- Max. dissimilarity: 0.098
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.05
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68781209 - leliu2367
- 68990762 - jesseytucker
- 69754569 - gailkoelker
- WINNER - 70017389 - Moggsy8
- 70166414 - JanetCormack
- 70528947 - ethomson

68781209 - leliu2367
Pett 16.6.52Dearest Lawrence
Thank you for your letter and delightfully evocative drawing of the S.E.A. committee _ what did they think of my work?
I have been working on the pictures of the "Golden Amulet" - I have done the figures - beginning at the back! I think it is going nicely. I went to see Mrs. Bauser this morning and have borrowed some additional photographs which will prove very helpful I think. She told me all about the next production - she wants me to take a small part - I think I shall - the rehearsals won't begin until August - I think I should very much enjoy that. I am very glad you will get
68990762 - jesseytucker
Pett 16-6-52Dearest Lawrence,
Thank you for your letter and
delightfully evocative drawing of
the SEA Committee. What did
they think of my Lion's work?
I have been working on the pictures
of the "Golden Amulet". I have
done the background and am working
on the figures--beginning at the
back! I think it is going nicely.
I went to see Mrs. Banger this
morning and have borrowed some
additional photographs which
will prove very helpful I think.
She told me all about the next
production--she wants me to
take a small past. I think
I shall--the rehearsals won't
begin until August. I think
I should very much enjoy that.
I am very glad you will get
69754569 - gailkoelker
Pett 16.6.52Dearest Lawrence
Thank you for your letter and delightfully evocative drawing of the S.E.A. committee. What did they think of my Lion's work?
I have been working on the picture of the "Golden Amulet". I have done the background and am working on the figures-beginning at the back! I think it is going nicely. I went to see Mrs Baufer this morning and have borrowed some additional photographs which will prove very helpful I think. She told me all about the next production. She wants me to take a small part. I think I shall-the rehearsals won't begin until August. I think I should very much enjoy that.
I am very glad you will get
WINNER - 70017389 - Moggsy8
Pett 16.6.52Dearest Lawrence
Thank you for your letter and delightfully evocative drawing of the S.E:A committee - what did they think of my Lion's work?
I have been working on the picture of the "Golden Amulet"- I have done the background and am working on the figures - beginning at the back! I think it is going nicely. I went to see Mrs Banger this morning and have borrowed some additional photographs which will prove very helpful I think. She told me all about the next production - she wants me to take a small part - I think I shall - the rehearsals won't begin until August - I think I should very much enjoy that.
I am very glad you will get
70166414 - JanetCormack
Pett 16.6.52Dearest Lawrence
Thank you for your letter and delightfully evocative drawing of the S.E.A. committee - what did they think of my Lion's work?
I have been working on the picture of the "Golden Amulet" - I have done the background and am working on the figures - beginning at the back! I think it is going nicely I went to see Mrs Bayer this morning and have borrowed some additional photographs which will prove very helpful I think. She told me all about the next production - she wants me to take a small part - I think I shall - the rehersals won't begin until August - I think I should very much enjoy that.
I am very glad you will get
70528947 - ethomson
Pett 16.6.52Dearest Lawrence
Thank you for your letter and
delightfully evocative drawing of
the S.E.A committee - what did
they think of my Lion's work?
I have been working on the picture
of the "Golden Amulet" - I have
done the background and am working
on the figures - beginning at the
back! I think it is going nicely
I went to see Mrs Banger this
morning and have borrowed some
additional photographs which
will prove very helpful I think.
She told me all about the next
production - she wants me to
take a small part - I think
I shall - the rehearsals won't
begin until August - I think
I should very much enjoy that.
I am very glad you will get