- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.4
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68680232 - not-logged-in-5c5a8c60d23a33c30dab
- 68874025 - altheist
- 68890856 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 68961684 - jesseytucker
- 69055678 - Berhel
- 69112701 - mar15ted

68680232 - not-logged-in-5c5a8c60d23a33c30dab
68874025 - altheist
4more at last. I hope & Leal some account of your evening. Also about the B.A.S. By the way if you can't find a moment do go to Kensington, for I don't think I shall get to see it. Also you can ask Chase when work should be collected as you may not be in town! I'm sure he will keep it under the circumstances. We shall miss you very much on Saturday you always keep Clifford in such a good temper and make everything seem worth while. I am glad to report though that the way people are "rallying around" is quite marvelous - the community feeling qeucrated by the Golden Amulet is not yet dispelled, more than 230 entrance tickets have been sold already - My, merchant seems to have sold the most!
68890856 - Preacher357
4 more at last. I hope to hear someaccount of your evening. Also about
the B.A.S. By the way if you
can find a moment to go to Ken-
sington, for I don't think I shall
get to see it. Also you can ask
Chase when work should be collected
as you may not be in town! I'm
sure he will keep it under the circum-
stances. We shall miss you very much,
oh Saturday you always keep Clifford
in such a good temper and make
everyting to report though that the way
people are "rallying round" is quite
marvellous - the community feeling
generated by the Golden Amulet
is not yet dispelled, more than 230
entrance tickets have been sold al-
ready - Mrs. Marchant seems to have
sold the most!
WINNER - 68961684 - jesseytucker
4 more at last. I hope to hear someaccount of your evening. Also about
the BAS by the way if you
can find a moment do go to Ken-
sington, for I don't think I shall
get to see it. Also you can ask
Chase when work should be collected
as you may not be in town! I'm
sure he will keep it under the circum-
stances. We shall miss you very much
on Saturday you always keep Clifford
in such a good temper and make
everything seem worthwhile. I am
glad to report though that the way
people are "rallying round is quite
marvellous--the community feeling
generated by the Golden Amulet
is not yet dispelled, more than 230
entrance tickets have been sold al-
ready--Mrs. Marchant seems to have
sold the most!
69055678 - Berhel
4more at last. I hope to hear some account of your evening. Also about the B.A.S. By the way if you can find a moment do go to Kensington, for I don't think I shall get to see it. Also you can ask Chase when work should be collected as you may not be in town! I'm sure he will keep it under the circumstances. We shall miss you very much on Saturday you always keep Clifford in such a good temper and make everything seem worth while. I am glad to report though that the way people are "rallying round" is quite marvellous - the community feeling generated by the Golden Amulot is not yet dispelled, more than 230 entrance tickets have been sold already - Mrs Marchant seems to have sold the most!
69112701 - mar15ted
4 more at last. I hope to hear some account of your evening. also about he B.A.S. By the way if you can find a moment do go to Kensington, for I don't think I shall get to see it. Also you can ask Chase when work should be collected as you may not be in town! I'm sure he will keep it under the circumstances. We shall miss you very much on Saturday. You always keep Clifford in such a good temper and make everything seem worthwhile. I am glad to report though that the way people are "rallying round" is quite marvelous. The community feeling generated by the Golden is not yet dispelled, more than 230 entrance tickets have been sold already. Mme Marchant seems to have sold the most!