- Max. dissimilarity: 0.344
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.158
- Image votes: 0.0
- 68706863 - hoskinml
- WINNER - 68723396 - JanetCormack
- 68804340 - jsprake
- 69964146 - southsidesunny
- 70495901 - mlesullivan
- 71010040 - Mirsandia

68706863 - hoskinml
[1952?]My dearest Sylvia -
"The Childhood of the Poet" is only a provisional title: another idea was "Master, I bat on". It is as illusive in christen as "Hogarth". No, "Hogarth a re-assessment" won't do= it is a descriptive subtitle, not a title in itself (&there are too may books just called Hogarth.)- The other poem is one I mentioned - the poet attacked by ob-jects and then reconciled to them = again the title is not final. Once the nature of the murders in "The Childhood" is realised they are, I hope you will find, less alarming. I have written some more of "Hogarth's Friends", am prepar-ing next week's N. G. lectures, and feel like writing some more poems. I have re-arranged the hanging of your pictures, and they give me new pleasure.
I love you
WINNER - 68723396 - JanetCormack
[1952?]My dearest Sylvia -
"The Childhood of the Poet" is only a provisional title: another idea was "Master, I bat on". It is as illusive (elusive) to christen as "Hogarth". No, "Hogarth a re-asssessment" won't do: it is a descriptive sub-title, not a title in itself (& there are too many books just called Hogarth). The other poem is one I mentioned - the poet attacked by objects and then reconciled to them: again the title is not final. Once the nature of the murders in "The Childhood" is realised, they are, I hope you will find, less alarming. I have written some more of "Hogarth's Friends", am preparing next week's N.G. lectures, and feel like writing some more poems. I have re-arranged the hanging of your pictures, and they give me new pleasure.
I love you
68804340 - jsprake
[1952?]My dearest Sylvia
"The childhood of the Poet" is only a
provisional title; another idea was
"Master, I bat on". It is as illusive
in christen as "Hogarth". No, "Hogarth
a re-assessment" won't do; it is a des-
criptive subtitle, not a title in itself
(& there are too many books just called
Hogarth) the other poem is one I
mentioned - the poet attacked by ob-
jects and then reconciled to them; again
the title is not final. Once the nature of the murders in "The Childhood" is
realized they are, I hop you will find,
less alarming. I have written some
more of "Hogarth's Friends", am prepar-
ing next week's N.G. lectures, and
feel like writing some more poems.
I have re-arranged the hanging of
your pictures and they give me new pleasure.
I love you
69964146 - southsidesunny
My dearest Sylvia-
"The childhood of the Poet" is on;y a
provisional title = another idea was
"Master, I bat on". It is as illusive
to christen as "Hogarth", No, "Hogarth
a re-assessment" won't do = it is a des-
criptive subtitle, not a title in itself
(& there are too many books just called
Hogarth). The other poem is one I
mentioned -- the poet attacked by ob-
jects and then reconciled to them = again
the title is not final. Once the nature
of the murders in "The Childhood" is
realised they are, I hope you will find,
less alarming. I have written some
more of "Hogarth's Friends", am prepar
ing next week's N.G. lectures, and
feel like writing some more poems.
I have re-arranged the hanging of
your pictures, and they give me new
I love you
70495901 - mlesullivan
[1952?]My dearest Sylvia -
"The childhood of the Poet" is only a provisional title: another idea was "Master, I bat on". It is as illusive in christen as "Hogarth." No, "Hogarth a re-assessment" won't do: it is a descriptive subtitle, not a title in itself ( there are too many books just called Hogarth) - The other poem is one I mentioned - the poet attacked by objects and then reconciled to them : again the title is not final. Once the nature of the murders in "The Childhood" is realized they are, I hope you will find, less alarming. I have written some more of "Hogarth's Friends", am preparing next week's N G lectures, and feel like writing some more poems. I have re-arranged the ranging of your pictures, and they give me new pleasures.
I love you
71010040 - Mirsandia
[19527]My dearest Sylvia-
"The childhood of the Poet" is only a
provisional title = another idea was
"Master, I bat on". It is as illusive
in christen as "Morgortl". No, "Hogortl
a re-asseasment" won't do = it is as des-
criptive subtitle, not a title in itself
(& there are two many books just called
Hogarth.)- The other poem is one I
mentioned- the poet attacked by ob-
jects and ther reconciled to them= again
teh tittle is not juvial. Once the native
of the murder in "The childhoos" is
realised they are, I hope tou will jud,
len alarming. I have written some
more of "Hegorth's friends", am propos-
ing next week's N. G. lectures, and
feel like writing some more poems.
I have re-arranged the hanging of
your picures, and they give me new
I love you