- Max. dissimilarity: 0.243
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.126
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68782644 - JanetCormack
- 69621676 - gailkoelker
- 71637321 - tmeconverse
- 71698948 - Preacher357
- 71708884 - wrightj2h
- WINNER - 71726874 - saffyre13
- 72540717 - southsidesunny

68782644 - JanetCormack
2. is that? I am so glad and I hope it is interesting and remunerative. Have you asked Charles to put you on London University?I showed Tiny the landscape you drew and read her your letter. (I hope that Lincoln is more beguiling!) Tiny shook her head, when I showed her your picture, in agreement. I adore Dandy's portrait. Isn't he handsome! I do love him.
I remember vividly the book on versions of Pastoral and the stimulating chapter on double plots.
I should, of course, be madly flattered if you had some slides made of my paintings! I think it costs about 2/6 or did. I'm so glad tha tyou feel so enthusiastic - not only because that is delightful in itself - but you will be able to empart you enthusiasm to others, and not be ashamed to be associated with me. I am so glad that you like Cliff End and the Furcade
69621676 - gailkoelker
2 is that? I am so glad and I hope it is interesting and remunerative. Have you asked Charles to put you on London University?I showed Tiny the landscape you drew and read her your letter (I hope that Lincoln is more beguiling!) Tiny shook her head, when I showed her your picture, in agreement. I adore Dandy's portrait. Isn't he handsome! I do love him.
I remember vividly the book on of Pastoral and the stimulating chapter on double plots.
I should, of course, be madly flattered if you had some slides made of my paintings! I think it costs about 2/6 or did. I'm so glad that you feel so enthusiastic-not only because that is delightful in itself-but you will be able to impart your enthusiasm to others, and not be ashamed to be associated with me. I am so glad that you like End and the
71637321 - tmeconverse
2. is that? I am so glad and Ihope it is interesting and remuner-
ative. Have you asked Charles
to put you on London University?
I showed Tiny the landscape
you drew and read her your letter
(I hope that Lincoln is more be-
guiling!) Tiny shook her head,
when I showed her your picture,
in agreement. I adore Dandy's
portrait. Isn't he handsome! I
do love him.
I remember vividly the book on
versions of Pastoral and the stimulat-
ing chapter on double plots.
I should, of course, be madly
flattered if you had some slides
made of my paintings! I think
it costs about 2/6 or did.
I'm so glad that you feels so enthus-
iastic - not only because that
is delightful in its self - but you
will be able to impart your en-
thusiam to others, and not be
ashamed to be associated
with me. I am so glad that
you like Cliff End - and the Lasteale
71698948 - Preacher357
2. is that? I am so glad and Ihope it is interesting and reminer-
ative. Have you asked Charles
to put you on London University?
I showed Tiny the landscape
you drew and read her your letter
(I hope that Lincoln is more be-
!) Tiny shook her head,
when I showed her your picture
in agreement. I adore Dandy's
portrait. Isn't he handsome! I
do love him.
I remember vividly th book on
versions of Pastoral and the stimulat-
ing chapter on double plots.
I should of course, be madly
flattered if you had some slides
made of my paintings! I think
it costs about 2/6 or did.
I'm so glad that you feel so enthis-
iastic - not only because that
is delightful in its self - but you
will be able to empart your en-
thusiasm to others, and not be
ashamed to be associated
with me. I am so glad that
you like Clift End and the
71708884 - wrightj2h that? I am so glad and I hope it is interesting and remunerative. Have you asked Charles to put you on London University?
I showed Tiny the landscape you drew and read her your letter (I hope that Lincoln is more beguiling!) Tiny shook her head, when I showed her your picture, in agreement. I adore Dandy's portrait. Isn't he handsome! I do love him.
I remember vividly the book on versions of Pastoral and the stimulating chapter on double plots.
I shall, of course, be madly flattered if you had some slides made of my paintings! I think it costs abut 2/6 or did. I'm so glad that you feel so enthusiastic - not only because that is delightful in itself - but you will be able to impart your enthusiasm to others, and not be ashamed to be associated with me. I am so glad that you like Cliff End and the Furicole
WINNER - 71726874 - saffyre13
2 is that? I am so glad and Ihope it is interesting and remuner-
ative. Have you asked Charles
to put you on London University?
I showed Tiny the landscape
you drew and read her your letter
(I hope that Lincoln is more be-
guiling!) Tiny shook her head,
when I showed here you picture,
in agreement. I adore Dandy's
portrait. Isn't he handsome! I
do love him.
I remember vividly the book on
versions of Pastoral and the stimulat-
ing chapter on double plots.
I should, of course, be madly
flattered if you had some slides
made of my paintings! I think
it costs about 2/6 or did.
I'm so glad that you feel so enthus-
iastic - not only because that
is delightful in itself - but you
will be able to impart your en-
thusiasm to others, and not be
ashamed to be associated
with me. I am so glad that
you like Cliflt End and the Furrade
72540717 - southsidesunny
2. is that? I am so glad and Ihope it is interesting and remuner-
ative. Have you asked Charles
to put you on London University?
I showed Tiny the landscape
you draw and read her your letter
(I hope that Lincoln is more be-
guiling!) Tiny shook her head,
when I showed her your picture,
in agreement. I adore Dandy's
portrait. Isn't he handsome! I
do love him.
I should of course, be madly
flattered if you had some slides
made of my paintings! I thinlk
it costs about 2/6 or did.
I'm so glad that you feel so enthis-
iastic -- not only because that
is delightful in itself -- but you
will be able to empart your en-
thusiasm to others, and not be
ashamed to be associated
with me. I am so glad that
you like Cult End and the Turnable