- Max. dissimilarity: 0.119
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.075
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68636727 - RommelC
- 68703553 - Molly_Carr
- WINNER - 68810250 - ALBECA
- 68992146 - jesseytucker
- 69102455 - altheist
- 69104729 - JanetCormack

68636727 - RommelC
3. Talking of Press publicity Tiny has talked to our reporter and he is going to give me a write up in February and wants a photo. I thought perhaps we could borrow a camera and Lion would take a picture of Cat in her studio. I didn't say so to Tiny, but although delighted on one hand I felt some trepidation on the other! But I think I could keep out my married name and my exact place of residence it might be very useful- I will discuss it with you privately and will make some notes as to what to say.I am very interested in what you say of the "Psychic Close-up" I think it should be very useful and shows wonderful perception on your part.!
68703553 - Molly_Carr
3 Talking of Press publicity Tiny has talked to our reposter and he is going to give me write up in February and wants a photo - I thought perhaps we could borrow a camera and Lion would take a picture of cat in her studio. I didn't say so to Tiny, but although delighted on one hand I felt some trepidation on the other! But I think if I could keep out my married name and my exact place of residence it might be very useful - I will discuss it with you swatch and will make some notes as is what to say.I am very interested in what you say of the Psychic Close - up I think it should be very useful and shows wonderful perception on your part!
WINNER - 68810250 - ALBECA
3Talking of Press publicity Tiny has talked to our reporter and he is going to give me a write up in February and wants a photo - I thought perhaps we could borrow a camera and Lion would take a picture of Cat in her studio. I didn't say so to Tiny, but although delighted on one hand I felt some trepidation on the other! But I think if I could keep out my married name and my exact place of residence it might be very useful - I will discuss it with you privately and will make some notes as to what to say.
I am very interested in what you say of the Psychic Close-up. I think it should be very useful and shows wonderful perception on your part!
68992146 - jesseytucker
3 Talking of Preso publicity Tinyhas talked to our reporter
and he is going to give me a
write up in February and
wants a photo. I thought
perhaps we could borrow a
camera and Lion would take
a picture of cat in her studio.
I didn't say so to Tiny, but
although delighted on one hand
I felt some trepidation on the
other! But I think if I could
keep out my married name
and my exact place of residence
it might be very useful. I
will discuss it with you porwatch
and will make some notes as to
what to say.
I am very interested in
what you say of the
Psychic Close-Up I think
it should be very useful
and shows wonderful perception
on your part!
69102455 - altheist
3Talking Press publicity Tiny has talked to our reposter and he is going to give me a write up in February and pants a photo - I thought perhaps we could borrow a camera and Lion would take a picture of Cat in her studio. I didn't say so to Tiny, but although delighted on one hand I felt some trepidation on the other! But I think if I could keep out my married name and my exact place of residence it might be very useful - I will discuss it with you pswatch, and will make some notes as is what to say.
I am very interested in what you say of the Psychic Close-up. I think it should be very useful and shows wonderful perception on your part!
69104729 - JanetCormack
3 Talking of Press publicity Tiny has talked to our reporter and he is going to give me a write up in February and wants a photo - I thought perhaps we could borrow a camera and Lion would take a picture of Cat in her studio. I didn't say so to Tiny, but although delighted on one hand I felt some trepidation on the other! But I think if I could keep out my married name and my exact place of residence it might be very useful - I will discuss it with you privately and will make some notes as to what to say.I am very interested in what you say of the Psych Close-Up. I think it should be very useful and shows wonderful perception on your part!