- Max. dissimilarity: 0.068
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.033
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68829443 - jesseytucker
- 69380060 - not-logged-in-a340cbfb370f269aca45
- WINNER - 69513485 - glt
- 70039213 - GemzFaye
- 70922170 - JanetCormack
- 70945376 - Molly_Carr

68829443 - jesseytucker
2 I told you months ago that unlessyou got a job at once or worked
much harder than you do you could
not afford to live at Blackheath.
I don't see why I should take
the consequences of your unrealistic
optimism. If I could speare 13 I
would willingly give it to you,
but I can't and have no faith
in your repaying debts--you haven't
before and are not likely to start
now. I shall have a great struggle
to have my show and do not mean
to jeopardize my chances, for I have
no family to come to my aid and
unless I go back to Michael shall
be entirely self-supporting. If
you get a job tomorrow you would
probably not be paid for 3 months
and as you have no clothes and
might have to move and have other
69380060 - not-logged-in-a340cbfb370f269aca45
I told you months ago that unlessyou got a job at once or worked
much harder than you do you could
not afford to live at Blackheath.
I don't see why I should take
the consequences of your unrealistic
optimism. If I could spare lb13 I
would willingly give it to you,
but I can't and have no faith
in you repaying debts - you haven't
before and are not likely to start
now. I shall have a great struggle
to have my show and do not want
to jeopardize my chances, for I have
no family to come to my aid and
unless I go back to Michael shall
be entirely self-supporting. If
you get a job to-morrow you would
probably not be paid for 3 months
and as you have no clothes and
might have to move and have other
WINNER - 69513485 - glt
2 I told you months ago that unless you got a job at once or worked much harder than you do you could not afford to live at Blackheath I don't see why I should take the consequences of your unrealistic optimism. If I could spare 13 I would willingly give it to you, but I can't and have no faith in your repaying debts - you haven't before and are not likely to start now. I shall have a great struggle to have my show and do not mean to jeopardize my chances, for I have no family to come to my aid and unless I go back to Michael shall be entirely self-supporting. If you get a job to-morrow you would probably not be paid for 3 months and as you have no clothes and might have to move and have other70039213 - GemzFaye
I told you months ago that unlessyou got a job at once or worked
much harder than you do you could
not afford to live at Blackheath.
I don't see why I should take
the consequences of your unrealistic
optimism. If I could spare 13
would willingly give it to you,
but I can't and have no faith
in you repaying debts - you haven't
before and are not likely to start
now. I shall have a great struggle
to have my show and do not mean
to jeopardize my chances, for I have
no family to come to my aid and
unless I go back to Michael shall
be entirely self-supporting. If
you get a job to-morrow you would
probably not be paid for 3 months
and as you have no clothes and
might have to move and have other
70922170 - JanetCormack
2 I told you months ago that unless you got a job at once or worked much harder than you do you could not afford to live at Blackheath I don't see why I should take the consequences of your unrealistic optimism. If I could spare lb13 I would willingly give it to you, but I can't and have no faith in your repaying debts - you haven't before and are not likely to start now. I shall have a great struggle to have my show and do not mean to jeopardize my chances, for I have no family to come to my aid and unless I go back to Michael shall be entirely self-supporting. If you get a job to-morrow you would probably not be paid for 3 months and as you have no clothes and might have to move and have other70945376 - Molly_Carr
2 I told you months ago that unless you got a job at once or worked much harder than you do you could not afford to live at Blackheath. I don't see why I should take the consequences of your unrealistic optimism. If I could spare 13 I would willingly give it to you, but I can't and have no faith in your repaying debts - you haven't before and are not likely to start now. I shall have a great struggle to have my show and do not mean to jeopardize my chances, for I have no family to come to my aid and unless I go back to Michael shall be entirely self-supporting. If you get a job tomorrow you would probably not be paid for 3 months and as you have no clothes and might have to move and have other