- Max. dissimilarity: 0.243
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.18
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68668485 - JanetCormack
- 68944792 - Moggsy8
- 69527621 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 70126051 - gailkoelker
- 71536668 - altheist
- 71706533 - Preacher357
- 71706551 - wrightj2h

68668485 - JanetCormack
2. Bangor about the next operetta - I gather they are not doing "the Maid of the Mountains" They are going to read "the Desert Song"! and they will probably do something by the same author - exactly the same only about gypsies! But I think I told you. During the exit from Church Mrs Schecol (spelling?) asked me to lunch, which was very pleasant, Jonny Schewl was there and his sculptures. She seems very pleasant - loves Maxim doesn't like Giacometti - as she feels scuplture ought to have volume, and has something in the R.A.! very good I think - she hasn't finished her course yet. The young son is brighter than you think - we had quite a lively conversation abou ecclesiastical architecture vis a vis Coventry. After lunch the young things went for a walk and before I went home Mrs. Shewl showed me some of ther charming china.If you can't come now the Clarks
68944792 - Moggsy8
2. Bangor about the next operetta - I gather they are not doing "the Maid of the Mountains" They are going to read "the Desert Song"! and they will probably do something by the same author - exactly the same only about gypsies! But I think I told you. During the exit from the church Mrs Scheool (spelling?) asked me to lunch, which was very pleasant - loves Marim doesn't like Giacometti - as she feels sculpture ought to have volume, and has something in the R.A.! very good I think - she hasn't finished her course yet. The young man is brighter than you think - we had quite a lively conversation about celestial architecture vis a vis Coventry. After lunch the young things went for a walk and before I went home Mrs Shewl showed me some of her very charming china.If you can't come nor the Clarks
69527621 - jesseytucker
2 Bangor about the next operetta.I gather they are not doing "the
maid of the mountains" They are
going to read "the derest song"!
and they will probably do something by
the same author--exactly the same
only about gypsies! But I think
I told you. Daring the exit from
church Mrs. School (spelling?) asked
me to lunch, which was very pleasant,
young Sihewl was there and his scriptures
she seems very pleasant--loves marin
doesnt' like Giacometti--as she feels
sculpture ought to have volume, and
has something in the R.A.! Very good
I think she hasn't finished her course
yet. The young man is brighter than
you think--we had quite a lively con-
versation about eclesiastical architecture
visavis coventry. After luncg the young
thing went for a bath and before
I went hour Mrs. Shewl showed me
some of her very charming china.
If you can't come nor the Clarks
WINNER - 70126051 - gailkoelker
2. Bangor about the next operetta. I gather they are not doing "The Maid of the Mountains". They are going to read "The Desert Song"! and they will probably do something by the same author-exactly the same only about gypsies! But I think I told you. During the exit from church Mrs. School (spelling?) asked me to lunch, which was very pleasant. Young was there and his sculptures. She seems very pleasant-loves Marius doesn't like Giacometti-as she feels sculpture ought to have volume, and has something in the R.A! Very good I think. She hasn't finished her course yet. The young man is brighter than you think. We had quite a lively conversation about ecclesiastical architecture vis a vis Coventry. After lunch the young things went for a walk and before I went home Mrs. Shewlshowed me some of her charming china.
If you can't come nor the Clarks
71536668 - altheist
2.Bangor about the next operetta - I gather they are not doing "The maid of the Mountains". They are going to read "the Purest Song"! And they will probably so something by the same author - exactly the same only about gypsies! Don't think I told you. During the exit from Church Mrs. Schewl (spelling?) asked me to lunch, which was very pleasant young silent was there and his sculptures she seems very pleasant - loves Maruini doesn't like Giacometti - as she feels sculptures ought to have volume, and has something in the R.A.! Very good I think - she hasn't finished her converse yet. She young aun is brighter than you think - we had quite a lively conversation about celestial architecture visa vis Coventry. After lunch young things went for a walk and before I went home Mrs. Schewl showed me some of her very charming China.
If you can't come nor the Clarks
71706533 - Preacher357
2. Bangor about the next operetta -I gather they are not doing "The
Maid of the Mountains". They are
going to read "the Derest Song"!
and they will probably do something by
the same author - exactly the same
only about gypsies! But I think
I told you. During the exit from
church Mrs Scheol (spelling?) asked
me to lunch, which was very pleasant.
Young was there and his scuptress.
She seems very pleasant - loves
doesn't like Giacometti - as she feels
sculpture ought to have volume, and
has something in the R.A.! very good
I think - she hasn't finished her course
yet. The young man is brighter then
you think - we had quite a lively con-
versation about eclesiastical architecture
Vis a' vis Coventry. After lunch the yount
thing went for a walk and before
I went home Mrs Shewl showed me
some of her very charming china.
If you can't come nor the Clarks
71706551 - wrightj2h
2.Bangor about the next operetta - I gather they are not doing "The Maid of the Mountains". They are going to read "The Desert Song"! and they will probably do something by the same author - exactly the same only abut gypsies! But I think I told you. During the exit from church Mrs Schawl (spelling?) asked me to lunch, which was very pleasant. Young sthent was there and his sculptress. She seems very pleasant - loves Marina doesn't like Giacometti - as she feels sculpture aught to have volume, and has something in the R.A.! Very good I think - she hasn't finished her course yet. The young man's brighter than you think - we had quite a lively conversation about ecclesiastical architecture vis a vis Coventry. After lunch the young things went for a walk and before I went home Mrs Shawl showed me some of her very charming china.
If you can't come to the Clarks