- Max. dissimilarity: 0.229
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.144
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69207605 - jesseytucker
- 69450329 - altheist
- 69515027 - glt
- WINNER - 69519126 - not-logged-in-9c40c0a30694c71a3e4d
- 69688070 - Crazycatz935
- 69907423 - StarwatcherHB

69207605 - jesseytucker
5 Perhaps you will tell me somethingabout it, did many people come?
I think your modern British postcards
must have been both interesting and
amusing--for you know such a lot
about that period.
I am glad to say that the play
has gone extremely well both nights
and there was no need of my services
a prompted at all--but I did
various odd jobs in the intervals, messages
and piling up people's sashes--little
girls--and helping them with
chrysanthemums in their hair. There
was only a very slight hiatus on the
first night when the Emperor's teeth
slipped in the middle of is "chippy
choppy" song--he informed me after-
ward--that it was because he had
cleaned them! We had packed houses
both nights and over 20 clear will
be handed over for Clifford's organ!
He made a nice little speech on
the first night.
69450329 - altheist
5Perhaps you will tell me something about it, did many people come? I think your modern British portraits must have been both interesting and amusing - for you know such a lot about that period.
I am glad to say that the play has gone extremely well both nights and there was no heed of my services a prompter at all - but I did various odd jobs helping them with chrysanthemums in their hair. There was only a very slight hiatus on the first night when the Simpson's teeth slipped in the middle of his "chippy choppy" song - he informed me afterward - that it was because he had cleaned them! He had packed houses both nights and over lb20 clear will be handed over for Clifford's organ! He made a nice little speech on the first night.
69515027 - glt
5 Perhaps you will tell me something about it, did many people come? I think your modern British portraits must have been both interesting and amusing - for you know such a lot about that period.I am glad to say that the play has gone extremely well both nights and there was no need of my services a prompter at all - but I did various odd jobs in the intervals, messages and picking up people's sashes - little girls - and helping them with chrysanthemums in their hair. There was only a very slight hiatus on the first night when the Emperor's teeth slipped in the middle of his "chippy choppy" song - he informed me afterwards that it was because he had cleaned them! We had packed houses both nights and over 20 clear will be handed over for Clifford's organ! he made a nice little speech on the first night.
WINNER - 69519126 - not-logged-in-9c40c0a30694c71a3e4d
5Perhaps you will tell me something
about it, did many people come?
I think your modern British postcards
must have been both interesting and
amusing - for you know such a lot
about that period.
I am glad to say that the play
has gone extremely well both nights
and the was no need of my services
as prompter at all - but I did
various odd jobs in the intervals, messages
and picking up people's sashes - little
girls - and helping them with
chrysanthemums in their hair. There
was only a vey slight hiatus on the
first night when the Emperor's teeth
slipped in the middle of his "chippy
choppy" song - he informed me after-
wards that it was because he had
cleaned them! We had packed houses
both nights and over 20 clear will
be handed over for Cliffords organ!
he made a nice little speech on the first night.
69688070 - Crazycatz935
Perhaps you will tell me somethingabout it, did many people come?
I think your modern British portraits
must have been both interesting and
amusing - for you know such a lot
about that period.
I am glad to say that the play
has gone extremely well both nights
and there was no need of my services
a prompter at all - but I did
naturally add jobs in the intervals, messages
and pinning up people's sashes - little
girls - and helping them place
chrysanthemums in their hair. There
was only a very slight hiatus on the
first night when the Emposen's teeth
slipped in the middle of his "clippy
choppy" song - he informed me after-
ward- though it was because he had
cleaned them! He had packed houses
both nights and over 20 clear will
be handed over for Cliffords organ!
he made a nice little speech on
the first night.
69907423 - StarwatcherHB
5 Perhaps you will tell me somethingabout it, did many people come?
I think your modern British portrayals
must have been both interesting and
amusing - for you know such a lot
about that period.
I am glad to say that the play
has gone extremely well both nights
and there was no need of my services
as prompter at all - but I did
various odd jobs ; the intervals, messages
and picking up people's sashes - little
girls - and helping them with
chrysanthemums in their hair. There
was only a very slight hiatus on the
first night when the Emperor's teeth
slipped in the middle of his "chippy
choppy" song - he informed me after-
wards that it was because he had
cleaned them! We had packed houses
both nights and over lb20 clear will
be handed over for Clifford's organ!
he made a nice little speech on
the first night