- Max. dissimilarity: 0.119
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.095
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68721010 - SailorVal
- 68774293 - The_Helper
- 68817172 - Preacher357
- 68929194 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 70091648 - Janet616
- 70218951 - Zooniverse2017

68721010 - SailorVal
3 They could sit at home of they would.Have you finished the poem about
Lords and ladies in disguise - I should
so like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the
weekend - but it can't be helped.
Let us hope that we can arrange a-
nother time as well as the fete.
I will see what my Annulate painting
is like and will show it if it is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read
the article on Cocteau - I thought it
would be too painful - I feel too in-
volved! Perhaps you will be so king
as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting
do tell me something of it. How is
'Athene' going?
I will read your City poem again -
I wept last time I read it - that was
the third time - but I didn't feel very
strong - I felt also very sad at
having to wait another week. It
is the most reasonable thing to do
68774293 - The_Helper
They could sit at home if they would.Have you finished the poem about Lords and Ladies in disguise? I should like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the weekend, but it can't be helped. Let us hope that we can arrange another time as well as the fete. I will see what my Amulate painting is like and will show it if this is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read the article on Coleen. I thought it would be too painful. I feel too involved! Perhaps you will be so kind as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting. Do tell me something of it. How is 'Athene' going?
I will read your city poem again. I wept last time I read it - that was the third time - but I didn't feel very strong. I felt also very sad at having to wait another week. It is the most reasonable thing to do
68817172 - Preacher357
3 They coud sit at home if they would.Have you finished the poem about
Lords and Ladies in disguise - I should
so like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the
weedend - but it can't be helped
let us hope that we can arrange a-
nother time as well as the Fete.
I will see waht my Amulate painting
is like and will show it if it is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read
the article on Codeau - I thought it
would be too painful - I feel too in-
volved! perhaps you will be so kind
as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting
do tell me something of it. How is
'Athene' going?
I will read your city poem again -
I wept last time I read it - that was
the third time - but I didn't feel very
strong - I felt also very sad at
having to wait another week. It
is the most reasonable thing to do
68929194 - jesseytucker
3 They could sit at home if they would.Have you finished the poem about
Lords and Ladies in disguise. I should
to like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the
weekend--but it can't be helped.
Let us hope that we can arrange a-
other time as well as the Fete--
I will see what my Amulate painting
is like and will show it if it is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read
the article on Corteau--I thought it
would be too painful--I feel to in-
vovled! Perhaps you will be so kind
as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting
do tell me something of it. How to
'Athene' going?
I will read your city poem again.
I wept last time I read it--that was
the third time--but I didn't feel very
strong. I felt also very sad at
having to wait another week. It
is the most reasonable thing to do
WINNER - 70091648 - Janet616
3 They could sit at home if they would.Have you finished the poem about Lords and Ladies in disguise - I should so like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the weekend - but it can't be helped. Let us hope that we can arrange another time as well as the Fete. I will see what my painting is like and will show it if it is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read the article on Costeau - I thought it would be too painful - I feel too involved! Perhaps you will be so kind as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting do tell me something of it. How is "Athene: going?
I will read your city poem again- I wept last time I read it - that was the third time - But I didn't feel very strong - I felt also very sad at having to wait another week. It is the most reasonable thing to do
70218951 - Zooniverse2017
3 They could sit at home if they would.Have you finished the poem about
Lords and Ladies in disguise - I should
so like to read that one.
I'm sorry that you can't come for the
weekend - but it can't be helped
let us hope that we can arrange a-
nother time as well as the F^ete -
I will see what my Amulate painting
is like and will show it if it is suitable.
I could not bring myself to read
the article on Cocteau - I thought it
would be too painful - I feel too in-
volved! Perhaps you will be so kind
as to tell me any points.
Your Netherne visit sounds interesting
do tell me something of it. How is
'Athene' going?
i will read your city poem again -
I wept last time I read it - that was
the third time - but I didn't feel very
strong - I also felt very sad at
having to wait another week. It
is the most reasonable thng to do