but remember "Underneath the willow ____ as Auden said to Britain and you used to quote so glibly.Your new poem sounds delightful - What about the film book?
I love you my dearest, but begin to wish I loved you less, for as you brought my work to life and give me the heart and confidence to paint so now I fear it will be the only thing left to me, and if it will be enough - For to-day I fear you are my death as my hopes in love and happiness languish. My adored poet, can you not yet be the saviour of my world?
I love you
P. S. Brian Robertson was on the short list for Whitechapel I'm told. S.
70289858 - Paula-S
5. Now I suppose you will not write - never mind - I shall quite understand we've had all this before and I'm a fool not to take it all more lightly - its a foolish business to be one's lovers super ego - and quite useless so I shall stop - but remember "Underneath the Willow - as Auden said to Brittain and you used to quote so glibly.Your new poem sounds delightful - what about the film book?
I love you my dearest, but begin to wish I loved you less, for as, you brought my work to life and gave me the heart and confidence to pain so now I fear it will be the only thing left to me, and if it will be enough. For today I fear you are my death as my hopes in love and happiness languish, my adored poet, can you not yet be the saviour of my world?
I love you
P.S. Brian Robinson was on the shortlist for Whitechapel I'm told. S.
70914752 - Chris5420
5. Now I suppose you will not write - never mind - I shall quite understand we've had all this before and I'm a fool not to take it all more lightly - It's a foolish business to be one's lovers superior ego - and quite useless so I shall stop - but remember "underneath the willow -- as Auden said to Brittain and you used to quote so glibly. Your new poem sounds delightful - What about the film book?I love you my dearest, but begin to wish I loved you less, for as you brought my work to life and gave me the heart and confidence to paint so now I fear it will be the only thing left to me, and if it will be enough - For today I fear you are my death as my hopes in love and happiness languish. My adored poet, can you not yet be the saviour of my world?
I love you
P.S. Brian Robertson was on the short list for Whitechapel I'm told. S.
71092503 - kittykitkat35
WINNER - 71148445 - JanetCormack
5. Now I suppose you will not write - never mind - I shall quite understand we've had all this before and I'm a fool not to take it all more lightly - its a foolish business to be one's lovers super ego - and quite useless so I shall stop - but remember "underneath the willow" - as Auden said to Brittain and you used to quote so glibly.Your new poem sounds delightful - what about the film book?
I love you my dearest, but begin to wish I loved you less, for as, you brought my work to life and gave me the heart and confidence to paint so now I fear it will be the only thing left to me, and if it will be enough. For to-day I fear you are my death as my hopes in love and happiness languish my adored poet, can you not yet be the saviour of my world?
I love you
PS Brian Robertson was on the short list for Whitechapel I'm told S.