- Max. dissimilarity: 0.223
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.146
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68636395 - not-logged-in-66e8cef5528c8bf1b890
- 68739711 - ALBECA
- 69610888 - JanetCormack
- 69680981 - jesseytucker
- WINNER - 71648725 - the3esses
- 71659582 - Preacher357

68636395 - not-logged-in-66e8cef5528c8bf1b890
Pett, 27.7.52Dearest Lawrence,
I do miss you and your sunny presence. My darling Lion. I have so much enjoyed your lectures and learned so much, as well as painted well. I hope to go painting tomorrow morning either on the shore or near the Baidens. I hope I shaln't draw too much attention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught the bus with ease. Hastings is very crowded. I read a few articles in the Listener - including Povesners or Bolsover. I read it as little as possible - only culling the information. How insensitive can you get. He who admires Butterfield and others of like calibre poses contempt on 17th provincial carving and architecture.
You wil be pleased to hear that
68739711 - ALBECA
Pett. 27.7.52Dearest Lawrence,
I do miss you and your sunny presence - my darling Lion. I have so much enjoyed your lectures and learned so much - as well as painted well. I hope to go painting tomorrow morning either at the shore or near Bardens. I hope I shaln't draw to much att-ention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught the bus with ease - Hastings is very crowded. I read a few articles in the Listener - including Povesners on Bolsover I read it as little as possible - only culling the information - How insensitive can you get - He who admires Botten Field and others of like calibre poses contempt of 17th provincial and architecture-
You will be pleased to hear that
69610888 - JanetCormack
Pett 27.7.52Dearest Lawrence,
I do miss you and your sunny presence - my darling Lion - I have so much enjoyed your lectures and learned so much - as well as painted well. I hope to go painting tomorrow morning, either on the shore or near Bardens. I hope I shan't draw too much attention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught the 'bus with ease - Hastings is very crowded. I read a few articles in the Listener - including Pevesners on Bolsover. I read it as little as possible - only culling the information - How insensitive can you get - He who admires Butterfield and others of like calibre poses contempt on C17th provincial carving and architecture -
You will be pleased to hear that
69680981 - jesseytucker
Dearest Lawrence,
I do miss you and your sunny
presence--my darling Lion. I have so
much enjoyed your lectures and learned
so much--as well as painted well.
I hope to go paitning tomorrow morning
either on the shore or near Bardens.
I hope of shal't draw to much att-
ention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught
the bust with ease. Hastings is very
crowded. I read a few articles in the
listener--including Povesners on Bolsover
I read it as little as possibel--only
calling the iformation. How insensitive
can you get. He who admires Butter
field and there of like calibre poses
contempt on 17th provincial carvy
and architecture.
You will be please to hear that
WINNER - 71648725 - the3esses
Dearest Lawrence,
I do miss you and your sunny presence - my darling Lion. I have so much enjoyed your lectures and learned so much - as well as painted well. I hope to go painting tomorrow morning either on the shore or near Bardens!
I hope I shaln't draw to much attention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught the 'bus with ease - Hastings is very crowded. I read a few articles in the Listener - including Povesners on Bolsoves. I read it as little as possible - only culling the information - How insensitive can you get - He who admires Butterfield and others of like Calibre poses contempt on 17th C provincial carving and architecture.
You will be pleased to hear that
71659582 - Preacher357
27-7-52 Pett Dearest Lawrence,I do miss you and your sunny
presence - my darling Lion. I have so
much enjoyed your lectures and learned
so much - as well as painted well.
I hope to go painting tomorrow morning,
either or the shore or near Badens.
I hope I shaln't draw to much att-
ention to myself!
I arrived home safely and caught
the bus with ease - Hasting's is very
crowded. I read a few articles in the
Listener - including on
I read it as little as possible - only
culling the information - How insensitive
can you get - He who admires Butter
Field and others of like calibre poses
contempt on 17th provincial carving
and architecture -
You will be pleased to hear that