- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.7
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68824993 - Preacher357
- 68845118 - tmeconverse
- 68991658 - jesseytucker
- 69689257 - Crazycatz935
- WINNER - 69730100 - Frosty1
- 70493743 - mlesullivan
- 74024467 - mar15ted
- 74025318 - darryluk
- 74149147 - EValleyY6
- 74151227 - EValleyY6
- 74402499 - wrightj2h
- 74412660 - cramirezmoreno
- 74555486 - not-logged-in-2d11de5e0860be7adf54
- 74661747 - TabithaKnight
- 74693441 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c

68824993 - Preacher357
12-9-52 Pett Dearest LawrenceMonkey.Shine is Capers, anties,
monkey tricks, even practical jokes
I think - Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so
many useful books for your lecture
at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie
think Kierkeyaurd the leading light of
all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls
them; who, he thinks, by their
preachings betry our civilization -
C. gave me his reasons yesterday
for not liking Auden -, although he
enjoys Montelow and -
because Auden preaches and propag-
anders and is not content to state.
Ehor's doing the same now, as in
"the Cocktail Party", and Queen has
spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral
68845118 - tmeconverse
Pett 12.9.52Dearest Lawrence
Monkey Shines is Capers, antics,
monkey tricks, even practical jokes
I think. Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so
many useful books for your lecture
at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie
think Kierkegaard the leading light of
all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls
them; who, he thinks, by their infantile
preachings betray our civilization.
C. gave me his reasons yesterday
for not liking Auden -, although he
enjoys Montalaw and Manaiac -
because Auden preaches and propag-
andas and is not content to state.
Ehor's doing the same now, as in
"the Cocktail party", and Gwen has
spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral
68991658 - jesseytucker
Pett 12-9-52Dearest Lawrence
Monkeyshine is capers, antics,
monkey tricks, even practical jokes
I think. Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so
many useful books for your lecture
at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie
think Kierkegard the leading light of
all the "angst boys" and Clifford calls
them; who, he thinks, by their infantile
preachings betray our civilization.
C. gave me his reasons yesterday
for ot likeing Amden, altought he
enjoys Montalow and Manaiae,
because Auden preaches and propag-
andas and is not content to state
Eliot's doing the same now, as in
"the Cocktail party", and Green has
spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral
69689257 - Crazycatz935
Dearest Lawrence
Monkey. Shine 'n Capers, antics,
monkey tricks, even practical jokes
I think, Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so
many useful books for your lecture
at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie
think her background the leading light of
all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls
them; who, he thinks, by then unfair
preachings betray our civilization-
C. gave me his reasons yesterday
for not liking Austen- , although he
enjoys Montalow and Maurice-
because Austen preaches and propag-
andas and is not content to state.
Eliot's doing the same now, as in
"The Cocktail Party", and Gwenn has
spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral
WINNER - 69730100 - Frosty1
Pett 12 . 9 . 52Dearest Lawrence
Monkey Shine is capers, antics, monkey tricks, even practical jokes I think - Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so many useful books for your lecture at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie think Kierkegaard the leading light of all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls them; who, he thinks, by their infantile preachings betray our civilization - C. gave me his reasons yesterday for not liking Auden -, although he enjoys Montalow and Mauciac - because Auden preaches and propagandas and is not content to state. Eliot's doing the same now, as in "the Cocktail party", and Green has spoilt the " End of the Affair" by moral
70493743 - mlesullivan
Pett 12.9.52Dearest Lawrence
Monkey Shine is Capers, antics, monkey tricks even practical jokes I think , Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so many useful books for your lecture at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie think Kierkegaard the leading light of the "angst boys" as Clifford calls them; who, he thinks, by the infantile preachings betray our civilization -
C. gave me his reasons yesterday for not liking Arden - although he enjoys Montalon and Manaiae - because Auden preaches and propagandas and is not content to state. Eliot's doing the same now, as in "the Coktail party", and Cween has spoilt the "End of the Affair"by moral
74024467 - mar15ted
Pett 12.9.52 Dearest Lawrence. Monkey Shine is Capers, antics, monkey tricks, even practical jokes I think. Clifford looked it up. I am so glad you have found so many useful books for your lecture at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie think Kierkegaard the leading light of all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls them; who, he thinks, by their infantile preachings betray our civilization. C. gave me his reasons yesterday for not liking Auden, although he enjoys Montalow and because Auden preaches and propagandas and is not content to state. Eliot's doing the same now, as is "the Cocktail party", and Green has spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral74025318 - darryluk
Dearest Lawrence
Monkey Shine is capers antics, monkey tricks, even practical jokes I think - Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so many useful books for your lecture at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie think kierkeguard the leading light of all the 'August Boys' as Clifford calls them; who he thinks, by their infantile preachings betray our civilisation - C. gave me his reasons yesterday for not liking Auden, although he enjoys Montalow and Manqiac because Auden preaches and propagandas and is not content to state Eliot is doing the same now, as in "The Cocktail Party", and Green has spoilt the "End of Affairs" by moral
74149147 - EValleyY6
74151227 - EValleyY6
diary74402499 - wrightj2h
74412660 - cramirezmoreno
PeH 12/9/52Dearest Lorence
74555486 - not-logged-in-2d11de5e0860be7adf54
Dearest Lawrence
Monkey Shire is Capers, antics, monkey tricks, even practical jokes
I think. Clifford looked it up.
I am so glad you have found so
many useful books for your lecture
at Wimbledon. Clifford and Marjorie
think Kierkegard the leading light of
all the "angst boys" as Clifford calls
them; who, he thinks, by their infantile
preachings betray our civilization.
C gave me his reasons yesterday
for not liking Auden, although he
enjoys Montalon and Mangiae -
because Auden preaches and propag-
andas and is not content to state.
Eliot is doing the same now, as in
"the Cocktail party", and Green has
spoilt the "End of the Affair" by moral
74661747 - TabithaKnight
74693441 - not-logged-in-37e6fc48d1f5985a964c
Dearest Lourence blablablablabkaba