- Max. dissimilarity: 0.215
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.115
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68806759 - jesseytucker
- 69894163 - pogostickies
- 70955935 - JanetCormack
- 71219106 - ChaoticK
- WINNER - 71699781 - Preacher357
- 71717539 - the3esses

68806759 - jesseytucker
3. one criticism,shouldn't line four of verse
three be "and of fate" for
the sake of the rhythm?
Tiny is arranging all her ward-
robe for her week's holiday. I
think it will be very good for her
as she has pain in her week--
she thinks it athritis, and the
rest may help--anyway she won't
have to think of meals!
I haven't any news at all!
Could you possibly manage to bring
a picture with you? That unfear
med one of me against the light
for instance--that framed
circulating viewpoint one of
you? or any there to get
out of the way--not ones I
want to show I think--but
it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward
to seeing you, and wish you could
69894163 - pogostickies
3. One criticism,shouldn't line four of verse
three be "and of fate" for
the sake of the rhythm?
... is arranging all her ward-robe for her weeks' holiday - I
think it will be very good for her
as she has pain in her neck -
she thinks it arthritis - and the
rest may help - anyway she won't
have to think of meals!
I haven't any news at all!
Could you possibly manage to bring
a picture with you? That unfram-
ed one of me - against the light
for instance - that framed
circulating view + point one of
you? or any others to get
out of the way - not ones I
want to show D think - but
it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward
to seeing you, and wish you could
70955935 - JanetCormack
3. one criticism shouldn't line four of vers three be "and of fate" for the sake of the rhythym?Tiny is arranging all her wardrobe for her weeks' holiday - I think it will be very good for her as she has pain in her neck - she thinks it is arthritis - and the rest may help - anyway she won't have to think of meals!
I haven't any news at all. Could you possibly manage to bring a picture with you? That unframed one of me - against the light for instance - that framed circulating viewpoint one of you? or any others to get out if the way - not ones I want to show I think - but it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward to seeing you, and wish you could
71219106 - ChaoticK
3. one critisisms, shouldn't line four of verse three be "and a fate" for the sake of the rhythm?Luing is arranging all her ward-
robe for her weeks' holiday. I think it will be very good for her as she has pain in her neck - she thinks its arthritis - ad ther rest may help - anyway she won't have to think of meals!
I haven't any news at all!
Could you possibly manage to bring a picture with you? That unfra-med one of me against te light for instance - that framed circlating view + paint one of you ? or any others to get out of the way - not ones I want to show I think - but it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward to seeing you, and wish you could
WINNER - 71699781 - Preacher357
3. one critisism,shouldn't line four of verse
three be "and of fate" for
the sake of the rhythm?
Tiny is arranging all her ward-
robe for her weeks holiday - I
think it will be very good for her
as she has pain in her neck -
she thinks it's arthritis and the
rest may help - any way she won't
have to think of Meals!
I haven't any news at all!
Could you possibly manage to bring
a picture with you? That unfram-
ed one of me - against the light
for instance - that framed
circulating view & point one of
you? or any others to get
out of the way - not ones I
want to show I think - but
it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward
to seeing you, and wish you could
71717539 - the3esses
3. one critizism, should't line four of verse three be "and of fate" for the sake of the rhythm?Tiny is arranging all her wardrobe for her weeks' holiday. I think it will be very good for her as she has pain in her neck she thinks it arthritis - and the rest may help - anyway she won't have to think of meals!
I haven't any news at all! Could you possibly manage to bring a picture with you? That unframed one of me - against the light for instance - that framed circulating view-point one of you? or any others to get out of the way - not ones I want to show I think - but it doesn't matter.
Dear love, how I look forward to seeing you, and wish you could