- Max. dissimilarity: 0.261
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.172
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69077097 - auntieloribeth
- WINNER - 69106081 - Chris5420
- 69164857 - jesseytucker
- 70715261 - saffyre13
- 71053820 - Zooniverse2017
- 71578863 - Preacher357

69077097 - auntieloribeth
Sept. 17.City of York Art Gallery
Appointment of Art Assistant.
Applications are invited for the post Art
Assistant of Grade A.P. T. (495 x 150
540). Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the history of Art
and be able to catalogue a large coll-
ection. An ablity to lecture is desirable.
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gov:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service fo the Nation
Joint council for Local Authorities
Administrative Professional, Lechineal and Clerical Services. The successful candidate will be required to pass a
medical examination.
Applications with copies of three recent testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov: 10th 1952.
Canevrsing with this
Hans Hess, Curator
WINNER - 69106081 - Chris5420
Sept. 17City of York Art Gallery
Appointment of Art Assistant.
Applications are invited for the post of Art
Assistant on Grade A.P.T. Ii (lb495 x 15-
lb540). Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the history of Art
and be able to catalogue a large coll-
ection.. An ability to lecture is desirable.
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gov:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service of the National
Joint council for Local Authorities,
Administrative, Professional, Technical
and Clerical Services. The successful
candidate will be required to pass a
medical examination.
Applications with copies of three recent
testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov: 10th 1952:
Canvassing will disqualify
Hans Hess, Curator
69164857 - jesseytucker
Sept 17City of York Art Gallery
Appointment of Art Assistant
Applications are invited for the post of Art
Assistant on Grade APT II (495x15--
540) Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the History of Art
and be to catalogue a large coll-
ection. An ability to lecture is desireable
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gov:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service of the National
Joint Council for Local Authorities'
Administrative Professional, Lechmeal
Candidate will be required to pass a
medical examination.
Applications with copes of three recent
testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov. 10th 1952.
Hans Hess, Curator PTO
70715261 - saffyre13
City of York Art Gallery Sept 17Appointment of Art Assistant.
Applications are invited for the post of Art
Assistant on Grate A.P.T. II (495x15 -
540). Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the history of Art
and be able to catalogue a large coll-
ection. An ability to lecture is desirable.
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gov:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service of the National
Joint Council for Local Authorities'
and Clerical Services. The successful
candidate will be required to pass a
medical examination.
Applications with copies of three recent
testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov 10th 1952:
Canvassing will disqualify
Hans Hess, Curator P.T.O.
71053820 - Zooniverse2017
City of York Art Gallery Sept. 17Appointment of Art Assistant.
Applicants are invited for the post of Art
Assistant on Grade A. P. V. II (lb495x15 -
lb540). Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the history of Art
and be able to catalogue a large coll-
ection. An ability to lecture is desirable.
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gov:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service of the National
Jury Council for Local Authorities
and Clerical Services. The successful
candidate will be required to pass a
medical examination.
Application with copies of three recent
testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov: 10th 1952.
Canvassing will disqualify.
Hans Hess, Curatior, P.T.O
71578863 - Preacher357
Sept 17 City of York Art GalleryAppointment of Art Assistant.
Applications are invited for the post of Art
Assistant on Grade A.P.T. II (495 x 15 -
540). Applicants should have
a good knowledge of the history of Art
and able to catalogue a large coll-
ection. An ability to lecture is desirable.
A university degree will be considered
an advantage. The appointment is
subject to the provisions of the Local Gor:
Superannuation Act 1937, and to the terms
and conditions of service of the National
Joint Council for Local Authorities'
Administrative, Professional, Lechineal,
and Clerical Services. The successful
candidate will be required to pass a
Medical examination.
Applications with copies of three recent
testimonials should reach me
not later than Nov: 10th 1952.
Canvassing with disquailing
Hans Hess, Curator. P.T.O.