- Max. dissimilarity: 0.161
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.115
- Image votes: 0.0
- 70040898 - Hazza237
- 70571231 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 71286962 - JanetCormack
- 71452917 - tmeconverse
- 71645622 - Zooniverse2017
- 71746693 - racjohn

70040898 - Hazza237
2 these were expensive cinemas, at least a dollar in those days! Clifford has sent an explanation of sublimation which he read to me and seems very clear, he's working like mad on the journal. Haue is still very ill, and to make things worse there is an action going on, or rather about to go on, in New Zealand against the man who circulates the journal there. To compensate Clifford has had a very nice and flattering letter from Harry Benjamin, and Leofelt (?) in doing "question and answers"Tiny will be at Eastbourne with her mother while you are here she is very sorry, so am I.
This morning I went to the shore and got on with my painting. I have finished the Cliff now, it is going rather slowly as there is so much structural detail and shore a subtle reuse of colour
70571231 - Preacher357
2 these were expensive cinemas - atleast a dollar to those days!
Clifford has sent an explanation
of sublination which he read
to me and seems very clear -
he's working like mad on the
journal - Haire is still very ill,
and to make things worse there is
an action going on - or rather about
to go on - in New Zealand against
the man who circulates the journal
there. To compensate Clifford has
had a very nice and flatterly letter
from Harry Benjamin, and
Lesfelt (?) in doing "Questions and
Tiny will be at Eastbourne with
her mother while you are here,
she is very sorry - so am I.
This morning I went to the
shore and got on with my painting.
I have finished the Cliff now - it
is going rather slowly as there is
so much structural detail and
such a subtle range of colour
WINNER - 71286962 - JanetCormack
2 these were expensive cinemas - at least a dollar in those days! Clifford has sent an explanation of sublimation which he read to me and seems very clear - he's working like mad on the journal - Haine is still very ill, and to make things worse there is an action going on - or rather about to go on -, in New Zealand against the man who circulates the journal there. To compensate Clifford has had a very nice and flattering letter from Henry Benjamin, and Lesfelt (?) is doing "questions and answers".Tiny will be at Eastbourne with her mother while you are here she is very sorry - so am I.
This morning I went to the Shore and got on with my painting I have finished the Cliff now - it is going rather slowly as there is so much structural detail and such a subtle range of colour
71452917 - tmeconverse
2 these were expensive answers - atleast a dollar in those days!
Clifford has sent an explanation
of sublimation which he read
to me and seems very clear -
he's working like mad on the
Journal. Marie is still very ill,
and to make things worse there is
an action going one - or rather about
to go on-; in New Zealand against
the man who circulates the Journal
there. To compensate Clifford has
had a very nice and flattering letter
from Henry Benjamin, and
Lesfelt (?) is doing "Questions and
Tiny will be at Eastbourne with
her mother while you are here.
She is very sorry - so am I.
This morning I went to the
shore and got on with my painting.
I have finished the Cliff now - it
is going rather slowly as there is
so much structural detail and
such a subtle range of clolour
71645622 - Zooniverse2017
2 these were expensive canvases - atleast a dollar in those days!
Clifford has sent an explanation
of subliminations which he read
to me and seems very clear -
he's working like mad on the
journal - Haire is still very ill
and to make things worse there is
an auction going on - or rather about
to go on -, in New Zealand against
the man who circulates the journal
there. To compensate Clifford has
had a very nice and flattery letter
from Harry Benjamin, and
Lesfelt (?) in doing "Questions and
Tiny will be at Eastbourne with
her mother while you are here
she is very sorry - so am I.
This morning I went to the
shore and got on with my painting
I have finished the Cliff now - it
is going rather slowly as there is
so much structural detail and
such a subtle range of colours
71746693 - racjohn
these were expensive cinemas - at least a dollar those days! Clifford has sent an explanation of Sublimation which he read to me and seems very clear - he's working like mad on the journal. Haire is still very ill, and to make things worse there is an action going on - or rather about to go on -, in New Zealand against the man who circulates the journal there. To compensate Clifford has had a very nice and flattering letter from Harry Benjamin, and Lesfelt (?) in doing "questions and Answers"Jinny will be at Eastbourne with her mother while you are here. She is very sorry - so am I.
This morning I went to the shore and got on with my painting. I have finished the Cliff now - it is going rather slowly as there is so much structural detail and such a subtle range of colours