- Max. dissimilarity: 0.176
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.1
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68732886 - ALBECA
- 69737629 - tmeconverse
- 69749494 - jesseytucker
- 69917965 - JanetCormack
- 70124010 - gailkoelker
- WINNER - 70176796 - glt

68732886 - ALBECA
3I can't do much more to R and A until I have finished Cliff end, except perhaps to put in a sky - but I would like to do that out of doors if possible - the Paine with the flowers - I wish the wind would drop - I hate it anyway.
On your birthday I am going to Miss Campbell's to do a painting of her and she will do one of me! Which will be rather fun - I hope my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you say about Anden, but after having read Spear's article - or nearly all of Spear's article I find it very difficult not & heartily agree with Clifford.
One can over look, while disliking, his rejection of Eros and the world in general, for although it is not necessary to the Chironian it is a line after taken - so that the Fall over shadows the God-created world and fresh - but to deny the
69737629 - tmeconverse
3I can't do much more to R and A
until I have finished Cliff End,
except perhaps to put in a sky -
but I would like to do that out of
doors if possible - the same with
the flowers. I wish the wind would
drop. I hate it anyway.
On your birthday I am going
to Miss Campbell's to do a painting
of her and she will do one of me!
Which will be rather fun. I hope
my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you
say about Auden, but after having read
Spear's article - or nearly all of Spear's
articles I find it very difficult not
to heartily agree with Clifford.
One can over look, while disliking,
his rejection of Eros and the world
in general, bur although it is not
necessary to the Christian it is
a line often taken - so that the
Fall overshadows the God-created
world and fresh - but to deny the
69749494 - jesseytucker
3 I can't do much more to R and Auntil I have finished Cliff End,
except perhaps to put in a sky,
but I would like to do that out of
doors if possible, the fame with
the flowers, I wish the end world
drop, I hate it anyway.
On your birthday I am going
to Miss Campbell's to do a pantry
of her and she will do one of me!
Which will be rather fun. I hope
my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you
say about Anden, but after having read
Spears article, or nearly all of Spear's
article I find it very difficult not
to heartily agree with Clifford.
One can over look, while diskely,
his rejection of Eros and the world
in general, for although it is not
necesssary to the Christian it is
a line after takne, so that the
Fall overshadows the God-created
world and fresh--but to deny the
69917965 - JanetCormack
3 I can't do much more to R and A until I have finished Cliff End, except perhaps to put in a sky - but I would like to do that out of doors if possible - the same with the flowers - I wish the wind would drop - I hate it anyway.On your birthday I am going to Miss Campbell's to do a painting of her and she will do one of me! which will be rather fun - I hope my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you say about Auden, but after having read Spears article - or nearly all of Spear's article I find it difficult not to heartily agree with Clifford. One can over look, while disliking his rejection of Eros and the world in general, for although it is not necessary to the Christian it is a line often taken - so that the fall over shadoes the God-created world all fresh - but to deny the
70124010 - gailkoelker
3 I can't do much more to R and A until I have finished Cliff End, except perhaps to put in a sky-but I would like to do that out of doors if possible-the same with the flowers. I wish the would drop. I hate it anyway.On your birthday I am going to Miss Campbell's to do a painting of her and she will do one of me! Which will be rather fun. I hope my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you say about Auden, but after having read Spears article-or nearly all of Spear's article I find it very difficult not to heartily agree with Clifford. One can over look, while disliking, his rejection of Eros and the world in general, for although it is not necessary to the Christian it is a line often taken. So that that Fall overshadows the God-created world and fresh-but to deny the
WINNER - 70176796 - glt
3 I can't do much more to R and A until I have finished Cliff End, except perhaps to put in a sky - but I would like to do that out of doors if possible - the same with the flowers - I wish the wind would drop - I hate it anyway.On your birthday I am going to Miss Campbell's to do a painting of her and she will do one of me! Which will be rather fun - I hope my cold is better by then!
I will read Clifford what you say about Auden, but after having read Spears article - or nearly all of Spear's article I find it very difficult not to heartily agree with Clifford. One can over look, while disliking, his rejection of Eros and the world in general, for although it is not necessary to the Christian it is a line often taken - so that the Fall overshadows the God-created world and fresh - but to deny thee