- Max. dissimilarity: 0.125
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.086
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68692511 - eileenmargaret
- 68966378 - jesseytucker
- 69460629 - JanetCormack
- 69913325 - the3esses
- 71524606 - Preacher357
- WINNER - 72307388 - Eboo
- 72482499 - wrightj2h

68692511 - eileenmargaret
3 and defoliate the tomatoes and mow the lawn - there are of course plenty of other things - I feel vigorous exercise in the fresh air may do me good - I don't feel at all well and didn't get to sleep until after 3 this morning. I read a rather disjointed article by B Nicholson in the Burlington.I will discuss the short story with the woods - only dates though. I haven't admitted to seeing "La Ronde" yet!
I enclose the necessary "Horizon". May I have it back please. And if ever you should come across No 88 (lst part of St John of the Cross} I would be very glad to buy it. I also enclose the Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you are writing a poem - I shall be
68966378 - jesseytucker
3 and defoliate the tomatoes and mowthe lawn--there are of course plenty
of other tings. I feel vigorous
exercise in the fresh air may do me
good. I don't feel at all well
and didn't get to sleep until
after 3 this morning. I read a
rather disjointed article by B. Nicholson
in the Burlington.
I will discuss the short story with
the Woods--only dates though!
I haven't admitted to seeing "La Ronde"
I enclose the necessary "Horizon"
may I have it back please. And
if ever you should come across
No. 88 (1st part of Sr. John of
the Cross) I should be very glad
to buy it. I also enclose the
Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you
are writing a poem--I shall be
69460629 - JanetCormack
3 and defoliate the tomatoes and mow the lawn - there are of course plenty of other things - I feel vigourous exercise in the fresh air may do me good - I don't feel at all well and didn't get to sleep until after 3 this morning. I read a rather disjointed article by B. Nicholson in the Burlington.I will discuss the short story with the Woods - only dates though I haven't admitted to seeing "La Ronde" yet!
I enclose the necessary "Horizon". May I have it back please. And if you should ever come across No. 88 (1st part of St. John of the Cross) I should be very glad to buy it. I also enclose the Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you are writing a poem - I shall be
69913325 - the3esses
3and defoliate the tomatoes and mow the lawn - there are of course plenty of other things - I feel vigourous exercise in the fresh air may do me good - I don't feel at all well and didn't get to sleep until after 3 this morning, I read a rather disjointed article by B. Nicholas in the Burlington.
I will discuss the short story with the wood's - only dates though!
I haven't admited to seeing "La Ronde" yet!
I enclose the necessary "Horizon". may I have it back please. And if ever you should come across No.88 (ist part of St John of the Cross) I should be very glad to buy it. I also enclose the Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you are writing a poem - I shall be
71524606 - Preacher357
3 and defoliate the tomatoes and mowthe lawn - there are of course plenty
of other things - I feel vigourious
exercise in the fresh air - may do me
good - I don't feel at all well
and didn't get to sleep until
after 3 this morning. I read a
rather disjointed article by B. Nichleson
in the Burlington.
I will discuss the short story with
the Wood's - only dates though!
I haven't admited to seeing 'La Ronde'
I enclose the nesessary "Horizon",
my I have the back please. And
if ever you should come across
No. 88 (1st part of St. John of
the Cross), I should be very glad
to buy it. I also enclose the
Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you
are writing a poem - I shall be
WINNER - 72307388 - Eboo
3.and defoliate the tomatoes and mow
the lawn. There are of course plenty
of other things. I feel vigorous
exercise in the fresh air may do me
good. I don't feel at all well
and didn't get to sleep until
after 3 this morning. I read a
rather disjointed article by B. Nicholson
in the Burlington.
I will discuss the short story with
the Woods. Only dates though
I haven't admitted to seeing 'La Ronde'
I enclose the necessary "Horizon".
May I have it back please. And
if ever you should come across
No. 88 (Its part of St. John of
the Cross) I should be very glad
to buy it. I also enclose the
Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you
are writing a poem. I shall be
72482499 - wrightj2h
3and defoliate the tomatoes and now the lawn - there are of course plenty of other things - I feel vigorous exercise in the fresh air may do me good - I don't feel at all well and didn't get to sleep until after 3 this morning. I read a rather disjointed article by B. Nieheim in the Burlington.
I will discuss the short story with the woods - only dates though I haven't admitted to seeing 'La Ronde' yet!
I enclose the necessary "Horizon" may I have it back please. And if ever you should come across No. 88 (1st part of St John of the Cross) I should be very glad to buy it. I also enclose the Masson you wanted.
I am so glad to hear that you are writing a poem - I shall be