- Max. dissimilarity: 0.234
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.159
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68741877 - ALBECA
- 68761242 - Molly_Carr
- WINNER - 69019990 - tmeconverse
- 69147307 - jesseytucker
- 70255739 - the3esses
- 70747287 - Preacher357

68741877 - ALBECA
Pett 7.7.52Dearest Lawrence,
May I start by the dull arrangements and requests! First - Did I leave my little seed pearls in the cupboard or in my drawer? I can't find them so I hope so. Second, please will you bring the small piece of wood on which I pined the bad self-portrait- with the Easter Egg - it belongs to a frame in which I have put "the fig-free" and having it out of the way. If it is convenient & using any frames do - particularly "megawatts" - or it was round that picture - but it is not important.
68761242 - Molly_Carr
Pett 7.7.52Dearest Lawrence,
May I start by the dull arrangements and requests!
First - Did I leave my little seed pearls in the cupboard or in my drawer? I can't find them so I hope so. Second, please will you bring the small piece of wood on which i pinned the bad self-porytait with the easter egg - it belongs to a frame in which I have put 'the Fig-tree' and I want it back it up and hang it out of the way. If it is convenient to bring any frames do - particularly 'Mayawattle' - or rather it was also round that picture - but it is not important.
WINNER - 69019990 - tmeconverse
Dearest Lawrence,
May I start by the dull
arrangements and requests!
First - Did I leave my little seed
pearls in the cupboard or in my
drawer? I can't find them so
I hope so. Second, please will
you bring the small piece of wood
on which I pinned the bad
self-portrait with the easter Egg -
it belongs to a frame in which
I have put "the Fig-tree" and
I want to back it up and
hang it out of the way. If
it is convenient to bring any frames
do - particularly "Mazawattee" -
or rather it was also round that
picture - but it is not important.
69147307 - jesseytucker
Dearest Lawrence,
May I start by the dull
arrangement and requests!
First--Did I leave my little seed
pearls in the cupboard or in my
drawer? I can't find them so
I hope so. Second, please will
you bring the small piece of wood
on which I pined the bad
self-portrait with the Easter egg--
it belongs to a frame in which
I have put "the fig tree" and
I want to back it up and
hang it out of the way. If
it is convenient to being any frames
do--particularly "Mazanattee"
or rather it was also round that
picture--but it is not important.
70255739 - the3esses
Dearest Lawrence,
May I start by the dull arrangements and requests!
First - Did I leave my little seed pearls in the cupboard, or in my drawer? I can't find them so I hope so. Second, please will you bring the small piece of wood on which I pined the bad self-portrait with the Easter Egg - it belongs to a frame in which I have put "the Fig Tree" and I want to back it up hang it out of the way. If it is convenient to bring any frames do - particularly "Mazawattee" or tattier it was once round that picture - but it is not important.
70747287 - Preacher357
7-7-52 Pett Dearest Lawrence,May I start by the dull
arrangements and requests!
First - Did I leave my little seed
pearls in the cupboard or in my
drawer? I can't find them so
I hope so. Second, please will
you bring the small piece of wood
on which I pined the bad
self-portrait with the easter Egg-
it belongs to a Frame in which
I have put "the Fig-tree" and
having it out of the way. If
it is convenient to bring any frames,
do - particularly "Mazawatle" -
or rather it was onto round that
picture - but it is not important.