- Max. dissimilarity: 0.165
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.116
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68783179 - JanetCormack
- 69264968 - Soyalady
- 69412542 - jesseytucker
- 69492804 - the3esses
- 69553757 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 69604362 - Moonlightress

68783179 - JanetCormack
2 during your visit. - Do you think - in your position we could get permission or rather could you - for a more leisurely tour?I hope you have written to Rothenstien and Le R.S. Le. R.! Please do send for details of the position at Manchester - there's no harm in trying for it - Think of Robertson! The advertisement was in the "Times Lit. Sup."
I have had papers from the Kensington and wonder if you could possibly deliver the pictures for me - I should be so grateful. I think I may as well send in 4 - What do you think? anyway 2 big ones! Mrs. Hakes Garden and the Priory - please take of the numbers and crosses! and if you think fit the Roses from Bath, and Still -life - the Roses
69264968 - Soyalady
2 during your visit. - Do you think - inYour position we could get permission
Or rather could you- for a more
Leisurely tour?
I hope you have written to Rotten-
Stein and de R.S de R.! Please
Do send for details of the position
At Manchester- there's no harm
In trying for it-. Think of Robertson!
The advertisement was in the "Tunes"
Lil. Sup."
I have had papers from the
Kensington and wonder if you
Could positively deliver the pictures
For me- I should be so grateful.
I think I may as well send
In 4- what do you think?
Anyway 2 big ones! Mrs. Hakes
Garden and The Piory - please
Take off the numbers and crosses!
And if you think fit the Roses from
Bath, and still-life- the roses
69412542 - jesseytucker
2 during your visit. Do you think--inyour position we could get permission
or rather could you--for a more
leisurely tour?
I hope you have written to Rothen-
stein and Le R.S. de R.! Please
do send for details of the position
at Mancester--there's no harm
in trying for it. Think of Robertson!
the advertisement was in the "Tune
Lit. Sup."
I have had papers from the
Kensington and wonder if you
could possibly deliver the pictures
for me. I should be so grateful.
I think I may as well send
in 4--what do you think?
Anyway 2 big ones! Mrs. Hakes
garden and the Piory--please
take off the numbers and crosses!
and if you think fit the Roses from
bat, and still life--The Roses
69492804 - the3esses
2 during your visit. - Do you think - in your position we could get permission or rather could you - for a more leisurely tour?I hope you have written to Rothenstien and Le R.S Le. R. ! Please do send for details of the position at Mancestester - there's no harm in trying for it-. Think of Robertson the advertisement was in the "Times Lit. Sup."
I have had papers from the Kensington ad wonder if you could possibly deliver the pictures for me - I should be so grateful. I think I may as well send in 4 - what do you thin? anyway 2 big ones! Mrs Hakes Garden and The Piory - please take off the numbers and crosses!
and if you think fit the Roeses from Bath, and Still - life - the Roses
69553757 - Preacher357
during your visit. - Do yo think - inyour position we could get permission
or rather could you - for a more
leisurely tour?
I hope you have written to Rothen-
stien and Le R.S Le. R.! Please
do send for details of the position
at Manchester - there's no harm
in trying for it -. Think of Robertson!
the advertisment was in the "Times
Lil. Sup."
I have had papers from the
Kensington and wonder if you
could possibly deliver the pictures
for me - I should be so gratful.
I think I may as well send
in 4 - what do you think?
Anyway 2 big ones! Mrs. Hakes
Garden and The Piony - please
take off the numbers and crosses!
and if you think fit the Roeses from
Bath, and still-life - the Roses
WINNER - 69604362 - Moonlightress
2 during your visit. - Do you think - in your position we could get permission or rather could you - for a more leisurely tour?I hope you have written to Rothenstien and Le R.S de. R. ! Please do send for details of the position at Mancestester - there's no harm in trying for it - . Think of Robertson! the advertisement was in the "Times Lit.Sup."
I have had papers from the Kensington, and wonder if you could possibly deliver the pictures for me - I should be so grateful. I think I may as well send in 4 - what do you think? anyway 2 big ones! Mrs. Hakes Garden and the Priory - please take off the number and crosses! and if you think fit the Roses from Bath, and still-life - the Roses