- Max. dissimilarity: 0.185
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68628127 - ALBECA
- 68822214 - jesseytucker
- 69054903 - not-logged-in-3b3f06669d11a9848c3d
- WINNER - 70548646 - glt
- 71239501 - Eboo
- 71497493 - Zooniverse2017

68628127 - ALBECA
2lovely peas and a full of raspberries - most succulent ones. I had some of each for lunch, which with a little table it left-over and some coffee ditto - cream banana and cheese made an excellent meal. I do so wish you had been here to share it.
After Mrs. Hake had gone I went off and did my shopping and when I came back I did a lot of washing which was not much of an effort as there was plenty of hot water over Tiny's sink. It's the necessity of waiting for Kettles which makes the whole business such a bore as a rule.
This afternoon is over-caste windy and not very warm so I don't think I shall go down to the shore but when I have washed up work some more on 'Rinaldo and Asmida'. I wish I could have finished the
68822214 - jesseytucker
2. lovely peas and a pummet full ofraspberries--most succulent ones.
I had some of each for lunch, which
with a little rablett left, over and
some coffee ditto, cream banana
and cheese made an excellent meal.
I do so wish you had been here
to share it.
After Mrs. Hake had gone, I
went off and did my shopping
and when I came back I did
a lot of washing which was not
much of an effort as there was
plenty of hot water over Tiny's sink.
It i the neccessity of waiting for
letters which makes the whole business
such a bore as a rule.
This afternoon is overcast windy
and not very warm so I don't think
I shall go down to the shore but
when I have washed up work
some more on 'Rinaldo and Armida'
I wish I could have finished the
69054903 - not-logged-in-3b3f06669d11a9848c3d
2. lovely peas and a puimet full ofraspberries - most succulent ones.
I had some of each for lunch, which
with a little rabbit left, over and some coffee ditto - cream banana
and cheese made an excellent meal.
I do so wish you had been here
to share it.
After nine, Hake had gone. I
went off and did my shopping
and when I came back I did
a lot of washing which was not
much of an effort as there was
plenty of hot water over Tump's[unclear) sink.
It is the necessity of waiting for
kettles which makes the whole business
such as bore as a rule.
This afternoon is overcast windy
and not very warm so I don't think
I shall go down to the shore but
when I have worked up work
done more on "Rinaldo and Armida"
I wish I could have finished the
WINNER - 70548646 - glt
2. lovely peas and a punnet full of raspberries - most succulent ones. I had some of each for lunch, which with a little rabbit left-over and some coffee ditto - cream banana and cheese made an excellent meal. I do so wish you had been here to share it.After Mrs Hake had gone I went off and did my shopping and when I came back I did a lot of washing which was not much of an effort as there was plenty of hot water over Tiny's sink. It is the necessity of waiting for kettles which makes the whole business such a bore as a rule.
This afternoon is over-cast windy and not very warm so I don't think I shall go down to the shore but when I have washed up work some more on 'Rinaldo and Armida'. I wish I could have finished the
71239501 - Eboo
2. lovely peas and a punnet full ofraspberries - most succulent ones.
I had some of each for lunch, which
with a little tableit left-over and
some coffee ditto-cream banana
and cheese made an excellent meal.
I do so wish you had been here
to share it.
After Mrs Hake had gone I
went off and did my shopping
and when I came back I did
a lot of washing which was not
much of an effort as there was
plenty of hot water over Tiny's sink.
It is the necessity of waiting for
kettles which makes the whole business
such a bore as a viale.
This afternoon is over-cast windy
and not very warm so I don't think
I shall go down to the shore but
when I have washed up work
some more on 'Rinaldo and Armida'
I wish I could have finished the
71497493 - Zooniverse2017
2. lovely peas and a plummet full ofraspberries - most succulent ones.
I had some of each for lunch, which
with a little rabbit left-over and
some coffee ditto - cream banana
and cheese made an excellent meal.
I do so wish you had been here
to share it.
After Mrs. Hake had gone, I
went off and did my shopping
and when I came back I did
a lot of washing which was not
a much of an effort as there was
plenty of hot waters over Tiny's sink.
It is the necessity of waiting for
kettles which makes the whole washing
trek a bore as a crule.
This afternoon is overcast windy
and not very warm so I don't think
I shall go down to the shore but
when I have washed up work
some more on 'Rinaldo and Armida'
I wish I could have finished the