- Max. dissimilarity: 0.18
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.116
- Image votes: 0.0
- 69000806 - Salwell
- 69688731 - jesseytucker
- 69854926 - auntieloribeth
- 70080329 - pogostickies
- 70409611 - j_l_alfred
- WINNER - 70948560 - JanetCormack

69000806 - Salwell
3 discuss this with M. willyou make a draft of your
catalogue introduction - I
don't know how long it should
be - but I'd like to know
soon what you are going to
say - then I can tell the
people! - including the reporter.
Jimy and I are planning to
have a small party - Lines
the savages and a few others
when you are down in Jan-
Mary to ensure somebody
coming to the private view
Do add all the addresses you
can think of to the address
George and beryl like you
so much and said they were
so grateful to me for introducing
you to them. George said
that you and he were the best
lecturers at the Art School
69688731 - jesseytucker
3 discuss this with M. Willyou make a draft of your
catalogue introduction. I
don't know how long it should
be--but I'd like to know
soon what you are going to
say--then I can tell other
people!--including the reporter.
Tiny and I are preparing to
have a small party. Lives
The Savages and a few others
when ou are down in Jan-
uary to ensure somebody
coming to the private view.
Do add all the addresses you
can think of to the address
Geroge and Beryl like you
so much and said they were
so grateful to me for introducing
you to them. George said
that you and he were the best
lecturers at the Art School
69854926 - auntieloribeth
and discuss this with M. Willyou make a draft of your
catalogue introduction - I
don't know how long it should
be - but i'd like to know
soon what you are gong to
say - then I can tell other
people! - including the reports.
Larry and I are planning to
have a small party - Like
the Savages and a few others
when you are down in Jan-
uary to ensure someboy
coming to the private review
Do add all the address you
can think of the address
George and Beryl like you
so much and said they were
so grateful to me for introducing
you to them. George said
that you and he were the best
lecturers at the Art School
70080329 - pogostickies
3 Discuss this with M. Willyou make a draft of your
catalogue introduction - I
son't know how long it should
be - but I'd like to know
soon what you are going to
say - then I can tell the
people! - including the reporter.
Tiny and I are planning to
have a small party - Likes
the Savages and a few others
when you are down in Jan-
uary to ensure somebody
coming to the private view
Do add all the addresses you
can think of to the address
George and Beryl like you
so much and said they were
so grateful to me for introducing
you to them. George said
that you and he were the best
lecturers at the Art School
70409611 - j_l_alfred
3 discus this with M. WIllyou make a draft of your
catalogue introduction - I
don't know how long it should
be - but I'd like to know
soon what you are going to
say - then I can tell other
people! - including the reporter.
Emily and I are planning to
have a small party - Likes
the Savages and a few others
when you are down in Jan -
many to ensure somebody
coming to the private view
Do add all the addresses you
can think of to the address
book -
George and Beryl like you
so much and said they were
so grateful to me for introducing
you to them. George said
that you and he were the best
lecturers at the Art School.
WINNER - 70948560 - JanetCormack
3 discuss this with M. Will you make a draft of your catalogue introduction - I don't know how long it should be - but I'd like to know soon what you are going to say - then I can tell other people! - including the reporter!Tiny and I are planning to have a small party - Lines The Savages and a few others when you are down in Jan - Mary to ensure somebody coming to the private view. Do add all the addresses you can think of to the address book.
George and Beryl like you so much and said they were so grateful to me for introducing you to them. George said that you and he were the best lecturers at the Art School