- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.604
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69126539 - jesseytucker
- 70684119 - Preacher357
- 70934309 - Zooniverse2017
- 72506882 - Carriechelle
- 73425576 - not-logged-in-725b7f6d703c48637137
- 73664864 - the3esses
- 74029206 - mar15ted
- 74041219 - darryluk
- WINNER - 74045869 - hoskinml
- 74151280 - EValleyY6
- 74331350 - not-logged-in-cd728ff00d9643ea7f46
- 74661329 - TabithaKnight
- 74693525 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
- 74694245 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
- 74718131 - JoaoOliveira

69126539 - jesseytucker
4 and very readable--though as Isaid a bit novelettist here and
there and I do object to his
characterization of feminine
characteristics and Ruskin. I have
only just realized (as wilder was
in his "road gangt") that R.
probably had as much influence
as Pater in the jewelled style or
the '90's. I felt so tired after
a bad night and some work
in the garden this morning that
I went and lay in the garden
where I write this. I hope
to paint Clifford after tea. It
is more than warm enough.
I am quite naked except for
m hat and a skirt draped
up under my bottom--in case!
I shall go to the post with
this now and hope to paint
a lot of Clifford after tea.
I adore you, dearest Dandy,
and long for your return as do
C. and T. dear love, sweet muse, I love you.
70684119 - Preacher357
4 and very readable - though as Isaid a bit novelettist here and
there and I do object to his
characterization of Feminest
characteristics & Ruskin. I have
only just released (as wilde war
& has "road gang") that R.
probably had as much influence
as Pater in the jewelled style of
the '90's. I felt so tired after
a bad night and some work
in the garden this morning that
I went and stayed in the garden
where I write this - I hope
to paint Clifford after tea - It
is more than warm enough -
I am quite naked except for
my hat and a skirt draped
up under my bottom - in case!
I shall go to the post with
this now and hope to paint
a of Clifford after tea.
I adore you - dearest Dandy,
and long for your return as do'
70934309 - Zooniverse2017
4 and very readable - though as Isaid a bit novelettist here and
there and I do object to his
characterization of feminine
characteristics & Ruskin. I have
only just realised (as Wilde was
in his "road gang") that R.
probably had as much influence
as Pater in the jewelled style of
the '90s. I felt so tired after
a bad night and some work
in the garden in the morning that
I went and lay in the garden
where I write this - I hope
to paint Clifford after tea - It
is more than warm enough -
I am quite naked except for
my hat and a skirt draped
up under my bottom - in case!
I shall go to the post with
this now and hope to paint
a lot of Clifford after tea.
I adore you - dearest Dandy,
and long for your return as do'
& C. and J. dear love, sweet muse, I love you
72506882 - Carriechelle
4 and very readable - though as I said a bit novelettish here and there and I do object to his characterization of feminine characteristics and Rubkin. I have only just realised (as wilde was in his "road gang") that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jewelled style of the '90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this. I hope to paint clifford after tea. It is more than warm enough - I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom - in case! I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a lot of Clifford after tea. I adore you - dearest Dandy - and long for your return as do C. and J. dear love, sweet muse, I love you. Sylvia73425576 - not-logged-in-725b7f6d703c48637137
4 and very readable - though as Isaid a bit novelettist here and
there and I do object to his
characterization of feminist
characteristics & Ruskin. I have
only just realised (as Wilde was
in/unclear] his "road gang") that R.
probably had as much influence
as Patem in the jewelled style of
the '90's. I felt so tired after
a bad night and some work
in the garden this morning that
I went and lay in the garden
where I write this - I hope
to paint Clifford after tea. It
is more than warm enough.
I am quite naked except for
my hat and a skirt draped
up under my bottom - in case!
I shall go to the post with
this now and hope to paint
a bit of Clifford after tea.
I adore you - dearest Dandy,
and long for your return as do
C and J. dear love, sweet muse, I love you Signature
73664864 - the3esses
4 and very readable - though as I said a bit novelettish here and there and I do object to his characterization of feminine characteristics & Ruskin. I have only just realised (as Wilde was in No "road gang") that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jewelled style of the '90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this - I hope to paint Clifford after tea. It is more than warm enough - I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom - in case!I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a lot of Clifford after tea.
I adore you - dearest Dandy, and long for your return as do C. and J. dear love, sweet muse, I love you
74029206 - mar15ted
4 and very readable - though as I said a bit novelettish here and there and I do object to his characterization of feminine characteristics & Ruskin. I have only just realized (as Wilde was in his "road gang") that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jeweled style of the 90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this. I hope to paint Clifford after tea. It is more than warm enough. I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom - in case! I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a lot of Clifford after tea. I adore you dearest Dandy and long for your return as do C and J dear love, sweet muse, I love you Sylvia74041219 - darryluk
4and very readable - though as I said a bit novelettish here and there and I do object to his characterization of feminine characteristics & Ruskin. I have only just realised (as Wilde was in his "road gang" that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jewelled style of the '90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this. I hope to paint Clifford after tea. It is more than warm enough. I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom - in case! I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a bit of Clifford after tea. I adore you - dearest Dandy, and long for your return as do C & J, dear love, sweet muse, I love you
WINNER - 74045869 - hoskinml
4 and very readable - though as I said a bit novelettish here and there and I do object to his characterization of feminine characteristics & Ruskin. I have only just realised (as Wilde was in his "road gang") that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jewelled style of the '90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this - I hope to paint Clifford after tea - It is more than warm enough - I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom - in case! I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a lot of Clifford after tea. I adore you - dearest Dandy and long for your return as doC. and T. dear love, sweet muse, I love you
74151280 - EValleyY6
letter74331350 - not-logged-in-cd728ff00d9643ea7f46
Felt tired as Pater is the night before.74661329 - TabithaKnight
74693525 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
74694245 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
74718131 - JoaoOliveira
and very readable, though as I said a bit novelettist here and there and I do object to his characterization of feministic characteristics a Ruskin. I have only just realised (as Wilde was in his "road gang") that R. probably had as much influence as Pater in the jewelled style of the 90's. I felt so tired after a bad night and some work in the garden this morning that I went and lay in the garden where I write this. I hope to paint Clifford after tea. It is more tthan warm enough. I am quite naked except for my hat and a skirt draped up under my bottom, in case! I shall go to the post with this now and hope to paint a ... of Clifford after tea. I adore you, dearest Dandy, and long for your retur as doC. and I. dear love, sweet muse, I love you