- Max. dissimilarity: 0.487
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.258
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 69104504 - JanetCormack
- 69409015 - jesseytucker
- 69888158 - Zooniverse2017
- 70588657 - Chris5420
- 70756978 - BlossLearningSpot
- 71421811 - not-logged-in-953bdcbd0499980e8d66

WINNER - 69104504 - JanetCormack
Look up china marks and one or two things - a nuisance but necessary. The photographs are supposed to be ready by then - if they are good I will have some enlargements made.I shall borrow Athene this evening to read in bed!
Do look after yourself, my love, I love you dearly, and as you say, shall see you soon. Tiny is singing your praises, how graceful and good you are, so sweet and sympathetic - she loves you So do I my dear Lion - my poet
I adore you
69409015 - jesseytucker
look up China Marks andone or two things--a nunserte
but necessary. The photo-
graphs are supposed to be
ready by then, if they are
good I will have some en-
largements made.
I shall borrow Athene this
evening to read in bed!
Do look after yourself, my
love, I love you dearly,
and as you say, shall see
you soon. Tiny is singing
your praises, how graceful
and good you are, so sweet
and sympathetic--she loves you
so do I my dear Lion--
my poet.
I adore you.
69888158 - Zooniverse2017
Look up China marks andone or two things - a nuisance
but necessary. The photo-
graphs are supposed to be
ready by then - if they are
good I will have some en-
gagements made.
I shall borrow Athene this
evening to read in bed!
Do look after yourself, my
love, I love you dearly,
and as you say, shall see
you soon. Tiny is singing
your praises, how graceful
and good you are, so sweet
and symphatetic - she loves you.
So do I my dear Lion -
my poet,
I adore you
70588657 - Chris5420
Look up china marks and one or two things - a nuisance but necessary. The photo-graphs are supposed to be ready by then - if they are good I will have some en-largements made.I shall borrow Athene this evening to read in bed!
Do look after yourself, my love, I love you dearly, and as you say, shall see you soon. Tiny is singing your praises, how graceful and good you are, so sweet and sympathetic - she loves you. So do I my dear Lion - my poet,
I adore you
70756978 - BlossLearningSpot
Look up china marles and one or two things - necessary. The photo-graphs are supposed to be ready by then. If they are good I will have some enlargements made.I shall this even to read in bed do look after yourself,my love,I love you dearly,and as you say,shall see you soon.tinyyou praises,,how graceful and good you are, so sweet with sympathy-she loves you so do dear lion my poet ,I adore you
71421811 - not-logged-in-953bdcbd0499980e8d66
look up China makes and the or two things- a numeral but necassary. the photo-graphs are supposed to be ready by then. if they are good they will have some arrangements made. i shall bossons alter this even to read in bed! do look after youself my love. i love you dearly, and as you say, shall see you soon. time is simply promises, bow graceful and good you are, so swear and sympathetic- she loves you so does i my great lion, my poor, jadore you wife.