- Max. dissimilarity: 0.158
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.11
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68832309 - Preacher357
- 68916041 - gailkoelker
- 69002475 - altheist
- 69660783 - jsprake
- 70466747 - Zooniverse2017
- WINNER - 70692060 - Chris5420

68832309 - Preacher357
3 from well. So there will be no oneto go with Mejah while Tiny
is talking to the traffic manager.
The garden is terribly dry, I think
most of the tomatoes will survive -
I have been pouring water over
them and the Indian corn - and
some on the French beans, but
I think they are done for - oh
dear! Anyway there are two little
marrows - Tiny-! But I think
all the gold fish have died - I
must see the man about it, "Uncle
Ted" said the scum was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write
something on the Tate exhibition in
Gainsborough or is it too late!
Perhaps something on Expressionism?
As well as "The Listener" I
read some thene in the train and en-
joyed it very much -
68916041 - gailkoelker
3 well. So there will be no one to go with Mejah while Tiny is talking to the traffic manager.The garden is terribly dry I think most of the tomatoes will . I have been pouring water over them and the Indian corn-and some on the French beans, but I think they are done for. Oh dear! Anyway there are two little -Tiny! But I think all the gold fish have died. I must see the man about it. "Uncle Tod" said the scum was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write something on the late exhibition for Gainsborough or is it too late! Perhaps something on Expressionism?
As well as "the Listener" I read some on the train and enjoyed it very much.
69002475 - altheist
3from well. So there will be no one to go with Mejah while Tiny is talking to the traffic manager.
The garden is terribly dry I think most of the tomatoes will survive - I have been pouring water over then and the Indian corn - and some on the French beans, but I think they are done for - oh dear! Anyway there are two little marrows - Tiny -! But I think all the goldfish have died - I must see the man about it. "Uncle Tod" said the scum was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write something on the Tate Exhibition to Gainsborough or is it too late! Perhaps something on Expressionism?
As well as "The Listener" I read some there in the train and enjoyed it very much.
69660783 - jsprake
3from well. so there will be no one
to go with Meah while Tiny
is talking to the Traffic manager.
The garden is terribly dry I think
most of the tomatoes will survive.
I have been pouring water over them and the Indian corn and some on the French beans, but
I think they are done for - oh
dear! Anyway there are two little
marrows - tiny! But I think
all the gold fish have died. I
must see the man about it. "Uncle
Ted" said the scum was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write
something on the Tate Exhibition for
Gainsbourough or is it too late!
Perhaps something on Expressionism?
As well as "The " I read some on the train and enjoyed it very much.
70466747 - Zooniverse2017
3 from well. So there will be no oneto go with Mesah while Tiny
is talking to the Traffic Manager.
The garden is terribly dry I think
most of the tomatoes will revive -
I have been pouring water over
them and the Indian corn - and
some of the French beans, but
I think they are done for - oh
dear! Anyway there are two little
marrows - tiny-! But I think
all the goldfish have died - I
must see the man about it, "luck
Tod" said the scum, was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write
something on the Tate exhibition to
Gainsborough or is it too late!
Perhaps something on expressionism?
As well as "the Listener" I
read some theine in the train and en-
joyed it very much -
WINNER - 70692060 - Chris5420
3 from well. So there will be no one to go with Mejah while Tiny is talking to the Traffic Manager.The garden is terribly dry I think most of the tomatoes will survive - I have been pouring water over them and the Indian corn - and some on the French beans, but I think they are done for - oh dear! Anyway there are two little marrows - tiny -! ! But I think all the gold fish have died - I must see the man about it, "Uncle Tod" said the scum was too thick!
By the way couldn't you write something on the Tate exhibition for Gainsborough or is it roo late! Perhaps something on Expressionism?
As well as " The Listener" I read some Athene on the train and en-joyed it very much -